waiting for ivf and struggling!

8 times a day:shock: that is a lot does it hurt?
Yeah your breast milk has all the nutrients and goodness they need.
Aw that's good they are past there birth weight :happydance: even from your fb pic I can tell they are growing and their faces are changing, one of the boys I am not sure of his name looks so much like you
Hi everyone just got back from antenatal class which was really good. I'm good, not much to report
YH- take care and hope to see you back in April
Pinkie- not long at all now
Melbram- how frustrating, fingers crossed for something soon or at least some answers
Mummy - great weight gain, the boys are the cutest things, love the pictures
2have4- not long at all now till Prague- enjoy the Christmas markets there, something I always wanted to do
Its an odd feeling pumping. It's bare able tho.
We bought a double pump from amazon last night to be delivered today.
I need it to cut down the pumping time.

Fraser looks like me and my brother and Nathan looks like his daddy and my nephew.
They still look fairly similar too tho which I like. They look about the same size now.
Still on a feeding frenzy.

Hope anti natal classes are going well ducktales.

Bundles- how are you doing? X
Hi ladies, mummy I said I wasn't going to buy anything until I was in third tri but I saw a really well rated double electric breast pump gently used and picked it up about a year ago. Can't wait to try it out one day :wacko: That was a great fb photo of you and your babies, you look so proud & happy:happydance:
Duck nice to hear you're enjoying your class.
Pinkie you hanging in there?
Melbram, not long till your appt, can't wait to hear what the next steps are or how they'll treat your mysterious non-existent AF. I think you are preggers:winkwink:
Bundles & Minxy you ok?

I was meant to take my Lupron shot yesterday and I totally messed it up when I was preparing it. It's a pen with liquid & powder in the barrel, I pressed the gun down too much and the fluid came out the needle without mixing! I was bawling on the phone to my Pharmacist and he called a doctor at the fertility clinic and found a unit of Lupron on the other side of town and faxed in the order. Oh stress me!:dohh: So we picked it up before we went out last night, injected it when we got in. What a mess. Then I was leaving a message for my coordinator and forgot my phone number. I just felt horrible and stressed out. Had my physical with the GP Friday and my blood pressure is 101 over 50 -quite low- she asked if I felt faint and told me those numbers aren't good. I just feel like staying in bed all weekend!
Sorry for the moans. My face is terrible with acne around my chin, last day of the bcp is tomorrow thank goodness.
I just want to be on a plane already on my way there, time drags when you're on mind numbing hormones :haha:
Thank you. I looked rough but love holding the boys together.

Sorry you messed you. That would have really stressed me out but glad you got it sorted in the end.
That is low bp. My normal bottom number is 85 and at its highest it was 110.
They start getting concerned when its past 100.
What did they say about it then?
If you feel fine maybe that's just you.

What the next step for you?
I'm not sure what Lupron is or at what stage you take it.

How you feeling now you've started? X

I've had less than 2 hours sleep.
Hubby has gone for an interview. He's not prepared at all, he just hasn't had the time
I let him sleep last night whilst I sorted the boys out. They were both constantly hungry. As soon as I put 1 down the other would cry for more milk and it just carried on.

My MIL is coming to help with the 10am feed. I don't really want her too as I need to learn how to do it by myself and if they both wake at the same time I can sit on the floor and feed them in their little charts x
2have4, that sounds stressful, I hope you can find some calm time - your BP is low, but mine is normally 100 over 55 as standard, and the doctors have always said that it is fine, however it has made me very faint during pregnancy.
mummy - I cant imagine how tired you must be with 2, good luck to your OH today - hope he tells them he has newborn twins and they give him the job for just turning up exhausted!
hi to everyone else - Melbram, I hope you get some answers soon.
YH if you are still reading this, I totally see where you are coming from and wish you all the best for the future
Bundles and Pinkie - how are you doing?

AFM, am off on leave today having my nursery bits delivered - it has been so nice to lie in bed - I normally get up for work at 5.30 so this is a real treat
Hi all

Mummy - you look fab on your FB piccies, keeping fingers crossed for your DH, hope he gets it!

2have4kids - what a nightmare! Hope the stress is not so bad now, not long now :happydance:

Melbram - any sign yet?

AFM, I'm starting to think about round 3. I'm looking into having acupuncture alongside the treatment as so many folks seem to think it helps. I'm working on the theory it cant hurt and may help me relax if nothing else. If I can find a good clinic locally, I'll probably start soon in preparation, its only 9-10 weeks before things kick off. Has anyone else had acupuncture? xxx
pinkie I had acupuncture once a week before my ivf and also before and after egg collection and transfer - TBH I don't know if it helped but there are loads of studies which say it does and I figured for the extra £30 weekly, I would rather give up something else and give it the best shot - it made me feel so relaxed, so maybe it is the placebo effect but I think worth a shot.
Did you also try pineapple juice (not concentrate) for better implantation and brazil nuts too (6 a day) ?
Thanks Ducktales, I've been doing a lot of reading about IVF and acupuncture and although there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of statistics/scientific data (I have that sort of mind!) most folks who have had seem to find it helps, like you say, maybe just for relaxation. Yours was successful after all! I've emailed a local clinic, fingers crossed they can help.
2have4kids aww poor you iTunes like you really stressed yourself out:hugs: I have low bp also but If you don't have symptoms I think it's ok

MummyW you fb pic is gorgeous it's such a lovely pic. Goodluck with dh interview

Ducktales ooh nursery furniture you need to show us some pictures when it's all set up. When is your due date?

Pinkie I have not had acupuncture but I have heard good things about it

AFM my AF started today so I start buserelin on 01 dec with the hope of ET in jan
Hi Pinkie, I had acupuncture with my IUI. It was expensive here in Calgary, I blew through $600 of perimedical coverage in less than a month with no bfp. I know statistics show a positive correlation and if you can afford it I'd definitely try it out. I only get $800 annual coverage for perimedical (massage, physio therapy etc) so that year was tough. I usually do monthly massages, they're relaxing and really help me when I'm sore from hikes or the gym.
Mummy I can only imagine the lack of sleep you two are getting. Best of luck with your husband's interview!
How's everyone else?

It's Rememberance Day here in Canada and most have the day off. I love war movies and it's one good one after another :happydance:
My usual bcp is 120 over 80 so it was quite low. I've been getting the black sparkles in my eyes if I get up too fast or hugged too hard from oh lol. I have to get back into the gym and eating properly. I feel like the bcp has made me depressed and lethargic and it seems now low bp too. Today's the last day of bcp thankfully. We're off to dinner tonight for my mom's birthday and my intent is to start eating high protein again tomorrow and working out :winkwink:
Pinkie so glad you feel ready to start again. You just have to keep going to get your dream of a family and anything that helps has to be a good thing if it keeps you relaxed.

Bundles glad you can start soon, it gives you something to look forward to now.

Ducktales it's exciting to have your furniture delivered. I just wanted hubby to build it straight away ha

Hubby's interview didn't go too well. Not because he was tired but they were asking things that were nothing to do with his job. It's an internal post to become manager so he knows what is expected of that role. They can't say what money it would be anyway and he can't take a pay drop now.
I got 2 hours sleep last night. They are just so hungry all the time, defo having a growth spurt and breast milk just doesn't seem to be filling them up at the mo.
It's costing a fortune in cartons of formula to top them up so can't imagine giving it to them all day.
I fed Nathan from 10-1 on and off today and it was Fraser last night who wanted constantly feeding. It's hard when they won't settle in between feeds as you need those few hours to recharge. Hopefully it won't last too much longer and they are back on their normal routine x
Mummy - It was interesting to read your frank account of a recovery after a C-section, hope your starting to feel better. Cor, those boys do love to eat, sounds like they are doing brilliantly.

2Have4 - What a stress with the Lupron! We had to make up Lupron shots on IVF1 in a different way & there was a drop left in the bottom of the vial, DH was having a melt down over it as it was very specific over getting it all out, until I phoned the clinic & they said it was fine. Aaah! Hope your BP gets back to normal & you can relax before the trip. The time is flying by and it''ll soon all be happening!:happydance:
I think you guys must have quite different bank holidays to us (we get 8 a year), we don't have thanksgiving and we work on armistice day. I love the great escape but it's so sad. Next bank holiday is Christmas.

Pinkie & Bundles - Looks like we could end up cycling around about the same time. The clinic can't plan our treatment until we have a donor but hopefully Jan / Feb, better not be any later!
I've been doing acupuncture since May 2012, I really like my acupuncturist and find it really calming. She believes it helps stimulate the blood, helps get more eggs and regulate the hormones. A lot of the famous fertility people like Zita West and Emma Cannon really believe in the power of it.

Ducktales - When do you start your maternity leave? How long are you taking off?

AFM: So it's a week & a half since we had the blood tests that are needed for donor matching, the results aren't likely to be in until the end of the week / Monday, but the nurse we saw said I could chase it up today. Will be on that about 9:30!
Was feeling really agitated and impatient about the process but now everything has calmed down and I've had a chance to chill out I'm feeling much better about the wait & more level headed. It's stressful when the goal posts keep moving and they can't be specific. I'm one of many to them but this is everything to me, i don't think they get that sometimes. I've realised that finally this is it that however long it takes to get to cycle we will being doing this in the first 3 months of 2014, that whatever happens will move forward and there will be an outcome, whether good or bad we should be able to do something with the results not constrained by the NHS. I'm going to concentrate solely on this in 2014, by the end of it we'll either be PG or having to take the next step to a family and seeing how we feel on adoption. Praying I get pregnant, can't wait to be a Mummy.
hi minxy - I know where you are coming from, it is everything to you and every day wasted is frustrating, but to them, and every one else, they see that it is going to happen in the next few months and says "isn't that quick" and you are thinking WHAT !!! But at least, frustrating as it is, you have a plan in place and hopefully it will all race by, what with Christmas and new year
I am leaving work on 29th nov and planning to be off minimum of 6 months, but probably more like 9 months - because my husband also gets commission, it means that we need to review it each month, as his basic salary does not cover our bills and mortgage (we need £3000 per month just to pay for the basics, as our mortgage is so vast) so a bit frightening really.
Ducktales - a lovely rest in the run up to Christmas & the birth. So exciting! Not long to go, you must be counting down the days to leaving work with your early mornings & long days. I think only ladies who've been through this get the waiting!

Afm: called the clinic, the bloods aren't back yet. But the nurse has my file on her desk & is checking every day. That's what I love about a small clinic the personal service and the fact they know my name. Feeling happy with them at the mo & jan still has spaces so fingers crossed we get in then.
2have4kids: what a nightmare re: the Lupon injection! glad you got it sorted. GL with your high protein diet. I used to have some protein shake to make up the numbers

Ducktales: buying nursery furniture :) its all getting very near now even more so with imminent maternity leave.

Bundles: yey for AF arriving and starting Buserelin shortly

Mummy: getting to hours sleep - badtimes! hope the little ones start to settle a bit. It must be so hard providing for 2. My SIL struggled to produce as much as her little girl was demanding alone!

Minxy: FX for a quick match x

afm still no sign now day 68! Did another strip test on Monday - BFN. I guess if I was pregnant I would be about 7 weeks. You do hear about people getting negative results even after 10-12 weeks but Im not holding out a great deal of hope. On average AF arives around day36 so working on that basis I am due on again this Saturday....we will see what happens ey x
Hi ladies, Melbram what are you testing with? Try a FRER - it's the lucky brand for me! Or else I wish AF on you soon, Saturday sounds good. :wacko: Your appointment is coming up right (thankfully)?

Ducktales, I'm hoping you have a long lovely mat leave. It's a huge burden to pay that much just for basics. Hopefully those commissions come rolling in! Enjoy decorating your nursury. I completely understand about the pay cuts. We get 55% of our pay to a cap of $2100/month here for 1 year mat leave. I always thought, if I could, I'd babysit for someone to help with the income? But the more I think about it, if I have twins it'll be impossible. If I have a singleton, I'm going to seriously consider this option. We get our pay cut and then when we go back to work we have to pay for child care. It's brutal. One day, women will have the same full salary when they leave to have children and childcare will be subsidized so that it's not so horrifically expensive ($1100/child over here). That's a little under what I pay on my mortgage. If we get twins, I'm going to have to find a nanny. Thankfully our house works really well to house a nanny in the basement. There's a kitchen and really big windows down there, somehow it'll work out.

Minxy, if for whatever reason your UK donor fails would you try Czech Republic? I really hope they can work something out for you in January. Did you want them to match your blood types? I told them blood type was my last priority, would rather have a closer match to height, eye colour etc. They told me that if I don't tell my child about the donor eggs they might find out if I don't match the blood type. The counselling at the fc helped with this. We'll be telling our children that an angel helped mom create them. They'll have some sort of understanding where they came from, no secrets. I'll probably wind up having to have the RH shot anyway, O- isn't easily matched. I'm very excited for you, it's great having someone else to relate to with donor eggs on this thread. Not that we want to be in this position, but you know what I mean. Have to do what's necessary to have a family.

Mummy how are you doing? Did that double pump come in the mail yet? Sorry to hear that it didn't go well with your OH's interview, you never know until he gets that call, don't give up yet!

I'm off the bcp yeay! Just waiting for AF to come and then I start estrogen. We're doing wine teams at work and 2 years ago when my colleague was pregnant her team (Babybrains) won the pot - 27 bottles of wine each. I'm on 3 teams this year and won't even be there for half of the draws lol and then I won't be able to drink the stuff (hopefully). We have a nice cool wine cellar in the basement that'll keep them til I'm done and I'm sure OH would uncork a few to preserve his sanity in the mean time.
16 more sleeps til we fly out of here!:happydance:
2have4kids: 16 more sleeps! that will fly by.

Yes appointment is Monday. The appointment is with gynae to see about having tubes checked. I tested 2 weeks ago with a clear blue digital but the test on Monday was a cheap strip test. I will see what they say on Monday i'd imagine they might get some bloods done for me
2have4 - that mat leave sounds great - I get 18 weeks full pay, then the following 21 weeks at £136 per week (basically nothing) and then after that, nothing at all!!
yes twins must be tough on the pocket - mummy thinking of you
hi to everyone else
2have4 - its the clinic that are making us match on blood type and they want a cystic fibrois blood test too, that's not mandatory at other clinics but mine clearly like to dot the i's and cross the T's. When the test comes back I'm going to tell them we're least interested in that. Like you height, eye, hair, skin colour match is most important, after that a degree (though neither DH or I have one!), and hobbies. Also preference to someone who has been used as a donor before and has created a baby. And 100% no to anyone allergic to animals - that's my deal breaker! Hopefully they'll have someone suitable! If we can't find a UK donor we like the next option would be the European Sperm bank.
Donor sperm is a bit different to egg donation in the fact that in the UK a donor can only create 10 families max (no matter how many kids I have from them, we'd count as 1 family), in Europe its 40 max and US 80 max. I don't like the idea of loads of people running around with half the same DNA as my child. Not sure how many times a woman would want to donate, lot more effort than for men! But I think we could match well with a donor from europe, someone said the other day I have very 'slovac' colouring! Not sure what that means but I think its my pale skin, blue eyes and round face. Luckily DH looks very similar but that limits donor looks.

We'll definitely be explaining from the start, all the research shows honesty is the best for the child. I hate secrets too. It's definitely nice to have someone else going down the same road.

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