Don't think it's over yet!
I'm OK, less nausea but still some side pain. It gets worse in the evening.
OPK are getting slightly, more visible! I'm only on CD10 and O is usually around 13-14, so it's expected I guess. Plus, I O at around 36.6, and so far my temps have been the same for 2 days, so that's a good sign!
DTD last night, and the weekends coming up, so it'll be easier to do as well.
I'm so stressed out about work though. Maybe this is my bodys way of telling me to quit. I wish I could. We just signed a mortgage and are moving in 3 weeks, we get the keys in 2! I'm so excited, tonight we're buying a fridge. It's a grown up fridge, 4 doors and everything

It would be awesome to test positive the week we get the keys. what a way to start anew.