Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Mrs R--I don't want to make you feel bad for complaining!! Like I said a few months of trying, especially after a loss, is a few months too many. Thank goodness not many people have as much trouble as I do because then nobody would be having kids :dohh: I love seeing the other ladies on here get BFPs and now three of them have babies :dance: I hope you join them very, very soon :flow:

I hope you are getting through ok, Diana <3
Sara question for you, when you're using EWCM to predict ov, do you go by when it starts? I've never used opks, I tried this cycle, and I think they worked hahaha but the EWCM started a day or so before I got my +ve opk...and then the EWCM was done the day after the +opk.. so it confused me..
Kim, that sounds right on to me. You actually O the day after your first positive OPK and your EWCM should dry up then too (after O). I get EWCM for a couple days but I usually get more and more the days leading up to O. I would say I usually O after 2-3 days of EWCM. I only know for sure when I O because the EWCM dries up but I have a good idea of when it's coming. I usually confirm with OPKs.
Thank you slg76.

So before my mc around ovulation I would get ovary pains and my CM would increase then turn into ewcm. Well today I've had ovary pains and my CM is really creamy? It feels like I normally would right before I ovulate. There's no way I could be ovulating this soon after a mc right? I started spotting on the 25th and the bleeding ended completely yesterday or the day before. I can't remember. But that's way to soon right?
hmmmm, I think it's normal for your body signals to be different this month since your hormone levels are skewed from the pregnancy. I remember having more ovary pain after my mc. It would be quite early but not out of the question for you to be ovulating. Do you ever use OPKs? You could confirm ovulation that way so you don't have to guess. Isn't it frustrating when we can't tell what is going on in our own body?
Seriously annoying slg76! Before my mc my AF was regular the entire 17 years I've had one. My cycles were always about 28-30 days. I always knew within hours when my AF was going to start and always had the same ovulation symptoms each month. Now I have no idea what my body will do. Hopefully it will get back to what is was, but who knows.
Kim - everyone is different with regards to how many days of EWCM, etc but what Sara said is definitely the usual pattern! I sometimes get EWCM for 4 or 5 days. Also, it IS possible to still get EWCM for a day or two after ovulation due to the leftover estrogen - it's happened to me twice, including the time I got this BFP - but the usual is definitely for it to dry up right after O. Good luck this cycle! I like your plan for this month.

Sara - I think you might have confused Kim's and my experience with Linny's reduced fetal movements. The reason they were checking my baby was due to an elevated heart rate, which can be caused by maternal fever/illness. :)

Mrs r - it's possible to O very quickly after an mc. It is also possible that you could get ov pains for a few days before you actually ov (it's happened to me before but then when I -actually- ov it feels different and I can tell). You could also be having weird pains from your uterus shrinking back to normal that you are mistaking for ov pains. The sensation of that was different from what I'd ever experienced before. I agree OPKs might be a good idea to help you out. And the only way to actually confirm ov actually happenED (not just your body is gearing up for it) it through tracking your Basal Body Temperature (BBT) every morning at the same time. But definitely not necessary and can lead to obsessiveness in some. ;) (Not me or anything! Hehe.)
Hope your body stops confusing you soon!
Just to let you know mrs r, I got pos opks all the way through my first cycle after mmc, I think the hormones can be really out of sync that first month or so. I'd say just dtd regularly this first cycle and hopefully you'll catch the egg. As lit says temping is the only way to know for sure.

Lit I'm so glad baby was well and all ok!

Kim yep what slg said! My ewcm usually goes within a day or so of oving. What cd or dpo are you now?

I'm cd8. Getting ready to opk and dtd! Again!!
Thank you for being so welcoming! :hugs:

Mrs R - I'm also nervous for the first time DTD. DH is always patient and understanding with me so it should be okay.

slg76 - thanks for that! I figured it would mostly be about dating purposes. As long as I feel fine and am no longer bleeding, I feel it's okay to at least not prevent. We'll just have to see what happens in the next few weeks. I feel good about this :)

Literati - yes it was my first pregnancy, got my BFP on my third cycle. I feel hopeful I'll have my rainbow soon, which is why I'm NTNP. No TTC stress, but also giving it a chance if it's meant to be!

I could always tell when I ovulate going by CM and simply feeling frisky ;) but my hormones are out of whack now so I'm going to go by the only reliable symptom I get when I ovulate ever since going off BC: terrible acid reflux. So once I feel like I want to heave out my chocolate immediately after eating it, that's when I know ovulation's on its way. #weirdo
And while BBT'ing isn't as reliable after MC, I have resumed doing that just to be able to confirm ovulation in the event that I do conceive while NTNP.

Before we DTD I'm looking into improving my iron intake as I feel I'm probably anemic at this point. (I'm a vegetarian, combine that with MC and we have a winner.)
Does anyone know whether it's safe to take B-complex vitamins (B6/B-complex with B12) again after MC? I stopped bleeding a week ago. I'd ask my midwife / doctor but sadly they're not really helpful at this point.
Hey Ladies

Mrs R. thought I'd tell you that last August I had an early mc, I may even call it a chemical pregnancy, I was about 4 + 5 weeks. Well I ovulated right on time just like always and was pregnant again 3 weeks later (I have a 21 day cycle). So it is possible that you are ovulating. Sadly for me I then had a mmc... but it was such a rare unusual occurence and not related to my mc right before it.

Katie sounds like you're being smart increasing your iron and such. I am a firm believer that you have to advocate for yourself these days, it's just the way the medical systems seem to work, not a bad thing but it's important to understand your body! Good job!

Becky CD 8 huh :) when are you thinking you'll ov this month? Are you doing/taking anything special?

Thanks Lit/Sara and others, I've never paid attention to my EWCM or ov before it's all quite baffling hahaha One thing that seemed odd is that one 2 days my EWCM had dark blood in it... do you think that could be caused by ov? it was never red... but I would feel a bit crampy, then when I wiped (sorry tmi) there would be tonnes of EWCM and some dark brown blood... weird...

AFM I am 4/5 dpo feeling normal :) I don't expect anything this cycle but am looking forward to next cycle!! Becky and Sara hopefully I'll be chasing your bfps!!!

Take care ladies.

Thank you ladies for all your advice. Before I knew I was pregnant and during my pregnancy I had a constant aching in my lower right abdomen right near my pelvis. Doctor thought it may be round ligament pain. But it went away during my mc and now it's back? So it's lower than where my ovary is. Anyone know what that is? Could it be due to my uterus growing and now going back to normal? my body is totally confusing me. :dohh:
Thank you ladies for all your advice. Before I knew I was pregnant and during my pregnancy I had a constant aching in my lower right abdomen right near my pelvis. Doctor thought it may be round ligament pain. But it went away during my mc and now it's back? So it's lower than where my ovary is. Anyone know what that is? Could it be due to my uterus growing and now going back to normal? my body is totally confusing me. :dohh:

Hi Mrs R - I've got the same thing. Still feeling twinging every once in a while in my ovary/groin area and yesterday felt some twinging behind my belly button. I'm thinking it's just my body settling back to how it was before pregnancy.
Katie sounds like you're being smart increasing your iron and such. I am a firm believer that you have to advocate for yourself these days, it's just the way the medical systems seem to work, not a bad thing but it's important to understand your body! Good job!

Thanks Kim. I'm going to continue trusting my own intuition, because medical professionals seem to have more of a wait-and-see-what-goes-wrong approach instead of aiding in being more preventative or staying healthy while recovering. I'm learning that this is up to me.
Katie sounds like you're being smart increasing your iron and such. I am a firm believer that you have to advocate for yourself these days, it's just the way the medical systems seem to work, not a bad thing but it's important to understand your body! Good job!

Thanks Kim. I'm going to continue trusting my own intuition, because medical professionals seem to have more of a wait-and-see-what-goes-wrong approach instead of aiding in being more preventative or staying healthy while recovering. I'm learning that this is up to me.

^^^yes!!! I great up with a Dr for a dad, My body seems to be the exception to normal in medical situations, and I've been through breast cancer treatment. All that taught me that your health is your own responsibility! Sadly, Drs are overworked and sometimes just not very good and they tend to brush off problems and treat everybody the same.

Kim, I know its normal for some women to spot during ovulation. It's from the follicle rupturing. I wouldn't worry about it, especially if it happens regularly.

Happy Independence Day to all the American ladies (and to anybody else that wants to celebrate America :haha:)
I just wanted to pop in and say a massive congratulations to Aleeah and Linny! :happydance: :wohoo: :dance:

Aleeah - she looks absolutely gorgeous!! :cloud9: Can't wait to hear the name you settle on. Glad to hear you've recovered well from the c section. xxx

Linny - Elka Rose is such a beautiful name! :flower: Really looking forward to seeing a picture! Congratulations! I hope everything went well with your birth and you are both recovering well. xxx
Thank you KatieSweet. Nice to know it's not just me having weird aches.:hugs:
Hi ladies,

I'm a little over a week post d&c and the aches and pains seems seem to be normal as our bodies reset. Also, OPKs will turn positive if HCG is in your system, which is probably why you're getting positive opks for days on end.

Kim, spotting during O is common - I'm sure all is fine...maybe it was implantation bleeding??? (fingers super crossed)

Thanks Sara! Happy 4th to you as well! <3

AFM, My doctor put me on pelvic rest for an entire month after my d&c, which stinks since dh and I haven't DTD since I got my positive pregnancy test on May 7.

She also told us to wait 2 full cycles before ttc again - we're going for testing on July 17 so I might wait until we have the results in hopes we can avoid a third loss.

I went to see a therapist on Wednesday - a lovely lady who specializes in pregnancy/fertililty issues. Talking to a 3rd party really helped and I'm looking forward to returning next week. I'm feeling a little better buy it ebbs and flows.
Kim - blood tinged EWCM can be a normal sign of fertility, although I have personally never experienced it.

Katie - B6 should be fine to take after a mc. I know lots of us took it and it can actually help prevent a mc and can help with fertility. The proper dose of b12 should be fine as well.

Mrs w - nice you're at the exciting part of your cycle again.

Alt - I'm glad talking to a counsellor helped you out. That is a long time for pelvic rest! I can see how that would be a bit annoying! It sounds like a good idea to wait to TTC until after you get some of that testing done. :hugs: I hope you never have to go through a loss again.

Teacup - glad you checked in. Anything new with you?

Where is Sabster these days?
Hey ladies

Just getting on to try and write a proper post :)

Lit - So SO glad everything is fine. It makes sense if you had an infection coming on and she was more active. I used to have the opposite, as in her HB would be low and they'd say she was just sleepy...it never really reassured me until I had another one done showing she'd gone back to her usual....So much worry involved in carrying these babes...All worth it! I'm not sure how long she is - i'll measure her later :haha: but she is very tall...she fits into none of the newborn grows. x

Glad to hear the mould has cleared up but what on earth is a Reno Zone? X

Katie S - So sorry to meet you under these circumstances :hugs:....It is not easy at all. Tbh I didn't find midwives terribly helpful in early pregnancy or for 1st tri loss. In any case, there's a ton of well informed women on this thread - you won't find a better support group. X

Cryss - It seems like you got some great betas!? but I can't find the actual post! Anyway...high fives momma! X

Aleeah!!!!! Hello! And welcome to the world ....Gremlin :haha: . She is beautiful and so alert! I love her head of hair too.. Hope you find a name you both like soon.
Wow, what a birth story! If there was ever any small doubt that you are a strong strong woman this puts paid to it! I cannot even imagine your strength of will to keep going despite their 'Cervix news' updates...I know so many women would be put off by that. So glad your recovery is going well...it gives me hope (I will explain more below!)

Mrs R - i'm so sorry to meet you under these circumstances...this is the best place to be though, it's a safe haven...loads of information about things like vitamins, emotional wellbeing, OPK's...they'll cheer you through trying and then pregnancy. X

Kay - Glad to hear you and OH on the same page...I had to have similar conversation with mine about the relaxed approach when zooming towards the big 40. Anyway i'm sure he can't complain about having too much sex :haha:!! I'm sure you can both manage to keep it interesting and relaxed as well X

Appebilly - So so sorry to hear of your loss - and your history - particularly after having waited so patiently for pregnancy. They do say that after miscarriage you can find you are more likely to get pregnant...I certainly found statistics supporting that theory....so hopefully it won't be too long next time. 35 is NOT old...I am 37 and thought I was well past it - but these days we live well and eat well and there's no reason to believe you're past it X

Teacup - Thanks love! How are you getting along love? 22 weeks! I can't believe it! Do you have any bump pics you'd like to share?! X

Bright - How are you doing?

Blue - how are you me dear?! X

Alt - A whole month? That seems excessive...did she say why? Do you know when you'd get the results from the tests back? Really glad that going to see someone helped you (I did the same and found it very helpful)...There's just nothing to say to make it easier...I hope a bit of healing time and some answers will really help when ttc next. x

For all the ladies ttcal who are new and asking about vitamins/herbs/statistics - this was my go-to website for information on all of that stuff - it might help you too! https://sites.google.com/site/miscarriageresearch/home

Afm - Well my birth story is a bit similar to Aleeahs...well, in the sense that it ended with EMCS and I was put on the drip. As you know I went in for reduced movements and they recommended induction, after initially refusing and having a scan the doctor really pressed the issue and between ourselves we decided we needed to do it.

I went in on the sunday and they checked my cervix, only a tiny opening but soft. So they inserted a pessary to try and 'ripen the cervix'. That day I fetl very little and when checked again nothing had changed. They inserted a second one at 10pm and DF had to go home. I spent that night having a lot of medium contractions. Got out the TENS machine and found it a big help. The following morning they checked me again and I was still only 1cm but much more effaced, so they inserted the 3rd pessary.

I went in a hot bath, DF helped me with massage and I spent the day getting stronger contractions. Come evening time I was 2cm and they said they'd be happy to break my waters but labour ward was full so I needed to stay where I was and DF had to go home. DF very angry, I hadn't slept for 2 days and really didn't want him to leave. Anyway, they let him stay till about 2am and gave me diamorphine to try and help me sleep...I did sleep for a bit before they woke me at 6am to check me and I was 4cm so they took me down to labour ward and phoned DF. I vomited several times on the way down and felt pretty out of it. Doctor came in and broke my waters and started me on the drip. It was going ok for about 2 hours on just G&A, then they turned the drip up and my back pain was ramped up 10 times. The doctor came and palpated me and said she thought she was back to back...It felt like that as I was ironically getting a LOT of movement all at the very front. At 3 hours in I could barely breathe the pain was so intense in my back..I thought this couldn't be right but I couldn't even take a breath between contractions to say this. Anyway, at 4 hours the doctor examined me and I was still 4cm. Quite depressing news tbh

They asked me if I wanted to try an epidural and see if pain relief would help open the cervix, I said yes - what could it hurt? - They came in and placed it and initially I thought it was working however I noticed I could still feel quite a bit of back pain. They called the anesthetist back and he said back pain was hardest to get rid of and tried another 'drug'...this also didn't work, then another- still not working. 4 hours later and the pain was there with a vengeance. I didn't realise epidurals could fail sometimes. I was obviously pretty unfortunate with that. Anyway, they checked me again about 10 hours after being put on the drip and I was...yep, still 4cm. I felt like I didn't have a shred of hope to cling to so when they mentioned a C-section I was flooded with relief.

The people in the theatre were lovely to me, in fact everyone was lovely to me on the labour ward...they really helped me to keep going despite no progress in the beginning. And like you Aleeah, I regret nothing.

I was so grateful to sleep that night as well! Elka slept right through - it's like she 'knew' :haha:

So there we go, i'm still struggling with my scar with getting up and I also still have a terrible back from the labour. Breastfeeding was going great to begin with but she slips on her latch a bit now so it is a bit sore, getting help with it though. She's a quiet little thing, no trouble at all - and as they saying goes 'It was all worth it' :haha:

Oh and here's some little pic-a-roos!x


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