Sara, that's amazing that the other woman could provide enough milk for Emily and her child - what a wonderful gift. I hope you're doing well
LL, I never thought I would co-sleep either, now I wonder how people manage without co-sleeping! I hope the sleeping situation will improve for both of us soon. It's funny, even when he has the rare night of sleeping a little longer, I still wake up after about 2 hours. I love those pics of Nevada!! She's such a cutie! And growing fast!
Dreaming, I hope your kitty is doing better! Your symptoms are sounding good, fingers crossed you get your sticky bfp soon!!
Blue, I sure hope his sleep improves in a couple months. I called the baby nurse last week and she said some babies are "just like that" and his sleep should improve around 1 year... not really the answer I was looking for, lol. How exciting that you're ordering the baby furniture!! You'll have to show us a picture of the nursery when it's done

I had fears like that especially near the end of my pregnancy too - I'm sure she's doing just fine in there though, and she'll be here before you know it!
Bright, your chart is looking great!!
AFM, Rowan is getting over his first cold, the poor little guy. He's been happy still during the day, but he gets quite congested and upset when I put him down at night and is waking up a lot. He seems to be on the mend though so hopefully tonight will be better. I could use some sleep!