**Waiting and Waiting...2018 Mommies To Be! <3**

Welcome to all the new ladies! I hope your waits go by quickly!

Ali- I don't think it's crazy to want a smaller gap! I was so nervous before Calvin was born not knowing what it would be like with 2...Now that it's a few weeks in it doesn't seem so bad and feels like it would be manageable with a smaller gap.

Keely- I can't believe Thea is almost 11 months and a year old next month...It feels like she was just born! I'm sure you're just soaking up the last of her baby days

Thank you everyone for the congratulations for my friend. I am just so excited for her. I've started planning her diaper party already and am looking up ideas for the shower. I'm going to co-host with my other best friend (the 3 of us have been friends for almost 20 years now and we always co-host when throwing celebrations for each other). I just can't wait!
Welcome to all the new ladies! I hope your waits go by quickly!

Ali- I don't think it's crazy to want a smaller gap! I was so nervous before Calvin was born not knowing what it would be like with 2...Now that it's a few weeks in it doesn't seem so bad and feels like it would be manageable with a smaller gap.

Keely- I can't believe Thea is almost 11 months and a year old next month...It feels like she was just born! I'm sure you're just soaking up the last of her baby days

Thank you everyone for the congratulations for my friend. I am just so excited for her. I've started planning her diaper party already and am looking up ideas for the shower. I'm going to co-host with my other best friend (the 3 of us have been friends for almost 20 years now and we always co-host when throwing celebrations for each other). I just can't wait!

I'm definitely soaking up the last of her baby days! I seriously can't believe that they're almost over already. It feels like she was just born for me as well. :wacko:
That being said I've been getting excited planning her birthday party! I really want to do a mermaid theme for my bitty Pisces. :happydance:
Ugh. My 8mo is seriously SUCKING at sleep lately. He used to be SO good! Way better than my 2.5 yr old ever was at his age :haha: but lately it's making me re-think trying for baby #3. What if his sleep isn't as good as his sisters is right now? What if he's still waking up a ton close to when baby is born? Ugh :wacko:
kk- congrats to your friend and your whole friend group, it sounds like you are more like a family. It sounds so nice to always have people to celebrate with.

That is one thing that kind of makes me sad about our TTC plans. We both have wonderfully supportive family and friends, but right now we are living in a different country from most of them. We have friends where we are, but it isn't quite the same.
karoolia, I'm right there with you. We moved about a year ago and have friends where we are, but no one I would discuss TTC with. Thats one of the reasons I'm so glad to have found this little community!

I took my last BCP! I'm eager to have my cycle regulate. I feel like I was on the pill for so long I don't have any idea how my body works naturally.
aublake - thanks! I feel the same about this community.
I take my last BCP tomorrow! I am also wondering what my body will do, I have been on the pill forever. I'm hoping for a quick regulation to try in March, but we know it may take a while longer. When are you planning to TTC?
We are planning to start in May. It is probably a little early, but my prescription has to be refilled, and I HATE the doctor (irrational, I know). I didn't see the point in a doctor visit just to refill the prescription when I'll only use it for a month or two longer.
Plus, I wouldn't be upset if I happened to get pregnant early.
Hi everyone! :wave:

Sorry I've been MIA for a while! Things have been really crazy for us and I just haven't had a whole lot of time to get on the forums.

Everett is 5 months now...it feels like he is growing up way too fast. And in just over 2 months, my oldest baby will be 9 :shock:

My OH is going to be starting a new job soon, so I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully he likes it and he decides to stick with it for a career. We are awful adults...I'm 25 and he's 26 and neither of us knows for sure what we want to do when we grow up :haha:

We still plan to TTC in September, but we've pretty much been NTNP since Everett was born. My cycles still haven't come back due to breastfeeding, but I'm thinking they might soon now that our little guy has started eating solids, sometimes goes 3 hours between feeds, and is mostly sleeping through the night. It's been a pretty dramatic change to when he was eating every two hours around the clock.

I hope you all are doing well! :flower:

lilmiss - Huge congrats! :happydance: Sending you lots of sticky baby dust! :dust:

darkriver - There isn't too much that OH and I want to accomplish before having another. Mostly, getting OH settled in his new job and getting into a better routine for the family. Although, I'm considering starting an exercise program of some sort for myself. Not so much to lose weight, though. I just more want something to do for me without having to worry about kids or anything. Plus, I've had issues with my anxiety getting worse since having my little boy, so I figure exercise might be a good way to help that before I try going back on any meds.

swedengirl - I have found out the gender with all four of my kids. I've always been really happy with my decision to find out. With my first, I just really wanted to know; with my second, I wanted a little girl and was just really impatient to find out :haha:; for my third, I had originally planned on staying team yellow but I had a really strong feeling she was a girl and once my ultrasound came, I didn't have the self-control to not find out :dohh:

And with my youngest, my OH really wanted to find out and I left it up to him since Everett was his first baby. I think it was definitely the best idea because I was thinking that I was going to have a girl. So when we found out that we were having a little boy around 18 weeks, it helped me get over that little bit of gender disappointment I had. By the time my little guy was born, I was so thrilled to have another son and I am glad I got out any negative feelings before he was born.

I would eventually like to stay team yellow, but I'm not sure it's going to happen. OH and I are definitely having one more baby, but I plan on finding out for the same reasons I found out with my youngest. If our next baby is another little boy, we will probably have a third together. But if our next is a girl, I'm not sure whether or not we will. So I'm not sure if there's going to be a chance for me to stay team yellow.

kk - Double congrats to your friend! That's really awesome that you guys have been friends for so long. :)

I'll also admit I'm a tad jealous of your friend :blush: I've wanted twins for as long as I've wanted to be a mom. Having my kids running around at home hasn't scared me away from wanting twins, so I doubt anything will. lol
Ashley - Hugs mama! :hugs:
I feel your pain on the sleep front. Both of mine have been sleeping like crap lately too. I really hope they grow out of this by the time September 2018 arrives. :nope:

Terah - I went ahead and added you to the TTC/NTNP list. Good luck with OH's job! :thumbup:

The house we wanted to buy is currently pending sale. :cry:
It's both a good thing and a bad thing. If we're not buying a house it means that I can concentrate on going to school and getting into a career and we can become even more financially stable and be able to TTC when I'm wanting to. Obviously it's bad because it means that we're missing out on a house that we fell in love with and felt like we could live in forever and raise our kids in. :(

On a happier news front we're officially a cloth diaper family! We finally got the rest of what we needed and I sanitized and washed my pre-loved diapers. They're currently air drying and should be ready to use tomorrow. I'm so excited! :cloud9: <3
Ah! what brand are your cloth diapers? I have been researching and beginning our stockpile for our future kiddos. My biggest thought right now is if I should buy a stash of newborn size or just use disposable until they fit in cloth. I have read several blogs about the topic and I just can't decide if newborn diapers are worth the investment.
I'm with you, too, ladies.

We'll be TTCing for a Feb. baby, but Jan. forward is okay. I work in education, and I want maternity leave just before summer break.

It's our first, and we're swaying pink.

I'm hoping all works as promised, but I'm geriatric and have thyroid problems. Ahh, well. Life will be what it will be. For the next three months, I plan to work on that pre-pregnancy checklist (e.g. :wine: ...and check ups, discussions with DH, and overall health improvement).
Hey aidensxmomma!! Ltnc I can't believe Noah is already five months old!
Thought I should check in here. I am starting to have baby fever again and hoping for some good news from our doctors. We are meeting with our geneticist Monday to discuss test results and hopefully our gameplan for next pregnancy.
Ashley - Hugs mama! :hugs:
I feel your pain on the sleep front. Both of mine have been sleeping like crap lately too. I really hope they grow out of this by the time September 2018 arrives. :nope:

Terah - I went ahead and added you to the TTC/NTNP list. Good luck with OH's job! :thumbup:

The house we wanted to buy is currently pending sale. :cry:
It's both a good thing and a bad thing. If we're not buying a house it means that I can concentrate on going to school and getting into a career and we can become even more financially stable and be able to TTC when I'm wanting to. Obviously it's bad because it means that we're missing out on a house that we fell in love with and felt like we could live in forever and raise our kids in. :(

On a happier news front we're officially a cloth diaper family! We finally got the rest of what we needed and I sanitized and washed my pre-loved diapers. They're currently air drying and should be ready to use tomorrow. I'm so excited! :cloud9: <3

I have no idea what's up with him! I've been on some sleep training FB groups and I'm trying to re-set all of his naps and see if that will help him at night. At least you have a year and a half to prepare and hope the sleep gets better lol! I don't know what I'd do if I have two kids that suck at sleep :nope:

I'm sorry about your house :hugs: It's terrible when you fall in love with a home and then it's not available any longer!

Have fun cloth diapering! The prints are all so cute!!
Hi there! I've been lurking on all kinds of boards while my DH and I WTT. Right now we are aiming for September 2017 to start trying for our first.

We've been married for 2 years but together for over 10 (eek! that makes me feel old!). We still have a big to-do list to finish up before then though. DH thinks it's crazy to plan these things out as much as I am. Then I told him how much daycare costs a week and he got all wide eyed- finally seeing my reasoning for a baby fund!

We relocated a few years ago and just haven't been able to develop a solid support network like we had before, especially when it comes to starting a family.
Hey Waiting4Tmrw! Welcome!

My DH thinks I'm nuts for having a baby fund as well. I think when you are a natural planner and you stop and think about the costs, it just makes sense.

We have been together for 11 years, but only married for 1 so I know how you feel about that too! Good luck with everything. I have picked up lost of good tips here just from reading different threads.
Hey there ladies I'm hoping to join you :wave: :flower:

We are getting married in June and will be ttc #2 immediately after the wedding! :happydance: We're staying :yellow: again as we just loved it last time.

We have a 3 year old DD who was incredibly unplanned and we are so grateful for her. I'm actually losing my mind I'm so excited to ttc :cloud9:

We've had ttc date set for over a year now and I was able to control myself... now however as it is coming closer I can't even think straight!!

I'm pretty sure (no expert!) That I'm ovulating and oh dear God the urge to just throw caution to the wind and just :sex: last night was so strong :dohh: Luckily my h2b was the voice of reason there and reminded me that I probably won't fit in my wedding dress if I get pregnant :haha:

Sorry for long post I'm actually going to go crazy from waiting. Hoping to teach myself to relax and learn a few things from you all :flower:
Best of luck with your DH getting the job MrsB! I know it's such agony trying to be patient... fingers crossed for you guys!

We're also waiting to hear more about h2b's job.. hoping we won't have to move again...

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