Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Emma - Gorgeous bump! Have fun on your trip.

Bright - sorry about the BFN. Hopefully it's just being elusive.

Linny - I'm sorry Elka has colic. She is beautiful! Have you changed your diet to see if something you eat or drink regularly bothers her?

Sara - I hope you caught the egg. If not, is there any way to get his schedule to more closely match your cycle? Happy birthday to Emily! 4 is so fun.
Lindsay - Wow, Maui! That sounds amaaaazing! That will be a perfect way to kick off the fall. I assume you are bringing Rowan? That really is too bad about having to spend so much time in the shade with a baby. That is one reason I am trying to soak up every last ray of sun I can before baby comes because I know I'll basically be stuck indoors after she arrives! Is it 6 months that babies can wear sunscreen finally?

We won't be going anywhere this summer as don't want to be away from the hospital and then once baby is born we will just be settling in. It sort of sucks we never got to go to the lake this summer, but oh well!

Linny - Sorry to hear that poor Elka has colic! Or should I be saying poor YOU for having to deal with it! That is one of my fears of being a new mom - a colicky baby would be really difficult! I definitely have heard that they outgrow it by about 3 months as well so that is promising...but I will hope that she outgrows it sooner for you! It's so nice your DF has been able to work from home to help you out more. :)

Also, what an ADORABLE picture of Elka! She is too cute for words! Thanks for posting! Seeing all these baby pics is making me excited too (like blue said)!!

Sara - Happy Birthday to Emily! What are you doing to celebrate?

Blue - Beautiful bump pic! You look great! Thanks for posting! :) I cannot believe you're in the third trimester already! How do you feel? Sorry to hear about your pain. :( No major signs of labour yet over here.

Bright - Sorry about your BFN. There are definitely people who don't get BFPs until AF is late.

AFM - As I said to Blue, I haven't had any more major signs of labour. I'm still gradually losing my mucous plug, but I know that can happen for weeks. Still getting quite a few BH, but the crampiness is probably less than it was a week or two ago, which makes me think this baby isn't coming anytime soon. Baby has dropped further but my dr didn't do an internal check to see if she is engaged. I have constant pains in my cervix now when I stand which I assume is from her being so low, but I also feel like it could be some further effacement or dilation happening. :)

I am enjoying my time off so much that I'm hardly noticing my due date get closer and closer. I have a countdown on my phone and was surprised to see there are only 8 days until my due date! I will ask for a membrane sweep at my 39+5 appointment but it won't be my usual doctor so I hope she'll give me one. I STILL haven't packed my hospital bag and for the life of me CANNOT make myself do it. It's almost like subconsciously I like the idea of tempting fate. :winkwink:
I feel great lit. Apart from my hip dislocating regularly I feel good. Love being pregnant love feeling baby move around and love having a bump that actually looks like theres a baby in there and not fat! Haha. Cant believe im in the 3rd either feels great haha! I know im going to get much sorer but just means im much closer to baby coming. Ive been referred to physio likely going to end up on crutches. Also have an interview for a new job tomorrow and hoping they dont take one look at me and refuse me !

I dont think your far off if your getting pressure on your cervix all the time. Hope theres not too much more waiting for you have you been trying any of the old tricks to help kick start labour??

Blue - nope, I haven't yet but I will probably start next week. My dr will be away this Sunday and I'd have a dr I've never met deliver my baby if it happened then so I'm trying to keep my legs crossed until after that! ;)

That is so terrible about your hip dislocating! Ouch! I'm glad you're going to be getting physio. I hope your job interview goes well. Surely it would be discrimination not to hire you for being pregnant? Since it is not long until baby comes would you still be able to take maternity leave? Would you just quit?

I felt the same way about the early third trimester - it was so much more exciting knowing I was so much closer to meeting my baby! And I love having a big round bump! Even as it has gotten more and more uncomfortable towards the end I haven't really minded! I've actually even had better moods and more energy this trimester.
Well, I ended up going to the hospital tonight for reduced fetal movements. I had barely felt anything all day but chalked that up to being super active, as I often don't feel anything when I'm moving around a lot (either because it rocks her to sleep, or I just don't notice because I'm moving so much). However, I got home and a couple hours later I still hadn't felt her much (I'd felt the odd gentle movement so knew she was alive but it was much less than usual)...so then I spent the next couple hours trying to get her to move - lying on my side, reclining, poking her, talking to her, having a sugary snack, drinking water, listening to music, etc. Nothing was getting her to move. I felt maybe a veryyyy gentle push back from her when I pressed on her once or twice but it was so light that I couldn't tell if I was imagining it or not. Needless to say, I started to get quite worried and figured I should probably go in to get checked just to be safe.

At the hospital, everything was fine. I got a non-stress test and they told me right away everything looked great. However, I wasn't reassured because her heart rate was lower than it usually is (still very normal for a baby, but my baby is known to have a slightly faster heart rate normally) and I still couldn't feel ANY movement despite the monitor showing she did move a bit. To me, movements that are so light I can't feel them still seems like a warning sign! The staff was not very nice. They weren't rude or anything but I felt they were very dismissive and patronizing and thought I was just dumb for coming in. Our room had zero privacy. We were sharing a room with another couple but their curtain closed completely and ours did NOT so whenever they left/entered the room they could see directly in which I hated. I felt like the nurses hated me and even begrudged bringing me water. The resident was a lot nicer but I still felt like she didn't care much. Thankfully after the non-stress was over she showed me all the movements on the test and reassured me it was very normal and told me that she wanted us to stay until *I* had actually felt movements (not just saw them on the monitor while not feeling them), and if I hadn't in a couple hours they'd do an ultrasound. I was glad she at least recognized the importance of *me* feeling the movements and thankfully within a few minutes baby finally started kicking me and I felt her little foot which reassured me...so after I'd felt several of those we went home. I cried all the way home...I guess as a mix of relief and also feeling stupid/embarrassed that everyone was so dismissive of me and made me feel like I was a dramatic attention seeker. I HATE that I am "one of those people" who goes to the hospital when nothing is actually wrong, but it is always better safe than sorry and I feel like they should have made me feel better about coming in since I am just looking out for my baby. I am embarrassed now if I go into labour and any of the same nurses are working. I wish I never had to see any of them ever again.
Just popping in quickly and read your post lit - do NOT feel embarrassed, ashamed or anything for going in. You are right, and the nurses at my hospital backed me up - it is MATERNAL PERCEPTION of movement which is critical. The monitors can either confirm or deny it but the midwives most definitely said that the mother is used to certain movements and she is the main source of information - not the monitor. They drummed it into me, and indeed it was why I ended up being induced. I'm so glad she's moving again - usually it is just a bit of a quiet day etc, but you absolutely must trust your own instincts. On the very very rare chance that something was wrong - those nurses would not be the ones living with the consequences XX
Thanks, Linny. I agree with you, but still hate feeling dismissed by others. :( I actually think I might have been a bit dehydrated yesterday. I had gone swimming all afternoon and it was hot. I thought nothing of it because I drank normally when I got home, but at the hospital when she finally started moving for me (that I could feel) was only after I'd guzzled 4 cups of water so I could leave a urine sample (again - the fact that I didn't have to pee right away should have been my first clue)...and then when I got home I drank a bunch more and she got ridiculously active for the rest of the night. Then I remembered that I had actually -said- to my DH earlier in the day that I thought I was dehydrated...but later I totally forgot! I'm not sure if that would have significantly affected her movements or not but I'm going to make sure to guzzle tons of water for the rest of the pregnancy (which I normally do anyway) to make sure that doesn't happen again!
Lit I wouldnt be embarrassed either the chances are those staff haven't experienced half of what you have are small. Dont worry about them like linny said. If there was anything wrong then it wouldnt be them having to deal with the consequences. Im glad she got back on form. That night. Its terrifying when things like that happen !

Linny hope you and little one are doing well! Xxx
Linny, what a cute picture of Elka! I love her little outfit :). Sorry to hear that she has colic, I'm sure that has been quite rough on all of you! Hopefully it won't last too long. I know what you mean about them looking like they're in pain though.... Rowan had a rough 2-3 weeks early on (we thought it was gas but really had no idea what caused it) and I kept calling the public health nurse because I thought something was wrong because he looked like he was in pain. What worked for us was me having a warm bath with him, and having him in the moby wrap. I hope you can find some good ways to soothe Elka. That's great that your DF has been able to work from home to help you out.

Sara, happy belated birthday to Emily! Kids are so much fun around that age :). I hope you all enjoy the birthday celebrations!

Blue, I hope you're doing well! I can't believe how far along you are now!! Great bump pic :). Sorry to hear about your hip, I hope you don't end up on crutches! How did the job interview go?

Bright, sorry to see that AF got you! Fingers crossed for next cycle!!

LL, sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital, but I'm really glad everything worked out okay. I agree 100% with what the others said! don't worry about the nurses, if you were concerned you were absolutely right to go in. When I was having regular NSTs they told me every time that if I felt less movement I should come in to be checked - it's much better to be safe than sorry. Not long now though, you better get that hospital bag packed!!

Yes we are very excited for our trip. It's a family trip and my parents and sister and her boyfriend will also be going to lots of hands to help out with Rowan (although he no longer will take a bottle so I won't be going on too many big adventures). Yep, it's 6 months for sunscreen. Apparently you can do small areas before that if you can't cover them up, but the best is to keep them shaded.

AFM, we were given a jolly jumper for Rowan a couple days ago and he LOVES it! He starts smiling and kicking his legs before I can even finish getting the harness on him haha.
Aww linny thats adorable ! Love it when they get excited!!

The interview went well. I got the job. Lol cant believe how far I am either. Sometimes I think its going quick and sometimes it goes slow. Just want my baby here healthy a d happy !!!

Hows all you ladies doing ? Xxx
Congratulations on the job Emma!

Lindsay - He sounds so cute. I love to watch little ones get excited.
Blue - Thanks! It definitely was scary. I'm SO glad she's been extremely active ever since (even though her stretching out and causing stabbing pains in my cervix and ribs simultaneously isn't my favourite feeling in the world)! Congratulations on getting the new job! I hope you really enjoy it.

Lindsay - Thanks! And don't worry - my last-minute hospital trip sent me in a frenzy to pack my bags. They still aren't completely packed but they're about 75% packed and I have a list of things I need to add right before I leave for the hospital. Do you have any helpful tips for the hospital bag?

That sounds like a GREAT family trip and so nice that you will have so much help with Rowan so you will actually get to relax a bit too! Good to know about the jolly jumper. I really would like to get one eventually.

AFM - I am getting very eager to go into labour now. I am still having fun, but it takes a bit more to entertain me now because I'm constantly wondering if I'll go into labour soon! hehe. I haven't had any major signs besides the constant pains in my cervix and tons of braxton hicks, but I have my dr's appointment on Wednesday and I'll find out if I've made any progress then...plus, I will be asking for a membrane sweep! I am feeling (overly) optimistic about that putting me into labour but we'll see!
Thanks Crys and Lit.

Crys how have you been feeling ? Have you had any more scans? Have you told family yet ?

Lit- im eager for you to go into labour too!!! Hehe. Hope you dont have to wait too long. Whos next after you? I can never remember !!

Sara- how are you doing ?

Hows all the new mamas? Feel free to post as many pictures of your little one as your willing to share. Hehe.

Ttcers- anyone in the tww ?

Afm- not much new with me at all. Boobies are still leaking away... the joys... my physio appointment was cancelled which im really angry at! Only been waiting 6 weeks and now will probably have to wait another 6 weeks. 2 weeks on Wed and I get my 31 week scan. Think we might ask if they can see the sex again because Dons and I keep calling baby a she and we are starting to feel bad incase baby is actually a boy that hid his bits! When we fly over for our 31 week scan im going to pack my bag for the hospital and leave it at my mums just so we have that out the way so Dons doesnt need to rush around picking up the wrong things again. Xxx
I'm doing well. Had my scan last week.

Our 18 yo guessed on Friday. Since she knows me well, it was getting to the point of not being hidden too well anymore I guess.

So we told the younger kids Sunday. Tried to tell them in a funny way. I bought our 5 yo a shirt that said: Awesome Sons get promoted to Big Brother. None of them got it. Lol! He wore that shirt all day long so anyone else he ran into found out too. :haha:
Haha thats cute! The innocence of little ones! Do you not get another scan at 12 weeks? Xxx
If I had wanted an NT scan, I could have, but I'm not having that done. I would've loved to have had the blood work to know the gender early...but that's not really a good reason to get it done I guess. Lol.

My doctor didn't offer the 12 week testing to me - only 15 weeks. So I asked her why others have screening at 12 weeks. She said the reason they offer testing at 12 weeks is for those who might choose to terminate if there was something wrong. That she didn't offer it to me as we had been trying so long - and she knows me after 22 years. She wants me to come back in 15 weeks to check for spinal abnormalities as that's when it's best to see those types of things and wants to be prepared at birth if there is a problem.
Crys - I opted not to have the NT scan as well. However, I do think *some* people just want to know and wouldn't terminate if they found something wrong. I know I would never terminate and wouldn't want the worry or be pressured to so I think not getting one was the best choice for me.

I like how you announced to your kids but it's funny how they didn't get it and now more people know because of the t-shirt!

Blue - aren't you next after me? When is teacup due? And where did she disappear to? And sab? I don't remember anyone having a sept or oct due date but I could be totally wrong (sorry to whoever I might be missing)!

That is a good idea to leave your packed hospital bag at your mom's so there's no confusion!
Let us know if you decide to inquire about the gender at 31 weeks! Lately DH and I have been nervous that the u/s tech will have been wrong and we'll end up with a boy after bonding with a girl all this time. Eek!

Lj? Aleeah? Haven't heard from you two in a while! How are you?
Crys - I opted not to have the NT scan as well. However, I do think *some* people just want to know and wouldn't terminate if they found something wrong. I know I would never terminate and wouldn't want the worry or be pressured to so I think not getting one was the best choice for me.

This is what I think too. I've met lots of ladies who just wanted to be prepared. I should've been clear about that after mentioning why my doctor said the tests were given early.
the NT testing is stressfu and long....l! in retrospect I would still do it but not take it as the holy grail of all truths regarding fetal development... I got it at 12 weeks and only got a final result at 16 weeks, after two rounds of testing... I was so stressed out thinking about amnio, termination, placing a disabled child in permanent care... geeeez.......... it was ridiculous. AND my results were perfect, but I guess they were being extra thoughrough, which just stressed me out even more and made me not bond with the baby because I wasnt sure what woud happen and i didnt want to get attached or share the news with anyone...

My mom flat out refused any testing because she said she knew her babies were ok. LOL, I wish I was a bit like her in that sense..

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