waiting for ivf and struggling!

2have4kids, how are you? Hope you are ok xx

Minxy, when do you start the next plan? xx

Hope everyone else is ok.

AFM, AF arrived, awaiting call from clinic for down-reg scan. DH has gone, back at the weekend. All ok.
Pinkie that's exciting news, you're on the way!! Roll on IVF.

So ladies I've contacted and heard back from Serum clinic in Greece, they can treat and test me for immune issues and have recommended some other tests as well. They've also stated they can definitely put back 3 embies, or more with special permission. My Oh is worried that we won't get a matching donor being in Greece I think there's tall women all over the world with blue/green eyes.:haha:These are my main criteria. My OH has dark hair and I have blonde, so I'm not fussed what colour of hair our donor has. His family has had light brown all the way to dark brown and my family has had brown, blonde and red. :juggle:

At this point the match of the donor isn't on my list of priorities, cost, #embies thrown back, the clinics rates of freezing embies (Serum is high), and sorting out every fertility issue on the face of the earth so that I can carry to full term-those are the important factors.

Filling out all of this paperwork again is a bit of a bugger and I see I'll need some extra tests before my initial consult.:growlmad:
2have4kids, I really admire your perseverance. It sounds like you have a clear way forward. I think you are right about the donor issues. When do you think you will get going again? At least you can work on a tan in Greece!
Hi everyone,

2have - I've heard good things about serum. It's one I'm going to look into.

Pinkie - scan should be next few days & then onwards!

in the early hours of Sunday morning my 78 year old Mum had a fall. Very annoyed she didn't call me til 8am Sunday. Always thinking of me. By some miracle she never broke anything but is in a lot of pain & immobile. Spent all day up the hospital yesterday with her. They've kept her in as she keeps being sick - not sure why. She's managed some food but then was sick this afternoon. Going back tonight with DH. Don't think I'll get on with my investigations for some time. Nightmare with work as I've already had a lot of time off. Relieved she's in the hospital as they can keep an eye on her
Oh minxy your poor mum. Hope she's ok and soon on the mend.
Hopefully your work will be ok with the time off your having. Family 1st.

2have- glad your going to keep going.
I would too. After all this you have up have twins or triplets!!!!
My fingers are crossed as always x

Pinkie glad your starting soon too x

I've had a touch day.
Not sure if I'm more teary as I've started my 1st period. Horrible! I just haven't got time for it to me honest.
Nathan still isn't 100%. Still funny with his feeding so can't feed them at the same time and Fraser has had me in tears today. He cried for nearly 2 hours today. He was over tired but would not give in.
Nathan gets really upset when he hears Fraser cry and consoling both of them on your own is so so stressful. I could scream. Nothing I did would settle him and he's not normally like that. If he's in my arms after a little while he would stop but today nothing!!
Mummy, I hope you are having a better day with the little ones today? How are you feeling?

Minxy, how is your Mum, hope all is well. Are you thinking of travelling abroad for your next round too?

2have4kids, how are you doing? When do get your trip to Greece?

Hope everyone is ok xxx

AFM, AF still going strong which is a good thing. Down-reg scan on Thursday. First scan without DH. Poor him, he is feeling so bad about being away through this. Trying to build up the energy to walk the pooches but AF is heavy and not nice. Think I just need to stop thinking about it and get on with it!
Mummy and Ducktales: So glad your babies didnt have meningitis! bless them both must be so scary!

Mummy hope your having a better day today! x

Minxy: So sorry you had a negative result - onwards and upwards to donor. You are such a strong person. So sorry to hear about your mum hope she gets on the mend.

2H4K: So sorry to hear your news that's the worst thing ever. Serum clinic in Greece sounds good though! best of luck x

Pinky: GL with your DR scan on Thursday :)

afm: nothing much to report still healing from lap - disolvable stitches arent wanting to disolve and too painful to pull them out myself. Also scared of damaging somehting pulling them out lol Follow up appointment on Monday not entirely sure what the point of it is but if anything they might sort my stitches out ;)
Hi everyone

Melbram, hope you get sorted on Monday, fingers crossed this gets things moving for you.

Minxy, how is your Mum? Hope all is well

2have4kids, how are you doing?

Hope everyone else is ok xx

AFM, down reg scan today, all is good, so I start stims tonight. Really happy about this but have had a banging headache all day which is draining. Cant wait for DH to get home tomorrow.

I want to thank you guys for being so welcoming to me. I didn't get back on this thread to say so until today… yesterday we had our second consult.

It looks like I'll be joining you very soon.
If DH doesn't flip out about the out of pocket costs that I was quoted this morning then I am supposed to start the pill in just a few days. (It was supposed to be tomorrow, but AF didn't actually make an appearance as I'd thought.) We are supposed to do ICSI.
After the consult I felt relieved and pleased to start, but the cost isn't going to make DH happy and it turns out we only have coverage for one cycle. I am soooooooo scared that it will not work the first time, and then what? Plus we really want more than one child! Our family consists of him and I, our semi-estranged parents, my 85-90 year old grandparents, and his sister who uncussessfuly did IVF… we'd like two kids so that they aren't so alone without any cousins.

I feel badly to complain like this already and when so many on here have had much more difficult things to get through, but I feel so darned discouraged today. :(
What are your reasons for Ivf and where do you live?
You can't keep thinking about it not happening the 1st time. You just have to keep positive and put your all into the cycle.
Glad your starting soon as you haven't got much time to think about it which is good.

Pinkie... Woooo for starting tonight! How you feeling x
Albany, I'm sorry you are having a bad day, ivf really is a difficult journey. However, mummy is right, you have to stay positive. IVF does work first time for lots of people and you have to be in a warm and welcoming frame of mind (according to my acupuncturist!). He says to avoid negative 'this has to work' type thoughts as its not good for stress/energy.

I hope your DH is not too down about the costs and that you feel like you can go into it in a positive and hopeful way. xx

Thanks Mummy, I'm feeling great about starting stims and looking forward to Tuesdays scan. I've found it really hard without DH though. I'm trying not to show it too much as he feels bad enough already, but today was a real struggle without him. Through all our treatments he has been there and made me laugh, even at the most difficult of times. I left the house at 5am in the dark/rain and I was at the clinic just after 7am, there were still people there before me! Roll on tomorrow for a massive hug!

How are you and the little ones?

Thank you Mummy and Pinky.

I was very, very positive about it until today. I'm probably PMSing, and I tend to get anxious about money issues, so I'm sure I'll be back to optimism shortly. One of DH's few flaws is that he sends out extremely oppressive negative vibes when upset, and the only thing that tends to upset him is having to spend money on something he doesn't want to or doesn't find "fun." ;) After that storm he will be fine, but I guess I dread the initial chat and aftermath. I haven't told him yet what they said.

Last week I had an ultrasound and was told my uterus looks really, really good. With that and my age I figure we have a great shot. I just never expected only one cycle.

To answer the questions, I am in NYC. I have had long standing issues with growing large, complex cysts, and having surgical removal of those plus endometriosis. Besides that I have some other health problems (mitochondria myopathy, POTS, and autoimmune stuff.)
DH has very low sperm count and 0% morphology.
Luckily I'm only 28 so hopefully all else will be okay.

Actually, I started a blog here which there is a link to in my signature. :)

I need to catch up on this thread.
2have, much luck with Greece. I've never been there but imagine it will be a lovely trip besides the treatments. :)

Is it really that much less costly than Canada even with the airfare? I ask because DH and I were in Cancun this summer and in a conversation with a local nurse she mentioned that many people visit Cancun for fertility treatment. Between that and hearing about members here going abroad I'm wondering if that may be an option to look into if we must do more?
It is a real shame that treatments aren't better covered.

I'm sure you'll find a suitable donor. There are certainly fair coloured Greeks. ;) It is refreshing that you are not terribly concerned by that anyway.

Minxy, sorry about your mum. I hope she is well on the mend by now? Yay for starting again shortly!
Hi everyone!
Mummy sorry your AF started again, I thought bf-ing was meant to hold that off?
Melbram are those stitches in your abdomen or somewhere more private? If you put Vaseline or better yet polysporin on them they'll not stick to your skin. Let those guys take them out though, that's what they're paid the big bucks for:haha:
Pinkie, all the best with the stims and this round of IVF, when's your first u/s?
Albany, you've got to be positive about everything. We can't afford another DE IVF but I think we're just going to have to remortgage or go into more debt to get there. I won't grow old without kids in my life. Are you able to get any immune tests before you go into IVF? If you have access to the tests without too much cost, I highly recommend it. If they find something that's causing implantation problems it can be treated before you do IVF. You haven't mentioned what the issues are though, I've got diminished ovarian reserves plus recurrent mc. I believe there's an immune issue that's causing me to lose my pregnancies.

Afm, I've asked my fs for a quick d&c tomorrow so that I can get an embryonic karyotype pathology done. Really not looking forward to it, especially since they don't knock you out here in Canada. They give you something to make you 'fuzzy'. Well kids, I DON'T WANT TO BE FUZZY! Omg, really what have I opted for:wacko: the alternative was to sit with a sterile canister in my purse for the next week at work and hope to 'catch' what they call the 'products of conception' and then put it in the fridge till I can get it to the hospital :sick: I'd never dare leave that in the fridge at work:saywhat: but I don't want the chore of checking every hour and seeing the wreckage. Neither are great options so I chose the less messy more painful way. But I can tell you I'm going to give the doctor a hard time if I can still talk straight!!! Wish me luck and quick answers so we can move onto immune testing and the next DE IVF.:help:
2have4kids - OMG fuzzy?! I was out for the count with mine and cant imagine being awake through it, massive hugs xxx For what its worth, I think you are doing the right thing. I waited about 10 days for mine to happen and it never did, 10 days of hell. At the time of the operation, they asked me if I wanted to see the 'product of conception' afterwards. My answer was 'would you?' FFS

I hope it goes well and it ends this nightmare so that you can move onwards and upwards (to Greece!)


Albany, how did DH take it? xx

AFM, scan Tuesday. Counting the hours to see DH! xxx
Oh 2have4 it's not nice. I saw what I miscarried at 8 weeks and its a messy painful thing too but in your situation I'd go for the d&c too. Why you don't get knocked out in some countries seems stupid. It would just make the whole thing a lot easier for people.

I stopped breast feeding when the boys were 6/7 weeks old. They were on a growth spurt and I just couldn't keep up with it.
I couldn't express the amount they needed as I just didn't have the time and I couldn't physically breast feed as Nathan was so tiny, he was a lazy feeder and got way too tired. I could sit there for nearly 2 hours plus its not discreet at all with 2.
I was upset but after a week or so it got easier and it was for the best.

Interesting fact I saw this morning. Our bodies know what sex it produces and makes different milk for each sex as boys needs more fatty milk than girls x
Pinkie where is your hubby?
I didn't see you say anything about that.
I always wanted my hubby at appointments. So know how you would feel about going on your own x
Didn't know that about milk! Nature is a wonderful thing. DH has been working away, near Coventry. He has three more weeks (approx.) but back at weekends (and for EC/ET obviously). I'm finding it tough, but it will be worth it xxx
Not great timing eh but good job he can come home for collection and transfer.

I've told my hubby if they try and send him on any training or courses soon ill go mad x
Pinky, I didn't brave telling him last night. He was in such a good mood, and I figured there was no rush. I am so glad I didn't, because the lady assigned to us by our insurance called me back this morning.

There must have been a misunderstanding at the clinic. The lady we spoke to wasn't familiar with our coverage, she had told us. Anyway, she must have misheard that our limit is per year rather than lifetime as usual. It is such a huge relief to me!! At least if the cycle doesn't work or we are ready for a second child then we *just* have to wait. I'll wait until we go in to hear about the plan to go over the coverage and cost in detail. Annoyingly AF still hasn't shown, so the lab work and starting the pill are on hold which means finding out the rest is too. Bleh.

2Have, Some years ago I was diagnosed with Lupus but wasn't willing to take the meds offered. Later another rheumatologist dismissed the diagnosis because my labs were okay then, so I don't know what to make of it. Yet another rheumatologist, at the Mayo clinic, had earlier recommended yearly follow up testing saying I am at high risk of it with my low C4 level and some other stuff. You can imagine my confusion. ;)
Before the fertility stuff I had scheduled another rheumatology appointment which is in the first week of March, finally. Lucky I did, perhaps.

That sucks about the sedation, but perhaps you truly will not find it too bad? I mean, if it is the sort of sedation I think it is then you may feel out and not recall.
I can see why you'd opt for the procedure over the other ordeal!

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