Hey ladies
Just getting on to try and write a proper post
Lit - So SO glad everything is fine. It makes sense if you had an infection coming on and she was more active. I used to have the opposite, as in her HB would be low and they'd say she was just sleepy...it never really reassured me until I had another one done showing she'd gone back to her usual....So much worry involved in carrying these babes...All worth it! I'm not sure how long she is - i'll measure her later

but she is very tall...she fits into none of the newborn grows. x
Glad to hear the mould has cleared up but what on earth is a Reno Zone? X
Katie S - So sorry to meet you under these circumstances

....It is not easy at all. Tbh I didn't find midwives terribly helpful in early pregnancy or for 1st tri loss. In any case, there's a ton of well informed women on this thread - you won't find a better support group. X
Cryss - It seems like you got some great betas!? but I can't find the actual post! Anyway...high fives momma! X
Aleeah!!!!! Hello! And welcome to the world ....Gremlin

. She is beautiful and so alert! I love her head of hair too.. Hope you find a name you both like soon.
Wow, what a birth story! If there was ever any small doubt that you are a strong strong woman this puts paid to it! I cannot even imagine your strength of will to keep going despite their 'Cervix news' updates...I know so many women would be put off by that. So glad your recovery is going well...it gives me hope (I will explain more below!)
Mrs R - i'm so sorry to meet you under these circumstances...this is the best place to be though, it's a safe haven...loads of information about things like vitamins, emotional wellbeing, OPK's...they'll cheer you through trying and then pregnancy. X
Kay - Glad to hear you and OH on the same page...I had to have similar conversation with mine about the relaxed approach when zooming towards the big 40. Anyway i'm sure he can't complain about having too much sex

!! I'm sure you can both manage to keep it interesting and relaxed as well X
Appebilly - So so sorry to hear of your loss - and your history - particularly after having waited so patiently for pregnancy. They do say that after miscarriage you can find you are more likely to get pregnant...I certainly found statistics supporting that theory....so hopefully it won't be too long next time. 35 is NOT old...I am 37 and thought I was well past it - but these days we live well and eat well and there's no reason to believe you're past it X
Teacup - Thanks love! How are you getting along love? 22 weeks! I can't believe it! Do you have any bump pics you'd like to share?! X
Bright - How are you doing?
Blue - how are you me dear?! X
Alt - A whole month? That seems excessive...did she say why? Do you know when you'd get the results from the tests back? Really glad that going to see someone helped you (I did the same and found it very helpful)...There's just nothing to say to make it easier...I hope a bit of healing time and some answers will really help when ttc next. x
For all the ladies ttcal who are new and asking about vitamins/herbs/statistics - this was my go-to website for information on all of that stuff - it might help you too!
Afm - Well my birth story is a bit similar to Aleeahs...well, in the sense that it ended with EMCS and I was put on the drip. As you know I went in for reduced movements and they recommended induction, after initially refusing and having a scan the doctor really pressed the issue and between ourselves we decided we needed to do it.
I went in on the sunday and they checked my cervix, only a tiny opening but soft. So they inserted a pessary to try and 'ripen the cervix'. That day I fetl very little and when checked again nothing had changed. They inserted a second one at 10pm and DF had to go home. I spent that night having a lot of medium contractions. Got out the TENS machine and found it a big help. The following morning they checked me again and I was still only 1cm but much more effaced, so they inserted the 3rd pessary.
I went in a hot bath, DF helped me with massage and I spent the day getting stronger contractions. Come evening time I was 2cm and they said they'd be happy to break my waters but labour ward was full so I needed to stay where I was and DF had to go home. DF very angry, I hadn't slept for 2 days and really didn't want him to leave. Anyway, they let him stay till about 2am and gave me diamorphine to try and help me sleep...I did sleep for a bit before they woke me at 6am to check me and I was 4cm so they took me down to labour ward and phoned DF. I vomited several times on the way down and felt pretty out of it. Doctor came in and broke my waters and started me on the drip. It was going ok for about 2 hours on just G&A, then they turned the drip up and my back pain was ramped up 10 times. The doctor came and palpated me and said she thought she was back to back...It felt like that as I was ironically getting a LOT of movement all at the very front. At 3 hours in I could barely breathe the pain was so intense in my back..I thought this couldn't be right but I couldn't even take a breath between contractions to say this. Anyway, at 4 hours the doctor examined me and I was still 4cm. Quite depressing news tbh
They asked me if I wanted to try an epidural and see if pain relief would help open the cervix, I said yes - what could it hurt? - They came in and placed it and initially I thought it was working however I noticed I could still feel quite a bit of back pain. They called the anesthetist back and he said back pain was hardest to get rid of and tried another 'drug'...this also didn't work, then another- still not working. 4 hours later and the pain was there with a vengeance. I didn't realise epidurals could fail sometimes. I was obviously pretty unfortunate with that. Anyway, they checked me again about 10 hours after being put on the drip and I was...yep, still 4cm. I felt like I didn't have a shred of hope to cling to so when they mentioned a C-section I was flooded with relief.
The people in the theatre were lovely to me, in fact everyone was lovely to me on the labour ward...they really helped me to keep going despite no progress in the beginning. And like you Aleeah, I regret nothing.
I was so grateful to sleep that night as well! Elka slept right through - it's like she 'knew'
So there we go, i'm still struggling with my scar with getting up and I also still have a terrible back from the labour. Breastfeeding was going great to begin with but she slips on her latch a bit now so it is a bit sore, getting help with it though. She's a quiet little thing, no trouble at all - and as they saying goes 'It was all worth it'