Crysshae - I want to come to the party!!! The cake sounds amazing and so does the party!! I'd love to be one of your children!

How lucky are they?! I LOVE cake and love lounging by pools (I can't actually swim but it's entertaining watching me try...)

Please post a pic of the cake, hope you all have a fantastic time.
Early ovulation doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing CD10 isn't too early, I think it would be a concern if it was CD7 or something like that. Eggs mature massively in 24hrs, so you should be good at CD10, though it probably won't do you any harm to take Lindsay's advice to push the date out a bit. Still got my fingers crossed for you this cycle, I genuinely pray for you all everyday.
Bluestars - I've not much planned for the weekend. Annoyingly our Internet has been down since yesterday evening, so I've been trying to get it going through the telephone but it's slow...!

I love your comment that you don't like swimming in the sea, it's too fishy!!!

You're so lucky having so many beaches near you. I was never fond of the water or beaches until a couple of years ago and now love trying to swim, at the amusement of others of course! Your weekend sounds nice.
LiteratiLove - how's ovulation coming along? Have you confirmed it yet?
Nina - How's the pain going? And how are you feeling about this cycle? 5dpo is a funny place, it really is a waiting game for now. Are you still very excited about the house move?xx
Nat - Hope you're having a lovely holiday? And the sun stays out for you x
Lindsay - I love that you've been secretly trying to teach your hubby to clean! I read that out to be husband and he laughed and said: " You women are so sly, you're constantly trying to secretly cuddle me!" I can't help it I like a cuddle, he often says I'm like a clig-on!!! Oops!

My hubby can't cook or more I won't let him! I broke my right arm a while back and he had to cook then, I was in tears with his dinners by day 3 and went and got my cast removed!
Glad you're having more symptoms but sorry it's nausea, hoping it's not too bad.
Sorry it's been a long one from me ladies! I'm suffering with insomnia too and of course I was suffering from withdrawal of OCBM thread but I have my fix...for now!!xxxxx