**Waiting and Waiting...2018 Mommies To Be! <3**

Welcome to the new ladies! :wave:

Keely - I totally understand the excitement and reservations you have about your niece being born. My SIL had a little girl in February (so only 6 months after I had Everett) and even though it hasn't even been that long since I gave birth, the differences between Everett and his cousin are huge and my ovaries started screaming at me to have another :haha:

AFM - I went to my OB for my yearly pap at the end of February. It didn't go all that well, unfortunately. My results came back abnormal again and I need to get another cervical biopsy done (I had one done last summer while I was pregnant with Everett). On top of that, there was some tenderness in my ovaries that I got an ultrasound done to check out - I have cysts on my ovaries and adneomiosis (sp?), which is when the uterine lining grows into the muscles of the uterus just like with endometriosis except in a different area. I go back to the doctor tomorrow to discuss what impact it's going to have on my fertility and future pregnancies. I'm freaking out a bit. I'm really hoping the impact won't be as bad as I think it'll be, though.

On the plus side, I think my cycles might finally be returning soon. A few days ago, I took an ovulation test and it was definitely negative - the test line was barely there. I took one today on a whim and it was *almost* positive. :happydance: At least if I'm not ovulating quite yet, my body is trying to do something.

Hope you're all doing well! :flower:
It feels like I haven't posted here in a long time even though I creep the thread. :haha: I'll be done my first year of college in just a few weeks and this semester has been harder than first. We've had so many group projects to do and two individual ones. :wacko:

It feels like my first year has gone by soooooo fast and in my second year I go on placement where I get hands on experience working with a student or students with exceptionalities. I'm really excited for that!!! :happydance:

I still don't know when I'll have my own children and I know I do. Maybe I'll figure that out after I graduate from college? :shrug:
Hello to all! I don't post often, but I do like to check in every once in a while to see how everyone is doing. I just wanted to pop in and say congratulations to all who have gotten their positives! I'm so excited for all of you.
We will officially begin trying in May! I am so excited, I can hardly stand it. However, I am so anxious about have difficulties. I am an anxious person already, and I tend to over analyze things. There are a few things about both my husband and myself that makes me think we might have fertility issues. Even though I know it usually takes at least a couple months to get pregnant. I am just going to be crushed when it doesn't happen right away.
Anyway, I know I probably sound like a crazy person, so I'll end my rant there.
Good luck to those trying this month!
Hey All! I hope your WTT journey is going ok and you are all keeping well. As promised I am here to update you- I got my BFP this cycle! I am so happy and nervous, and grateful that my TTC was not long.

Thanks all for being here at the start of my journey!
swedengirl I was just over hear reading through the thread and saw your update! Congrats! Come join us over in 1st Tri :) :happydance:

Welcome to everyone who is new to WTT. My journey here was shorter than expected, but it was great to have the support. Enjoy your waiting time.
Congrats on your :bfp: Swedengirl! :happydance: :flower:
I'll update the list and put you under our expecting members section. Please let me know when you know your due date so that I can put it by your name. :D

karoolia - Do you have a due date for us yet? I can't believe that you're already 8 weeks along! How are you feeling? :D

Sorry it's been a while ladies! I hope that you're all doing well. :hugs:

As for me still working on potty training DS. DD started walking almost a month ago and she's getting better and better at it every day. She's starting to walk more than she crawls now. That paired with her sudden growth of longer hair/curls practically overnight and she looks so grown up now. :cry: <3
Part of me has no idea how I'm going to wait for another year and a half but at the same time September/October 2017 feels too close to start trying. "It'll be worth it in the long run" has been my mantra since December. :haha:
*April 2017*

sarah34 - Baby #2

Peonyrose - Baby #1

Alleke - Baby #1, swaying :pink:

KailaB24 - Baby #1

aublake - Baby #1, NTNP, TTC in May 2017

wantingbubba7 - Baby #2, NTNP, TTC (IVF) in June 2017

aidensxmomma (Terah) - Baby #5 (Baby #2 with OH), NTNP, TTC in September 2017

Sorry I'm a little late with this! It's your month ladies, best of luck on your NTNP/TTC journeys and lots of babydust! May your journeys be short and sweet. :dust: :flower:
Thanks! My due date based on my ovulation is the 14th of December :)
Thanks! My due date based on my ovulation is the 14th of December :)

Awesome! I'll go ahead and edit the list for you. Let me know if your date changes at your first ultrasound. It shouldn't if you're going based on ovulation though. :D
I'll stay as April for now as hopefully we should be ttc at the end of the month, however I am currently waiting for a diagnosis of Celiac so need to wait for that first. Endoscopy on 20th &#55357;&#56873; Xx
Good luck with your endoscopy hun! I really hope that it turns out okay and you get to TTC at the end of the month like you're hoping to. :hugs:
Hi everyone, it looks like I am back here again.

After the longest wait of my life I finally had my first scan yesterday (Thursday) right at 10 weeks. Unfortunately the baby had stopped developing at 8 weeks and there was no heart beat. I chose to have a D&C done rather than wait for my body to figure it out. I just got back from the hospital after having the procedure this afternoon.

My OB said we could start trying again as soon as I felt up to it, but to wait 4 weeks before dtd again. So I guess I'm waiting to try until June (assuming my cycles start up again on time).

We also found out last week that our cat is very sick. She is happy and doing alright now, but her prognosis is bad and we are basically just watching her for quality of life.

April has not been a good month for us. Here's hoping for a better May.
It's been forever since I've updated! I'll try to catch up and I apologize if I miss anyone.

swedengirl - Congrats! Have a happy & healthy 9 months! :flower:

aublake - Starting TTC was really exciting and scary for me when DH and I were TTC my youngest. Even while we were TTC, I went back and forth between super excited and terrified :haha: If this is too personal, just ignore, but what makes you think that you and your DH might have fertility issues?

And you definitely don't sound crazy. I think most people go through those fears.

Tara - Congrats on being close to finishing your first year of college! :happydance:

Keely - How's potty training DS going? Everett just started crawling (kind of) and I'm terrified for when he starts walking - he's going to be trouble! :haha: I imagine once he starts walking, I'm going to feel like he's not a baby anymore also. I'm not looking forward to it.

sarah - I hope your endoscopy went well. :flower: FX that you'll still get to start TTC this month!

karoolia - I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: I hope you have an easy time healing, both physically and emotionally. :hugs: I am also very sorry to hear about your cat. I hope that May is a much better month for you.

AFM - I was right about ovulating soon when I wrote my last post. At 9dpo, I ended up getting a BFP. Unfortunately, I had another chemical. :cry: I'm now on cd14 and waiting to ovulate again. I was really hoping that we would have an easier time TTC this time around, but it's not looking like it's going to be. :nope: The only silver lining is that OH has agreed to start TTC this cycle.

In other news, Everett is army crawling and about to get his bottom two teeth in. He's getting so, so big and I can't handle it :haha: He'll be 8 months old on Sunday. Tomorrow, my big kids are having a birthday party with their friends. Aiden just turned 9 on the 12th. It's so bittersweet. He's my oldest and I'm so proud of the big kid that he is, but on the other hand, he's supposed to stay little forever. He's definitely not a baby anymore and it's sad. We're doing a combined party for the older kids since Mady's birthday isn't until August. It was much easier to invite her friends during the school year. So they're both really excited. :)
karoolia and Terah - I'm so sorry for your losses! :cry: :hugs:
I added both of your angels to the list. I really hope that you get your beautiful rainbows the next time. Lots of sticky baby dust to you both. :dust:

karoolia - I'm also sorry about your cat. I really hope that she feels better soon! :hugs:
I added you to June 2017 for WTT. Please let me know if anything changes. We're all here for you if you need anything. <3

Terah - That really sucks about the CP and the fact that it's looking like this time is going to be a rough TTC journey too. I have my FXed that your journey can still be a short and sweet one! Since you said that OH agreed to TTC next month I took you off the September section of the list and changed your TTC status on the NTNP/TTC list. Best of luck for May and lots of baby dust! :dust: :D

Potty training DS is going a little better now. We took a step back and decided to be really laid back about it and let him make his own choices with it and it worked. He's now letting us know a lot more often when he has to go pee (still not much luck with pooping on the potty) and even told us when he needed to go pee at the IL's house earlier today and went on the big potty! Hopefully he'll be fully day trained by age 4. :happydance:

I participated in the Great Cloth Diaper Change yesterday and had a lot of fun! I made a new friend too. So many people complimented my diaper bag and wrap and told me how beautiful DD is. She was such a good girl the whole time too despite having to get up earlier than usual. I was a super proud mama. :cloud9: <3
DD's been walking really well and talking up a storm lately too. However we're getting 1st year molars in so that hasn't been so much fun. It seems like all of her teeth are kind of coming in at once now, she only had 2 teeth for ages.
Just a little update from me, endoscopy went well. Not comfortable but not horrendous!

Should have biopsy results back in a couple of weeks at which point I will speak with the GP about having my coil removed. The gastro that did the endoscopy said she was 95% sure I have celiac because of my blood test but can't be clinically diagnosed until the biopsy results come back. I just hope they don't recommend waiting a further 6 months before ttc! I don't think I can wait that long.

Also, AF started today. That means a 39 day cycle which isn't too bad!
Thanks so much Kalon. I'm sorry I didn't update here more during my pregnancy. I kept waiting for that first ultrasound to confirm dates and feel reassured then the day finally came and it was only bad news.

My poor cat isn't doing well either. My husband is calling the vet today to see if they will come to our apartment to euthanize her. We don't think we're there yet, but we know it will be time very soon and want to know what the options are. She had a good morning today, but was really starting to suffer during the weekend. One day at a time.

The only thing that may change for us is we may TTC again in May, but as of right now the OB said I need 4 weeks to heal. I'm supposed to call today to make a follow up appointment from my D&C so I'm hoping he says things are healing well, but for now we wait.
sarah34 - I'm glad that your endoscopy went well! FXed that you get good news back from your biopsy. It would suck having to wait another 6 months for health reasons when you're so close to TTC. :(
I'm currently on CD4 after a 29 day cycle. So far my cycles have been much more regular this time while breastfeeding than they were while breastfeeding my DS. So far postpartum I've had a 34 day cycle, a 30 day cycle, a 32 day cycle, another 30 day cycle, and then a 29 day cycle. When I'm not breastfeeding my cycles are normally 28 days so they really haven't been that far off. My cycles ranged anywhere between 25-38 days when I was breastfeeding DS and didn't go back to my normal 28 day cycles until 4 months after he weaned. Then we TTC and fell pregnant my DD 2 months after that.

karoolia - It's perfectly okay hun! You can keep us updated as much, little, or often as you want. We're here if you need anyone to talk to but it's also fine if you need space. I'm sorry that it looks like your poor kitty's time is almost up. It's definitely a good idea to explore your options. :hugs:
Only one more final until I'm done for the summer!!!!! :happydance:

I'm sorry about your cat karoolia.

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