Well my beta has gone down......
.....by 1......
.....in a week!
I'm glad you called. Praying you have an experience a million times better this time.![]()
Nina- Yep, I am charting! I haven't been as careful about paying attention to *every* detail this month, though, since I am not trying. I hope I am like you and feel like I have a fresh start once O is over and done with! I can't wait til AF comes for once (never thought I'd be saying that)!
That is scary about your stabbing pains. I hope it's nothing serious. Do you think it could be ligament pain? I know I was super worried about some stabbing pains several months ago and sometimes they would double me over when I stood up too quickly, but it turned out to be a strained inguinal ligament. Unfortunately, 7 months later, my ligament *still* is bothering me.
bluestars- Haha! Well, we aren't being too productive because I am waiting until AF comes to start trying again. That's why I'm so anxious to get O over with!
Nat - Wow, that is really frustrating and confusing about your levels going down so slowly! I wonder what is going on! Keep us updated.![]()
Lindsay - That is great you booked your ultrasound. I am sure it will be okay even though it's at the same place. I really hope you have an amazing experience this time around! Hopefully it's all up from here! How are your worry/stress levels at this point? And I'm sure I missed it -- but what is your due date?
Crys - Thanks for sharing that site! It's nice that some people really care about supporting those who have experienced pregnancy/infant loss.
Update from me, no more symptoms really. I've also realised I guess I might not have the normal 12 week scan now? As that's being done at 8 weeks?? If I don't get one, we've decided to pay to get one done at 12 weeks anyway. I'd like the reassurance and definitely see that as the next milestone, if and when all being well, the first one goes ok. I pulled the doppler out the other day, funny!! Obviously couldn't find anything but had lots of fun with hubby trying to distinguish the sounds.
Woohoo for quick and painless cycles. I hope your more relaxed approach gets you a BFP soon!Crys they are so sweet!!
Af was painless and quick! First time since feb!! Phew!
Lets just cruise threw this cycle ! Xxxx
Yellow can also mean high progesterone...as long as you have no itching or foul odor. If your progesterone is high enough, it can even turn your CM green every now and then.I'm super wet down there today, but also got a bit of a glob of yellowish, well, sticky glob. Not like EWCM. I was thinking maybe it was leftover from last night when we DTD, it freaked me out because I know it can mean infection. But it was only that once, so hopefully it was just DH.
I used to get a lot of yeast infections, so just the though of something wrong down there gets me itching!
It's super hot hereI hope everyone has a great (and cool!) weekend