waiting for ivf and struggling!

That's great news pinkie! So pleased for you. Best to have got it checked out and will make you feel better when you start x

The boys are getting over thrush on the tongue but Fraser has been extremely clingy since he's been I'll and wants to be held all the time.
He falls asleep, I lay him down, 5-10 mins later and he's wide awake and screaming.
I just keep trying and once he's asleep again I keep putting him down.
I think he might also be teething 2 little teeth at the bottom x
That's great news pinkie! So pleased for you. Best to have got it checked out and will make you feel better when you start x

The boys are getting over thrush on the tongue but Fraser has been extremely clingy since he's been I'll and wants to be held all the time.
He falls asleep, I lay him down, 5-10 mins later and he's wide awake and screaming.
I just keep trying and once he's asleep again I keep putting him down.
I think he might also be teething 2 little teeth at the bottom x

Wow two little teeth already! Thats amazing.:thumbup:
:dust:Hi everyone, sorry i haven't been around since Christmas to give support etc. I've read all the posts.

2have - I've been reading back the entries with baited breath, I am so glad & relieved to hear about your baby's perfect heartbeat. I am so keen to join you in the worrying club. I have read a lot of stories where people have had bleeding in early pregnancy & it's been fine, must be so scary tho.

Mummy - how are the boys doing? and you? Sounds like you have a lovely Christmas.

Pinkie - Good to hear the clinic have given you some dates to work to, it'll soon be here. Not good to have a random bleed in the middle of Christmas, not fun. Hopefully that is behind you and 2014 will be the year!

Bundles - how's thing with you?

Ducktales - how are you & your gorgeous little lady?

Afm: I had a lovely Christmas, mainly relaxing with DH, saw family & friends too. After last year's fail, the big decision to use donor, picking one and falling out with the clinic we really needed a complete rest from everything with Christmas and we got it. Feel ready for 2014.
I've just finished taking BCP and am going to the clinic on Wednesday for a baseline scan and will probably start gonal F this week. EC should be week commencing 27 Jan. I love doing short protocall as the process feels a lot quicker and there's less side effects. Trying to stay chilled & just see what happens. Obviously worried that something might change or I OHSS but I can't control those things so will just see what happens.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy 2014 & lots of :dust:
Hey All

Bundles - how was ET?

Minxy - sounds great! Quite envious about the short protocol, long seems to take an age :wacko: The rest will have done you good I'm sure, keeping everything crossed for you x

How is everyone else?

AFM, consents and prescription have arrived and we go on Friday to get signed up. Still no sign of AF though :shrug: I've felt like it has been about to arrive every day for a week and yet still nothing. According to regular cycles I was due on Friday. After abnormal bleed, who knows. Wasted 2 tests double checking which is as soul destroying. Just have to try and relax and hope it arrives soon, easier said than done x
Minxy & Pinkie I'm terribly excited for you both!! Minxy let us know how your scan went and Pinkie, I hope AF comes for you soon, to relieve your mind and allow you to move on with it! This year is going to be good, it has a different feel to it. I'm not superstitious but 2013 was really horrible for so many people I know, injuries, deaths, failed treatments, major break ups, Dad diagnosed with Parkinsons, kitties dying bleh! We were fortunate enough to get a set of twins tho and a gorgeous baby duckling and I'm happy to be preggers but I'd be WAY happier with some buddies through this process moving into 2014!!

Mummy how's that little monkey Fraser?Is he sleeping any better? Hopefully it's a really short phase!
Ducktales I read your birth story and really can't believe what you went through. It sounds horrific. I really hope it hasn't scarred you so much that you can't do another pregnancy if you both want more than 1 child. You're amazing to live through it with your chin up, to get past the post partum so quickly and still be high functioning for your sweet little girl.

Afm, I went to visit a gf with her newborn on Friday. He was lovely and so well behaved. She's such a stress case about nutrition and stuff, she was buzzing around her house showing me how she got rid of all of her ceramic plates because they could have lead content in them, she threw out her iron pans because they oxidize, found organic yoghurt, chickens and fruit blah blah. The baby was lovely but if her kids don't move out at the early age of 15 I'd be surprised as she's getting to be quite obsessive in her old age. She started emailing me fear mongering about stevia, tap water, microwaves over the weekend and I had to tell her that the stress, fuss and worry of it all is going to wind her up in a divorce and put her 6 feet under before tap water will! I think that will end the fearful emails for a while.
Other than that we went out with a test kite on Saturday. Learning how to meneuver it. Eventually the OH is going to buy a bigger one for surf and ski where you put your skis on, get the kite up and it zips you around and up in the air. I'm excited to try it, when I'm not pregnant!
Got to the gym Sunday (oh it was great!) and then started bleeding again 5 hours afterwards :growlmad: I hope it just russled out the last of it and it'll stop now. I won't go again until I have another week in the clear. I'm just getting so flabby, I have no muscle tone left with all this lieing around! It doesn't feel good.
Pinkie - hope AF hurries up. We spend half our live desperate for AF, then dreading it. It's a woman's curse alright but not how I thought they meant.
After stopping BCP I'm waiting for my AF for tomorrow's scan otherwise I can't go - not going to think about that.

2have4 - The kite thing sounds very exciting. I think you told your friend the right thing, she seems to have really taken everything to the far extreme, her poor baby could grow up with all sorts of OCDs.
It must be hard taking it easy when you're used to being very active and its not nice to lose muscle tone but you must do what gives you most peace of mind.

Bundles - I think I've missed something, I didn't realise how far long you were in your treatment.

I'm going to read Ducktales story now...
Ducktales - I have read your story too this morning, I'm a bit flummoxed to be honest. I cant believe they separated you from your DH at such a crucial and stressful time, it just doesn't seem right. It sounds like everything was done to fit their timetable and did not consider the best care for the patient. Only you can decide if you can face it all again but for now, enjoy your beautiful bundle bundle xxx :hugs:
Hi, hope everyone is doing good.

AFM: went to clinic for baseline scan Wednesday and all went well. I started stims last night. Back to clinic Monday for first scan, they scan early on short as they need to time the 2nd drug depending on progress.
Was very happy with clinic, very glad we've moved so far. There's just so much more experience there & it felt less clinical.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm hoping to have a bit of a rest tomorrow but taking my Mum out for a while, then Sunday going to a diamond wedding anniversary at lunchtime and popping round a friend's early evening. Nothing too exciting. Need to get my rest.
Good luck minxy. Not long now. Once you do start it goes quite quickly I think.
Have a good weekend before your scan on Monday.

Bundles where are you up to now?

2have- how you getting on.

The colic is slowly getting better for my boys. Fraser still has a few bad days with his teeth but generally quite good.
Both sleeping a lot better at night. Normally 5 hours but stretching to 6 and 7 a few times which is lovely. Mainly at the weekends as normally past 5 hours they are tossing and turning about and in the week hubby needs to help feed and go back to sleep so if we left them that extra hour its getting on for 4am and then only get another hour or so before getting up.
They are both starting to make lots of new noises and really looking at each other now. Which is lovely x
Hi everyone, sorry have been awol, it is hard to find time to get on the laptop.
Pinkie - any sign of AF? Glad you are getting started again - good luck and big hugs
Minxy - same to you, I have everything crossed for loads of happy news this jan/feb
Bundles - how are you doing, when is your OFT ?
Mummy - 2 teeth already - wow ! - I love your facebook photos
2have4 - sorry about the bleeding - don't worry about the muscle tone/ flabby feeling - once your bundle arrives, you will lose all the weight running around all day and having no time to actually eat a meal - even if a lovely meal is cooked, generally they smell the food and want feeding / changing so you still don't get to eat!
AFM - we are good, Ilana has bronchiolitis and is quite unwell, it has been a scary week with her rasping chesty cough and breathing but she is getting better each day
Hi everyone
Sorry I have been away for a while, to be honest I think I was just a bit scared to write it down, writing it down makes it all so official:wacko:
So I had my ET on fri 10 jan, it was not an easy procedure, they were running late so I could not hold my full bladder and had to go a tiny bit but was still so uncomfortable. We went in and were told that we had two eggs that were going to be transferred back, I was not told the grade. I think I was to nervous to ask.
So the ET starts and like after 10 mins the dr asks the embryologist to put the embryos back in the incubator :cry: right now I am really worried, she says she is having difficult get past my cervix. She tries again for about another 10 mins and admits defeat and has to call in another dr. This doctor then proceeds to clamp and tug at sections of my cervix to try and get access to my uterus, it was so painful they offered me gas and air!
So after about an hour both of them had managed to egg access to my uterus and the transferred the eggs:happydance:
However because of this I was worried as I had read you should not have a painful ET. Throughout the whole week I was having a lot of stomach cramping which felt like AF was coming. I tested using a pregnancy strip on the Thursday and it was negative, which left me a bit disheartened. But I then figured I need to check using an early response test so popped down to asda to get one. So tested again on Friday and got:bfp:, I can not believe it!!!! :happydance: I am so happy! First time ever in my life I have gotten two lines. Called the clinic today and have been told I should test again next week Monday and after then will have a scan two weeks after

Bundles I'm so happy for you! Wonderful news, you must be delighted after such a traumatic time. Cant wait to hear the results of your scan, what a wonderful start to the new year xxx

How is everyone else?

AFM - AF arrived today, sooooo glad! Start down reg on 9th Feb, endoscratch on the 11th Feb.... its finally happening, again!

Wowwy WOW! Bundles what a horrific experience but I'm SO glad they got it done for you. And you've even got a BFP! I'm so excited for you:bunny::bunny::bunny:
When's your first scan? Are they going to do HCG levels for you?

Pinkie, I'm glad to hear your startn your path to bfp too. This wil be a really great year with everyone preggers!

Mummy how are you and the twins doing?
Thanks guys:hugs:
I think the scan will be around the 10th of feb. No they do not do hcg blood test at the clinic

Pinkie great news :happydance:AF has arrived
2 have4kids how are you? Are you continuing to have hcg blood test?
Mummy I clicked on Ducktales name to see her blog
Minxychick how was your scan today?
Hi Bundles, I had 3 hcg blood tests and all were good. A this point last pregnancy (8w5d) I miscarried. I'll be glad when today is over and wed arrives so that I can see a big fat olive sized baby on my siggy. A mental thing to get it past those previously unsuccessful records.

I've had 2 scans and the next one is Feb 13 for the Nauchal Translucency test. I have to do blood work next week for my 10 week mark and before the NT test.

I've had absolutely no more bleeding thankfully. We had a relaxing weekend. This week will be busy but hopefully that'll make it go fast. My colleagues with kids all keep on calling in sick. I hope I don't have to start covering their work! I might have to call in sick if that happens lol.

I'm off to yoga flow in 20 minutes here, looking forward to it!
Bundles - massive congratulations!!! That ET sounded awful. Anyway it's all worked out wonderful.

Duck tales - hope your little one is getting better, it sounds like a scary week.

Pinkie - woo-hoo it's all starting. Good luck.

Mummy - the boys are looking so well on fb, lovely to see.

2have - glad there's been no more bleeding & you've had a relaxing weekend. Keep it up if you can.

Afm: started gonal F last Thursday, first scan today & I'm progressing well. They've dropped the dose down from 150 to 125 and started me on luveris & cyclogest today to stop me ovulating. Had to have injection at the clinic at 12.30 and will need to do that everyday. Was very brave & did my first injections. It was really easy, though making the injections up are a right faff. But I was very proud. One cock up tho, by the time I'd driven 1.5 hrs back, collected cat food, seen my mum, been to the dentist & Accupuncture, got home, I forgot the clinic called me at the dentist to lower the dose & DH shot me with 150. Going to do 112.5 tomorrow. Not going to bother telling clinic as there's nothing they can do. Hope I don't get ohss or spoil eggs as the follicles are already big and my hormones quite high. But what's done is done & it was only an extra 25 so hope will be ok. Normally DH gets me to check the dose but he forgot. It's a lot to do after busy days & we'd got a bit too relaxed about it. This has brougt us down to earth xx
Ducktales how's Ilana with the bronchiolitis? I hope she's on the mend.
Minxy fx for some quality eggies growing & no ohss.
Pinkie are you on the bcp then until feb when you start?
I hope everyone is doing well!
2have4 - no bcp for me. Oddly enough AF has arrived exactly 4 weeks from the abnormal bleed at Christmas so I'm assuming it was a period that came 2 weeks early. I had been on antibiotics for 2 weeks for sinusitis and had just started acupuncture which might have made a difference, or maybe it was just one of those things.

So I'm long protocol, CD21 (9th Feb) is when I start down regulating with endoscratch on CD23. I call the clinic when I have AF to get booked in for down reg scan.

Trying to get organised over the next couple of weeks but just want to get started! We collected our drugs from the docs last night so we are all set. Really hoping this is our year xx

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