Hi everyone,
2have4 - glad to hear they knocked you out, it should be standard everywhere. I think there are some countries that don't offer pain relief for egg collections - barbaric. Hope you've had a relaxing weekend as best you can. I haven't had time to start my investigations into clinics abroad yet.
Mummy - hope Nathan is continuing to feel more relaxed in himself, its horrible to hear how what happened has affected him.
Pinkie - so excited to hear about stims etc. It must be hard without DH around all the time, especially with the early starts. When we went via hospital the first 2 times, I used to set off at 6am for blood tests to attempt to be first - even getting there an hour early I wasn't first! It was a long day, hope you can make the best out of it - I got through with good magazines & candy crush. Hopefully stims will go really quick -I always thoughts they did.
AlbaNY - Sounds promising on the health insurance - hope you can get started soon.
Melbram - the stiches sound horrible. I'm such a wuss, get them to take them out.
I've learnt after 4 IVFs is that whatever I do the outcome will be the outcome, so I shouldn't stress. Not sure I'll be able to follow that for IVF5 though!
When I was on twitter the other day, there was a lady who had sex 3 times during the 2ww & she got a BFP. Not surprising she had amazing blasts. It just goes to show if they're going to stick they'll stick. She also had OHSS, was hospitalised at one point, and had a cold. I can't imagine even wanting sex at that stage!
AFM: my Mum has been in hospital a week now, she's in good spirits and is making very slow progress. Not surprising at almost 79. She's fine sitting but when she walks she's in a lot of pain accross her bottom and leg. I've been up the hospital twice a day, every day. We've sorted her out the not very good tv (£35 for 10 days), and there were good shows on last night so we didn't go to visit. It was bliss to have a bath, watch tv and not go out. I'm back to work full-time today, so can't go until the evening, hopefully she'll ring me at lunch time. My MIL should be going to see her this afternoon. No one helps my mum walk if I'm not there so that's a worry but I should get to leave early twice this week so can give her an afternoon walk then.
Slow progress but she's making progress. Also been moving her rabbit to our house and doing her laundary (a surprisingly large amount).
Might start looking into DE abroad this week if I get time. I'm looking for a clinic with the best sucess rates and can deal with low sperm, will ask some people on twitter who they've used, look at that thread from 2have etc. Also need to find somewhere we can get a donor with blue eyes, as we both have blue eyes that's a deal breaker (and everyone in both our families has blue eyes). Not too fussed on hair colour as I'm brunette & dye my hair blonde. Ideally 5ft 6 - 7 but would accept 8 or 5. Ha quite picky really! Looking forward to investigating.
Not sure if I should have any womb type tests, I don't want a new issue to flag up once we've got to blast.
Hoping to cycle after 3 natural AFs, hoping to be May/June, but need to sort my holiday leave too.
Hope everyone else is well & thank you for the kind wishes for my Mum. I can't get the 'thank you' button to work properly on my ipad.
Hope everyone else is doing well.