Hi ladies
I'm playing catch up again - it's hard to reply on my phone and I don't get much time on the computer these days. I'm sure I'm going to miss some things, I apologise in advance!
Welcome to the new people - sorry to see you here, but it is a lovely supportive group. I hope you all get your rainbow babies soon!
Sara, trying the progesterone sounds like a good idea - certainly can't hurt and may help

Fingers crossed!
Blue, beautiful bump photo!! Not long now until baby arrives

I'm so excited for you. Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble sleeping. I hope you get a good sleeper so you can catch up after baby arrives! I have to admit, I am much more tired now than I was in third tri, but Rowan does not sleep well so hopefully you'll have a different experience
Crys, so glad to hear your quad screen went well. I can't believe you're almost 18 weeks now!!
Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss

I'm glad your OH has reconsidered and will try again. Thinking of you and I hope you get a sticky bfp soon!
Sab, glad to hear you're doing well too

Baby movement is an amazing feeling isn't it? I miss it
Alt, glad to hear all went well with your HSG - fingers crossed for a sticky bfp for you too!!
Linny, glad to hear you and Elka are doing well. I hope your holiday next week goes well! You'll have to update us when you get back

I found traveling with a baby was easier than I had anticipated, hopefully it's the same for you. I love the photo you posted! Elka is a cutie!
LL, glad to hear the block feeding is helping - I had oversupply at the beginning as well, seems to have regulated now though. Good for you getting out to an exercise class. I've been going to a few classes with Rowan, but none by myself yet - the logistics of it haven't worked with his bed time and my DH's work hours. You're right, I was in Hawaii last week. It was a lot of fun, but I was more exhausted when I came home than when I left, lol. Rowan has not been sleeping well and I usually bring him into bed with me at home about half way through the night - unfortunately the bed in the hotel was too soft for that so I was up and down with him all night. He did amazingly well on the airplane though - no trouble with his ears and pretty much slept the entire time.
AFM, Rowan is a lot of fun these days - he smiles and laughs all the time now and really enjoys being out and about. We're still struggling a lot with sleep - ever since he hit the 4 month sleep regression (around 15 - 16 weeks - I thought it was a myth... it is not a myth, lol). We're getting one 3 - 4 hour chunk at the beginning of the night and then he's up every 1 - 2 hours. He's also still only catnapping (30 - 40 mins at a time) for the most part so I don't get much down time during the day. I have had some good success teaching him how to fall asleep IN his crib though, so that's progress. He cut his first tooth last weekend and is working on the second one (I'm sure that's not helping the sleep) and we're going to introduce solids soon which I'm looking forward to. I think he's ready - he's soooo interested in everything we eat, and loves drinking water from a cup (he tries to grab every cup I pick up). I attached a photo of my beach baby from last week in Maui.