Minxy & Pinkie I'm terribly excited for you both!! Minxy let us know how your scan went and Pinkie, I hope AF comes for you soon, to relieve your mind and allow you to move on with it! This year is going to be good, it has a different feel to it. I'm not superstitious but 2013 was really horrible for so many people I know, injuries, deaths, failed treatments, major break ups, Dad diagnosed with Parkinsons, kitties dying bleh! We were fortunate enough to get a set of twins tho and a gorgeous baby duckling and I'm happy to be preggers but I'd be WAY happier with some buddies through this process moving into 2014!!
Mummy how's that little monkey Fraser?Is he sleeping any better? Hopefully it's a really short phase!
Ducktales I read your birth story and really can't believe what you went through. It sounds horrific. I really hope it hasn't scarred you so much that you can't do another pregnancy if you both want more than 1 child. You're amazing to live through it with your chin up, to get past the post partum so quickly and still be high functioning for your sweet little girl.
Afm, I went to visit a gf with her newborn on Friday. He was lovely and so well behaved. She's such a stress case about nutrition and stuff, she was buzzing around her house showing me how she got rid of all of her ceramic plates because they could have lead content in them, she threw out her iron pans because they oxidize, found organic yoghurt, chickens and fruit blah blah. The baby was lovely but if her kids don't move out at the early age of 15 I'd be surprised as she's getting to be quite obsessive in her old age. She started emailing me fear mongering about stevia, tap water, microwaves over the weekend and I had to tell her that the stress, fuss and worry of it all is going to wind her up in a divorce and put her 6 feet under before tap water will! I think that will end the fearful emails for a while.
Other than that we went out with a test kite on Saturday. Learning how to meneuver it. Eventually the OH is going to buy a bigger one for surf and ski where you put your skis on, get the kite up and it zips you around and up in the air. I'm excited to try it, when I'm not pregnant!
Got to the gym Sunday (oh it was great!) and then started bleeding again 5 hours afterwards
I hope it just russled out the last of it and it'll stop now. I won't go again until I have another week in the clear. I'm just getting so flabby, I have no muscle tone left with all this lieing around! It doesn't feel good.