Hi everyone, Pinkie welcome back and good luck with the consultant Friday. I saw your wedding photos on FB and you look absolutely gorgeous!
Mummy, counting down the hours! It'll be no time and you'll have a bundle in your arms

Melbram I really hope this is your year. Don't completely disappear though, I still want to hear how you're doing ;-)
Ducktales how is everything with you? You must be not far behind Mummy!
Minxy, Bundles, Yearning and I hope I didn't forget anyone else, how are you ladies? Anything going on right now?
My treatment date is around December 4th but my Coordinator has had really unclear communication. She emailed me a list of medications that my doctor ordered, prometrium to force my cycle (it tends to be crazy after IVF), BCP and Lupron on CD2. Then she said who asked you to take Lupron! And I forwarded her email back to her. This was the same email that I forwarded my GP to prescribe all of the medications. So my guess is she jumped the gun a little and made a mistake, I think I probably should have taken the Lupron when I get my cycle in Nov. I've asked her if I should get another injection from the doctor and demanded some solid timelines and protocols straight from a doctor at the clinic.
She's also said my treatment date is Dec 4th whilst saying the tentative retrieval date is Dec 4th. Well it's one or the other but not both. They usually do day 5 transfers so I've asked her to clarify the timeline. Either way, I'm happy to take a little train ride into Brno from Prague if they need us to. We've got an apartment rented in Prague from Nov 31-Dec 8th then I stay in Brno Dec 9-12th. OH goes back to Canada Dec 8th. I will just relax & enjoy if the transfer date is the 7th or 9th. Things will work out, I just wish she had better communication skills seeing that her only job is coordinating these things.
I don't appreciate taking Lupron when I needent either, I did a big hike on Sunday and it made me nauseous so much that I could barely eat even though I was starved!