Hi ladies

Catching up again - I apologize in advance if I miss anyone!!
Ahh, I know exactly what you all mean about the "secret smile" when breastfeeding - Rowan does it too and it just melts my heart every time
Blue, love your bump pic!! Glad to hear they think baby is head down

It's probably a good thing that you're headed to the mainland sooner than initially planned, that way if baby decides to come early there's no stress. Try not to stress too much about breastfeeding - I was worried before Rowan was born too, but it went much more smoothly than I though (we have been quite lucky that way). Just be prepared to spend a LOT of time the first few weeks with your boobs hanging out, lol. It does get better though, Rowan now eats in 5 or 10 mins.
Linny, I'm glad to hear that Elka managed well with the babysitters

Hubby and I haven't been out in the evening since before Rowan was born - I'm really hoping that if we get the sleep stuff sorted out soon we can go out for dinner or a movie some evening. I think you need a new ticker so we can keep track of how old Elka is

I hope you feel better soon and Elka does not catch whatever you've got!
Bright, good luck with IVF!!
LL, glad that your DH is helping out so you can get some rest - it really is rough when you're trying to function on so little sleep. Rowan is similar when he doesn't get enough sleep - people will often comment, "oh, he's fine, he doesn't look tired" but as soon as they leave, he falls apart if he hasn't had his proper naps.
As for return of AF, you probably don't want to hear it, but I did have some fertile looking CM for a week or so (a couple weeks ago) and my first PP AF arrived on the weekend - I was very disappointed, lol. I was hoping it would be longer as Rowan is still nursing a lot, but oh well.
Teacup, not much longer for you!! I hope the anxiety subsides for you soon.
Ljs, wow, Oscar is little cutie

So glad he's treating you well in the sleep department too! I have to say, I'm jealous

He's growing fast too! Rowan was 15 lbs 10 oz at his 6 month check up last week.
AFM, we have finally made some progress in the sleep department - I've taught Rowan to fall asleep in his crib and he is sleeping longer stretches now (last night was 5.5 hours, and then 4 hours, then 2) so I'm feeling much better. Even some of the naps are getting a bit longer which is really nice. We introduced solids about a week and a half ago but he didn't like any of the purees I tried from a spoon - it got to the point where he would close his mouth when he saw the spoon, lol. So, after speaking to our public health nurse, we are going the baby led weaning way. He is much more receptive to finger foods, but still makes faces when anything with a taste touches his tongue. It's funny because ANY non food item goes directly into his mouth, but he's hesitant with foods, even things that he does not know are food.