**Waiting and Waiting...2018 Mommies To Be! <3**

Hi amotherslove! Sounds like you have an exciting fall coming up!

How far along are you in nursing school? I'm going back to school in the fall myself, but it is all online so probably a lot more flexible than your schedule! I know nursing school can be very demanding. Very worth it though. My husband is a doctor and he says the hospitals would fall apart if it weren't for the nurses.

I've just completed classes in my second of four years! i'm beginning second year clinical practice in june and i get to do cardio/heart transplant this time! it should be an exciting though slooooooooooooow summer waiting to get to make this baby! :) it can be quite demanding but i am thankfully/luckily very gifted academically so i've been making straight A's with a toddler at home. even if a baby DOES affect my grades, it wont even be enough to matter. and i plan to take baby to class with me while he/she is little. :happydance:
When I was in law school a classmate had a baby and she took him to class all the time. It was actually really great because law school is a very stressful place, but he was such a happy baby he always cheered everyone up :)

Sounds like you get great grades, congrats! I was thinking it must be tough to go to school with a toddler then a baby as well. You're a champ!

The other good thing is when you do start trying you will probably be too busy to obsess too much over every symptom or test every single day (I may be prone to that sometimes..) and drive yourself crazy.
Sorry that I've been so bad at keeping up ladies. We've had a whole lot happen and it is definitely getting to me.

This will basically just be a long rant, so feel free to skip if you'd like. :flower:
DH and I have been living in our apartment for two years. We've pretty quickly outgrown it and put in our notice that we were leaving. We had a lot of trouble finding something we liked within our price range, but after I picked my daughter up from Girl Scouts one day, I saw a For Rent sign at a duplex a couple blocks from her school. Long story short, we liked it, we applied and we were approved :happydance: There were a lot of things we liked about it and it seemed ideal. I was finally less stressed and looking forward moving in. On May 4, we signed our lease. We started moving things over May 5. Unfortunately, DH and I discovered a gas leak and our gas was shut off, leaving us without heat and hot water. We had already made arrangements to move all of our furniture and other big stuff for Sunday (May 6) so we had to go through with it. We tried to contact our landlords, but couldn't get alond of them or even leave them a message :growlmad: We finally got in contact Monday morning, but they didn't have someone come fix the gas until Tuesday afternoon :growlmad: :growlmad: But we figured things would go more smoothly. Well, they didn't. I started suffering with allergies shortly after we started staying there. I thought they were maybe pollen allergies. However, within the next couple days, Everett got really sick, too. And my two cats also got really sick. :cry: With some digging, we determined it was mold. Our landlords refused to believe there was any mold, they said it was just mildew, and that everyone reacts to it so it's fine. :dohh: We explained the health issues and they relented and agree to break our lease and return our deposit.

But I am absolutely devastated over this. DH and I are now making an emergency move to my grandma's - 100 miles away from the city we were living in. We drained our savings for this move and are going to have a really hard time recovering from this. My kids are going to have to switch schools and leave all their friends and everything. Not only that, but it's incredibly hard to stay with my grandparents. They're old and set in their ways. They do not handle disruptions in their routines well and having their granddaughter, her husband, and three kids move in is a huge disruption. The only plus side to any of this is that we are close to our families again (my grandparents, my mom, DH's dad, and my ex-in-laws (which will allow my big kids to have visits with their dad again).

I'm really struggling with this all right now. But I'm trying to be strong for my kids. I feel so lost and devastated though. And DH is still in our rental getting things packed while I'm 100 miles away. :nope:
aidensxmomma - I'm so sorry. That all sounds like an absolute nightmare!How frustrating for you DH and your kids. I'm glad you have somewhere to go and will be around family, but that doesn't nullify the trauma of this whole experience. I really hope things work out for you and that life gets better quickly.
When I was in law school a classmate had a baby and she took him to class all the time. It was actually really great because law school is a very stressful place, but he was such a happy baby he always cheered everyone up :)

Sounds like you get great grades, congrats! I was thinking it must be tough to go to school with a toddler then a baby as well. You're a champ!

The other good thing is when you do start trying you will probably be too busy to obsess too much over every symptom or test every single day (I may be prone to that sometimes..) and drive yourself crazy.

haha dont worry, i will be right there with you, obsessing like mad. i have ADHD so my mind can be multiple places at once hahaha. waiting is hard, but that TWW is even harder. i remember from the last two times.

i hope that bringing my baby to school is just as happy making as you described. i just dont want to be away from my baby if i can help it. it'll make breastfeeding easier if baby is with me :)
Sorry that I've been so bad at keeping up ladies. We've had a whole lot happen and it is definitely getting to me.

This will basically just be a long rant, so feel free to skip if you'd like. :flower:
DH and I have been living in our apartment for two years. We've pretty quickly outgrown it and put in our notice that we were leaving. We had a lot of trouble finding something we liked within our price range, but after I picked my daughter up from Girl Scouts one day, I saw a For Rent sign at a duplex a couple blocks from her school. Long story short, we liked it, we applied and we were approved :happydance: There were a lot of things we liked about it and it seemed ideal. I was finally less stressed and looking forward moving in. On May 4, we signed our lease. We started moving things over May 5. Unfortunately, DH and I discovered a gas leak and our gas was shut off, leaving us without heat and hot water. We had already made arrangements to move all of our furniture and other big stuff for Sunday (May 6) so we had to go through with it. We tried to contact our landlords, but couldn't get alond of them or even leave them a message :growlmad: We finally got in contact Monday morning, but they didn't have someone come fix the gas until Tuesday afternoon :growlmad: :growlmad: But we figured things would go more smoothly. Well, they didn't. I started suffering with allergies shortly after we started staying there. I thought they were maybe pollen allergies. However, within the next couple days, Everett got really sick, too. And my two cats also got really sick. :cry: With some digging, we determined it was mold. Our landlords refused to believe there was any mold, they said it was just mildew, and that everyone reacts to it so it's fine. :dohh: We explained the health issues and they relented and agree to break our lease and return our deposit.

But I am absolutely devastated over this. DH and I are now making an emergency move to my grandma's - 100 miles away from the city we were living in. We drained our savings for this move and are going to have a really hard time recovering from this. My kids are going to have to switch schools and leave all their friends and everything. Not only that, but it's incredibly hard to stay with my grandparents. They're old and set in their ways. They do not handle disruptions in their routines well and having their granddaughter, her husband, and three kids move in is a huge disruption. The only plus side to any of this is that we are close to our families again (my grandparents, my mom, DH's dad, and my ex-in-laws (which will allow my big kids to have visits with their dad again).

I'm really struggling with this all right now. But I'm trying to be strong for my kids. I feel so lost and devastated though. And DH is still in our rental getting things packed while I'm 100 miles away. :nope:

this sounds like so much to deal with. i'm so very sorry. <3 i hope you guys can find some stability soon!!1
amotherslove, I just noticed you are Canadian (Or at least I think I just noticed, forgive me if I already got excited over this! haha). Me too! We're in the US at the moment for my husband's medical residency, but if all goes well we will be moving back home July 2018!

Annnnd just before hitting send I noticed you are from NS!! We're from Cape Breton :) Where are you doing your nursing degree? I have friends that graduated with there nursing from Dal, X, and CBU, all are great nurses today!
amotherslove, I just noticed you are Canadian (Or at least I think I just noticed, forgive me if I already got excited over this! haha). Me too! We're in the US at the moment for my husband's medical residency, but if all goes well we will be moving back home July 2018!

Annnnd just before hitting send I noticed you are from NS!! We're from Cape Breton :) Where are you doing your nursing degree? I have friends that graduated with there nursing from Dal, X, and CBU, all are great nurses today!

oh wow!!!! small freaking world!!! i'm at Dal. :) i live in halifax! very cool having someone close by!! where in the US are you guys staying right now?
I went to dal for 8 years doing 3 degrees there! Great school!

We're in Iowa! Still not sure how we ended up matching here, but here we are. I miss NS though, especially the ocean.
i would miss that alot too. i lived in fredericton during my highschool and first degree. that was rough. NS is my home for sure. :)
Little update from me :)

The biopsies I had taken were inconclusive for celiac and since I have been mostly well for a month or so without a change in diet we have decided to have my coil removed. I have an appt at the clinic tomorrow at 6.30pm!
Great news Sarah!!

I'm feeling very anxious to ttc again. We have been ntnp, but with this post-miscarriage cycle I'm not even sure I ovulated. CD33 today. Never thought I would be hoping for af to arrive, but here I am. Roll on next cycle!
Sarah - How exciting! :)

karoolia - I can understand being anxious to TTC. I had an early mc back in Sept 2015 and the cycle after was a lot longer than my normal cycles. I think ovulation was cd35 or something crazy like that. I hope your cycle figures itself out soon :hugs:

wanting - I know this is late, but congrats! :happydance:

amotherslove - Welcome to the group! :flower: I hope your time waiting passes quickly!

AFM - DH and I are trying to find a new rental after realizing staying with my grandparents just isn't going to work. We're not having a ton of luck. :nope: We're hanging in there, though. We should hear back from a couple places Friday, so FX! I know things will work out in the end, but it's still very stressful in the meantime.

I've had a very crazy cycle too. I know breastfeeding can make them irregular, but I didn't expect them to be this bad. I think I finally ovulated today...on cd44! I originally thought I ovulated a little over 2 weeks ago, but I was proven wrong. Surprisingly, DH and I had pretty good timing despite not really trying and thinking my fertile time was already over. So, I guess I'm in the TTW. :thumbup:

Can i join in? I m 32 and DH will be 35 this fall and we have (finally) decided to start trying this December (post my sister in law's wedding in November).

We have a gorgeous lil boy who will be 3 in Jan next year, so we feel comfortable with the age gap.

Did not really have any issues in conceiving my lil guy but would definitely like to loose some weight before we take the plunge.

Yay! i am so excited. i miss being pregnant :p
Welcome Demotivated! I bet your little boy will be very excited to get a little brother or sister! I hope your waiting time goes by quickly! Having a wedding to look forward to may help with that.

aidensmomma - I'm sorry about the wonky cycle, they are such a pain aren't they? I thought I ovulated back on CD15, I had all the symptoms, but I'm thinking now my body just tried and failed. Since we haven't been preventing I keep wondering if I'm in the tww...I'm probably not, but I definitely understand how you're feeling. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! I hope you find a place to live quickly! You haven't had the best luck lately. I'm really hoping it all turns around soon. Maybe you'll get a bfp and a new house around the same time!
Little update from me :)

The biopsies I had taken were inconclusive for celiac and since I have been mostly well for a month or so without a change in diet we have decided to have my coil removed. I have an appt at the clinic tomorrow at 6.30pm!

that is SO EXCITING!!!!!! i am incredibly jealous of the immediacy of your plans! good luck!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Great news Sarah!!

I'm feeling very anxious to ttc again. We have been ntnp, but with this post-miscarriage cycle I'm not even sure I ovulated. CD33 today. Never thought I would be hoping for af to arrive, but here I am. Roll on next cycle!

<3 i hope everything goes well this time. was that your first pregnancy? how far along were you? i lost my first. it was devastating. here for you.

Can i join in? I m 32 and DH will be 35 this fall and we have (finally) decided to start trying this December (post my sister in law's wedding in November).

We have a gorgeous lil boy who will be 3 in Jan next year, so we feel comfortable with the age gap.

Did not really have any issues in conceiving my lil guy but would definitely like to loose some weight before we take the plunge.

Yay! i am so excited. i miss being pregnant :p

we will be TTC around the same time! (though im gonna ttc a bit sooner) our babies might be due around similar times of year!!! :)

welcome! im a newbie here too (though i used BNB back in the days of my first two pregnancies.

i'm also hoping to lose some more weight before we start ttc.
Little update from me :)

The biopsies I had taken were inconclusive for celiac and since I have been mostly well for a month or so without a change in diet we have decided to have my coil removed. I have an appt at the clinic tomorrow at 6.30pm!

that is SO EXCITING!!!!!! i am incredibly jealous of the immediacy of your plans! good luck!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Thank you! We were supposed to ttc in march so a couple months later than planned! I'm sure then next few months will fly by and you'll be ttc before you know it!

I already can't wait to start taking pregnancy tests! Xx
Great news Sarah!!

I'm feeling very anxious to ttc again. We have been ntnp, but with this post-miscarriage cycle I'm not even sure I ovulated. CD33 today. Never thought I would be hoping for af to arrive, but here I am. Roll on next cycle!

<3 i hope everything goes well this time. was that your first pregnancy? how far along were you? i lost my first. it was devastating. here for you.

I was 10 weeks, but baby stopped growing at 8. I had some spotting a few days earlier, but it was mostly just brown and only when I wiped so no one was too concerned. I had a feeling it was over though. My OB wouldn't see me at that point, he made me wait 4 more days until my scheduled first scan at 10 weeks. We saw the baby, it looked perfect for 8 weeks, except I was 10 and there was no heartbeat. :cry:

There is a chance our cat's bacterial infection could have caused it. The OB scoffed at this and said that is just something people say, but our vet warned us that our cat should not be around pregnant women due to the risk of infection from the bacteria. By the time we found out about our cat's sickness it was too late though and the baby had already died. It was likely a chromosomal issue of course, but it is terrible thinking the two things might have been related. It has been a rough spring for us :cry:

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