Hi everyone!
Mummy sorry your AF started again, I thought bf-ing was meant to hold that off?
Melbram are those stitches in your abdomen or somewhere more private? If you put Vaseline or better yet polysporin on them they'll not stick to your skin. Let those guys take them out though, that's what they're paid the big bucks for

Pinkie, all the best with the stims and this round of IVF, when's your first u/s?
Albany, you've got to be positive about everything. We can't afford another DE IVF but I think we're just going to have to remortgage or go into more debt to get there. I won't grow old without kids in my life. Are you able to get any immune tests before you go into IVF? If you have access to the tests without too much cost, I highly recommend it. If they find something that's causing implantation problems it can be treated before you do IVF. You haven't mentioned what the issues are though, I've got diminished ovarian reserves plus recurrent mc. I believe there's an immune issue that's causing me to lose my pregnancies.
Afm, I've asked my fs for a quick d&c tomorrow so that I can get an embryonic karyotype pathology done. Really not looking forward to it, especially since they don't knock you out here in Canada. They give you something to make you 'fuzzy'. Well kids, I DON'T WANT TO BE FUZZY! Omg, really what have I opted for

the alternative was to sit with a sterile canister in my purse for the next week at work and hope to 'catch' what they call the 'products of conception' and then put it in the fridge till I can get it to the hospital

I'd never dare leave that in the fridge at work

but I don't want the chore of checking every hour and seeing the wreckage. Neither are great options so I chose the less messy more painful way. But I can tell you I'm going to give the doctor a hard time if I can still talk straight!!! Wish me luck and quick answers so we can move onto immune testing and the next DE IVF.