Hi mummies!
I’m Laura, 33 and have a lovely 10 month old boy Diego. He is 1 on 11th Jan and I am 34 on 14th Jan!
I’m really wondering when to try for my second baby. I’m thinking - shall I just go for it sooner rather than later given the global situation. It could take me a long long time to get situated back in a well paid fixed job, so I thought maybe I should now as I’d like them relatively close in age and if I wait until I’m back on my feet financially and in my own stable home it could be years. I worked in a very specific bespoke travel area so things have been very bad. We currently live in my dads house and he is not always here - lives between here and Scotland where his wife has her main house.
Thoughts and advice are welcome!
Hi Laura welcome to the group.
From what ure saying I'd say ure ready now and I wud go for it.
My son will be 15 months old in December and me and DH started trying just over 9 months ago.
We was gonna wait until Jan 2021 but decided to try earlier because I'm 40, 41 next month and hubby is 45.
Really thought I was going to be pregnant by now, and we have fallen 4 times since April but sadly all were very early miscarriages/chemical pregnancies.
Really glad we started earlier now and didn't wait because we're still trying and I'm now on cycle number 10 ttc.
I'm hoping I won't have anymore losses.
I'm on AF now and my next AF in December is due on 26th December so will be testing around the 22nd dec or 23rd.
Really hope I get a Christmas BFP and a healthy viable pregnancy and baby.
Its really up to you to decide when to try and if u feel ready now I wud just go for it.
Good luck hon
@Suggerhoney we were in the two week wait together back in Aug. I remember you and what you have went through, such a turbulent year I'm sure you're exhausted but still hopeful that sticky baby finds it's way to you in the New year! Are you taking a break for Christmas or still trying? If memory serves me right I believe you were getting bloods taken to see if there was any medical condition going to show? Have you been through this process, if so what did it show? If you don't mind me asking. I wish you a good luck run of trying
Hi hon I had the boods done in September and my results were all normal.
Fell pregnant again in October but unfortunately it was another chemical pregnancy. So thats 4 now.
I've been referred to the recurrent miscarriage unit and I have my first appointment with them next Thursday morning not but its a telephone appointment because of covid which I'm disappointed because I really want a scan to make sure there's nothing going on on the inside.
Very worried there is something wrong but we are still trying.
My AF showed today so now on cd1 again and this cycle is now my 10th ttc.
The next time I will be taking a pregnancy test will be just b4 Xmas.
Really wud love a blazing Christmas BFP but its so hard to stay hopeful after so many losses.
Just hope we fall again and that I don't have anymore miscarriages.
I've been taking Macca root capsules for a few weeks now and they are supposed to help to prevent miscarriage so I really hope they work and we get our very sticky and healthy baby soon.
Good luck for when u start trying hon