Lindsay - Wow, Maui! That sounds amaaaazing! That will be a perfect way to kick off the fall. I assume you are bringing Rowan? That really is too bad about having to spend so much time in the shade with a baby. That is one reason I am trying to soak up every last ray of sun I can before baby comes because I know I'll basically be stuck indoors after she arrives! Is it 6 months that babies can wear sunscreen finally?
We won't be going anywhere this summer as don't want to be away from the hospital and then once baby is born we will just be settling in. It sort of sucks we never got to go to the lake this summer, but oh well!
Linny - Sorry to hear that poor Elka has colic! Or should I be saying poor YOU for having to deal with it! That is one of my fears of being a new mom - a colicky baby would be really difficult! I definitely have heard that they outgrow it by about 3 months as well so that is promising...but I will hope that she outgrows it sooner for you! It's so nice your DF has been able to work from home to help you out more.
Also, what an ADORABLE picture of Elka! She is too cute for words! Thanks for posting! Seeing all these baby pics is making me excited too (like blue said)!!
Sara - Happy Birthday to Emily! What are you doing to celebrate?
Blue - Beautiful bump pic! You look great! Thanks for posting!

I cannot believe you're in the third trimester already! How do you feel? Sorry to hear about your pain.

No major signs of labour yet over here.
Bright - Sorry about your BFN. There are definitely people who don't get BFPs until AF is late.
AFM - As I said to Blue, I haven't had any more major signs of labour. I'm still gradually losing my mucous plug, but I know that can happen for weeks. Still getting quite a few BH, but the crampiness is probably less than it was a week or two ago, which makes me think this baby isn't coming anytime soon. Baby has dropped further but my dr didn't do an internal check to see if she is engaged. I have constant pains in my cervix now when I stand which I assume is from her being so low, but I also feel like it could be some further effacement or dilation happening.
I am enjoying my time off so much that I'm hardly noticing my due date get closer and closer. I have a countdown on my phone and was surprised to see there are only 8 days until my due date! I will ask for a membrane sweep at my 39+5 appointment but it won't be my usual doctor so I hope she'll give me one. I STILL haven't packed my hospital bag and for the life of me CANNOT make myself do it. It's almost like subconsciously I like the idea of tempting fate.