We have internet again!! It's horrible not being able to get online, funny how much you use it these days.
Crysshae - What an amazing cake! I'm very impressed, hope you saved me a slice??

Hope you all had a nice day? Bet you remember when they were tiny bubbies, they look big now!! We figured out my cat is over 35 years in human terms and I still treat her like a little baby, I pick her up and take her with me everywhere!!

I sense that might change if this little one makes it...!
Nat - I'm sorry it's started again on holiday but like you said, hopefully this will be everything that needs to come out to come out. I'd still try and see someone when the bleeding stops, so they can confirm everything's come out. Hope it's not to painful for you?
Bluestars - Hope you get ovulation early, so you can catch that eggy. Any more symptoms today? Glad the electricity came back up, you hitting a windy problem of a different kind made me giggle!

Lindsay - Hope the nausea doesn't hit you too hard if it comes. And if you need to go to bed at 9.30pm, go to bed, it's obviously what your body needs. Plus you've probably got a tonne of sleep to catch up on from the nights you've missed

. I always feel a slight sense of relief on Sunday's, as it means it's another week done.
Nina - Loving the sound of your care bear cake!!

Glad you've started moving and have all the fun of that to occupy you, fingers crossed you'll be getting a totally new start with a lovely sticky BFP soon too.
Literati Love - Did you temp continue to rise today? Hey you're ever closer to that new cycle now. I can imagine it'll be bitter sweet when AF does show but we're all here for you and your new BFP really could just be round the corner.
Update from me, woke up this morning with a: "Hello Boobs!" They've literally grown overnight, I now look like a lollipop! And there's a whole new other symptom, I'm so tired I feel like I'm jet lagged and to top it off nausea is settling in. I've felt sick all weekend, I'm a greedy one though so have continued eating but have struggled to not throw up. I'm moaning so hubby looks after me (may as well milk it whilst I still can

, he'll lose interest soon enough and I'll be dealing with it on my own!!) but I am secretly quite happy. I'm sure it'll be short lived but for now I'm happy.