waiting for ivf and struggling!

Pinkie, that is awesome! Yay!

DH and I go in tomorrow. I'll have the baseline stuff done and will be told what to do with the meds. We have to make our big payment too, so hubby is very cranky today. :(

I am pretty excited! Yesterday I had a consult with the anaesthesiologist, and the IVF nurse told me that I'll be starting the injections on Friday? (I think.) She said within two weeks it'll be time for egg collection and all the rest. So fast and exciting now!

We had an exhausting houseguest the past couple of days, so I haven't been online.

2have, the roomba should be a great addition to your home. (I've had one for years, and my mum has 3 or 4… a little vacuum army haha.)
It sounds like spring is motivating you a lot! :)
So, we had the baseline appointment. I am excited now, and DH must be too, because although he grumped about the cost for a while after he is now joking around like usual. ;)

Tomorrow the meds will be delivered, and in the evening I am to mix two phials of Menopur powder and two of Bravelle to inject. Yikes about the injections, but I suppose I'll manage eventually. (I can give shots to calves and cats, but myself??!)

Lanet, how are you doing? Where are you now in the cycle? I'm curious to compare meds too if you don't mind :D
It's all crickets and me in here! :D

I hope you are all doing well?

Last night was very frustrating. The pharmacy didn't deliver my meds until nearly 23:00, and the order did not include the Bravelle I was told to take. After a lot of googling I ended up calling the answering service and talking to my doctor. We figured out that the Gonal F included was what I should be using with the Menopur, but I didn't know the dose.
Apparently there was a mixup, because the message I'd had from the clinic instructed me to use Menopur and Bravelle. I was so lost!!

This morning I had to go very early to the clinic to find out the dose, and I sure wish I could have done it over the phone. At least it is sorted out now.

Tomorrow I have bloodwork and a scan before hearing what to take next.
Pinkie - congratulations! It's always a worrying time but enjoy it if you can.

AlbaNY - it's good your stay in schedule, that's one less thing to worry about.

Melbram - fx'd for a natural BFP, hope you have lots of treats to look forward to.

Mummy - I'm not surprised your knackered with your 2 lovely boys. I think your the only person whose baby pics make me smile on fb (and duck tales).

Duck tales - hope ilana is better soon. How are you?

2have4 - are you waiting for your blood tests to come back before getting dates?

Afm - aghhhh what a week. Will try to give the short version. Had a lovely birthday & a night away to Southwold - lovely coastal town. Mum is very much on the mend & can go home once they've sorted out someone to pop in & help her at home. They are full at the moment & waiting is doing her head in. Ahh the nhs - wonderful but it's all about the waiting whatever treatments you need.
Two big things happened for me this week
1). We had a telephone appointment with Penny from a Serum in Athens. Initial impressions have been really good, had more interest / info in a few mails than our clinic ever showed.
One thing she wants to try is put DH on antibiotics for 40 days in case he has a hidden infection which is spoiling his sperm. DH researched this online & it's a possibility. I have read about it b4 but not pursued it b4. Secondly she wants to run some tests on me using AF blood - I can post the sample over. So that's quite gross. She's hopeful we could use my eggs cos of my age & her experience plus she'd use different drugs & protocol. Not convinced myself but see what happens. Plus we'd go over there for DH to have a sperm DNA frag test - this would still be cheaper than having it in the uk. Mini-break!

2). Had WTF with clinic. As we used Eeva, Eeva predicts which embies will implant out of 8, we got 1 high, 2 medium & the rest low. Which is rubbish. Dr didn't mince his words - in his opinion, eggs are knackered & DH sperm is likely to be too. The fact with excellent donor sperm we still got rubbish embies it's pretty clear it's my eggs. Apparently it's very rare for someone my age to have bad eggs. Excellent.
I asked him what he thought of the drugs / protocall serum had suggested he felt it would benefit ladies who produced only a few eggs as it's quality we've had it.

Was hard to hear all this even though I knew it. Made it real. Was very sad. Am picking myself up & putting all efforts into DE. We both agree if anyone can get us pg it's serum.
AlbaNY - didn't see your last update initially. So exciting that your starting, my DH can be cranky about the money sometimes especially when the clinic are so blasé about it. I think it's a man thing.

I didn't inject until my 4th ivf & I should have done in from the start, as once you get over that initial fear it's fine. It doesn't hurt & I found the needle slid in like a hit knife through butter! I've heard so many stories about clinics not being clear on doses aghh - glad it's sorted now.

2have - the vacuum sounds awesome. I've bought a travel book on Greece to start planning. I want to lose 8lbs to get to my pre ivf weight & most importantly get fit & ready to wear shorts!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
I'm glad to see some updates.

I awoke with horrible back spasms and am in terrible pain today. I never had such a thing before.

At the clinic today they saw four follicles only. I've been told to increase the Gonal F and come in again tomorrow for more blog and another scan already. Tuesday's appointment is still on too. I sure hope more follicles pop up.

Sorry, but I can hardly sit up right now and must go.
Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well.
Albany that's horrible about your back! Magnesium and potassium alleviate muscle spasms. Same with heat, treat yourself well lady! How much Gonal F are you on? I did flare protocols in April and Sept last year at 450 mg gonal and my eggs didn't grow. But I'm diagnosed with DOR and that's a consequence of early menopause.

Pinkie how are you doing? Taking it easy I hope? When's your next appt/scan?

Minxy, you and I are much on the same track. Losing weight, dealing with aging parents (my dad has Parkinsons and we're in and out of hospital). Getting ready for Greece. All the best with the weight loss. I lost 2 lbs last week. Haven't had a slice of bread, pasta or rice in a week. Stocking up on miracle noodles tonight!

My doctors should be getting back to me with the test results over the next week or two. I had to tell my kick boxing instructor this week as she knew I was preggers and making alternatives & exercise revisions for me. She's had 7 kids and was totally cheering me on. She said her last pregnancy she was the most fit for and it was the easiest of all 7 because she recovered much more quickly compared to the rest and the delivery was easier as her endurance was built up and she was stronger. She's going to try to help me get fit for Greece and stay fit in pregnancy next time. Very positive lady and so nice to hear a refreshing response when I have to tell someone that I lost the pregnancy. No long face, just encouraging for the next time.
Hi everyone.
Sorry I don't come on very often. I can't quickly pop on and catch up when reading on my phone. It's very small and takes me ages. I do think of you all.

I'm finding them both teething quite stressful.
Fraser is a very demanding baby and I'm just lucky that Nathan is a chilled out little fella and will sit in his chair and wait (most of the time) or I can sit him in their and he just nods of on his own, but with Fraser I literally have to have him in my arms constantly.
He falls asleep, I put him down, the second his face ( he will only sleep longer then 10/15 mins if his front) touches the sofa he wakes and the process goes on and on until he's so exhausted. He is just crying a lot with his teeth and its just a nightmare.
If he doesn't nap he is just worse.
They both go to bed at 5.30/6pm and Wake around 5am.
We tried dream feeding him last night at 9.30pm to see if they would wake at 6am when hubby's alarm is set but they woke at the same time. We going to keep trying it and increase the milk as we only tried 4oz.
Nathan is rolling all day, but once he's on his front he doesn't like to be there long so I can't go into the kitchen for long without him crying in frustration. They are growing and doing new things all the time. It's going by so so quickly.
They are 5 months tomorrow.

I also feel bad as I only have the boys go talk about really and know some of you are on harder journeys than others.
I know I've been through this all too but sometimes I'm
So occupied that I forget about it.
I just want to hear all good news from you all.

Pinkie hopefully your taking it easy and this baby/babies are strong.

Minxy I've spoke to you so know you are going through a lot.

2have- I really hope can find out a way to keep a pregnancy. You've been through so much and so deserve it.

Ducktales, how are you, how is llana? Is she over the illness. It has taken Nathan 7 weeks to start getting back to himself. He has stopped talking, making any noises, stopped using his legs, didn't want to me held when having his bottle so had to lay him down, if he got himself in a state before he wanted feeding, we would have to keep the dummy in and comfort him for ages before he would drink, cried at a lot of people and Fraser, even if he smiled at him. Glad he's getting back to my little Nate.

Bundles how are you??

Melbram? How are you??

Hubby is having a week off next week and he has said I can have a few nights in the spare room to catch up on sleep as though the boys sleep 9/10 hours, that both stir a lot, Nathan drops his dummy a lot and thrashing side to side trying to find it and Fraser turns a lot in the night. We will see if that happens x
Albany - fingers crossed for the follies, I hope the increased stims help get things going. Sorry to hear about your back, take it easy. One thing I've learnt is to listen to your body and if it shouts rest, then make sure you do!

Minxy & 2have4kids - sounds like you are both off to the sunshine! I really hope this clinic can help you both make some progress, it sounds very promising. Congrats on the weight loss :happydance:

Mummy - sounds like you have your hands full! I hope you are able to get some sleep next week, it sounds like it will be welcome. Love your FB pics.

Hope everyone else is ok xxx

AFM, scan booked for 9th April. Its a tough wait. I cant get too excited, I've been here before. I'm told the chances of another molar are 1% so I'm holding onto that. DH says he is putting it to the back of his mind but that he 'feels differently' about it this time, much more positive. I find that herder as I have the symptoms to deal with and areminder everytime I have to take progesterone.

I've been POAS since 10dp3dt and all the tests are equally as strong lines on Frer and the lines are much stronger than the control lines. Last time at 13dp3dt, the line was faint and got stronger but not this time. I don't know what to read into that. Symptoms are very strong but mostly from the progesterone I think. Tired, sore boobs, bloated, windy :blush:

Two weeks tomorrow I'll know!
Pinkie - I hope the time flies to the 9th for you, this must be so nerve wracking.

Albany - hope those follies are growing.

Mummy - it sounds really hard work at the moment. Ah the promise of a nights sleep lets hope it comes true. I don't mind hearing about the boys, I enjoy it. You want to enjoy this & forget everything you've been through.

2have - your instructor sounds ace. I really think the fitter someone is the easier the birth etc will be on them, that's a big incentive for me.

Afm: MY MUM CAME HOME TONIGHT!!! Shattered now, but she's home, house clean, fridge stocked. Someone is coming in twice a day. I've laid out her breakfast things & lunch. Then I'll go in after work. It's been 5 weeks & 2 days.
That's great news Minxy, you must be so relieved. I hope she gets on ok and you get a chance to have some well-deserved rest soon. xxx
pinkie - not long till your scan now, everything crossed for you
minxy - great news about your mum
2have4 - its nice to have someone to spur you on - kick boxing - you put me to shame
mummy - im glad Nate is recovered - its strange how they can be so different in their personalities but it will be lovely to watch when they are bigger
Albany - good luck to you

Ilana is much better now, although she has had a cold for the last 2 weeks.
She is 14 weeks on Saturday - I can't believe time has flown so quick.
She goes to bed at 5.30/6 every night and sleeps till 5.00 some nights but others only makes it till 3am before she is starving - one wake up in the night is fine, but like mummy I am finding it exhausting.
I feel blessed as she is such a contented baby, she only ever cries if she is hungry or has wind. She is alert all the time and just will not nap so I find myself on 2-3 hour walks some days where she does fall asleep for 30 mins or so.
On the not so good front, Ilana was born with 2 strawberry birthmarks - one on her nose and one on her neck at the side. The neck one has grown huge both in diameter but also in depth. We have been referred to Great Ormond Street and she will need an MRI scan on her whole body and particularly her brain in case she has an internal one as well which may have caused her fit. It is 99% that she will need vascular surgery on her neck which will be a major operation to cut off the blood vessels. We are very worried but should receive a letter next week with the date of our appointment, and of course we are in the best hands.

Like you mummy, I don't have much else going on at the moment so it is all baby talk - I hope it isn't annoying for you guys as I know what it feels like when you are all patiently waiting and please just tell me to shut up.



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To have, thank you. I am on 225 of the Gonal. I think my follies are growing well, but I'll only have five. I'd expected more. [eta: and two powders of Menopur.]

Thank you Mummy. :)

Pinkie, I sure wish I could rest! I'm so darned busy now, and they've wanted me in every morning so far since I began. Anyway, today they told me not to expect any more follicles. Five it is.

Minxy, they must be. One is nearly 16mm today, and the rest "smaller."
That's great news about your mother. :)

Ducktales, Thank you.
That is worrisome, and I hope everything is okay.
Albany that's really fantastic about your eggs, I wish you plenty of big juicy plump beautiful embies by the time you go for transfer.

Hi to all you ladies, well I have had news about the embryonic pathology. The baby had 45x Turner syndrome which is a Downs syndrome thing. I asked if it could be from the sperm and she said no it was definitely from the egg. We're both really happy to hear this as it gives me extra confidence going forward. I'm glad it happened to miscarry as I wouldn't have wanted to continue with a downs pregnancy despite being through so much and having waited so long.

I'm still waiting for the immunology report and once we know what that looks like we're going to start talking dates with Serum. I'm trying to convince my mom and aunt to come with us, I think my little sister will be going too. It would be a really special holiday, especially if I could conceive and hang onto a sticky bean this time.

I hope you're all having a good week. I was happy when I lost 2 lbs last week, then I got my little robot vacuum and then the doctor called with these results. So it's been a fantastic day! :bunny:
2Have, I'm really glad for you that you are pleased with the news and moving forward.
So, I'm in a bit of a bad place tonight.

I called in the refills, and the total was very high. DH says that our savings are nearly wiped out, although we may get a little bit reimbursed. He says this is our only try. He will not change his mind on this, I have experience to believe and understand his reasons.

But… I am freaking out with fear that we will not have success and that this is it, no kids. I'm so scared.
How is it only his decision to make? As well, what if there were alternatives which don't cost as much. I find it difficult to deal with absolutes, nothing in life is absolute and we'd definitely go into debt to have kids. Money means so much less. I'd rather sell my house or car than be told no kids in my life, that's so concrete.
I can understand this is difficult for you, I wouldn't be able to accept hearing no kids. :cry:
Minxy so glad mum is home and you can hopefully not worry as much when she has someone coming in twice a day.
5 weeks is a long time and I know its so draining and boring sitting in hospital for so long.

Pinkie/ glad your both feeling more positive this time. You have to be and just hope for the best. April will be here so quickly.

AlbaNY I don't think that's very fair. After all what's the point of having money and no future children to spend it on.
I told hubby I would get myself into debt to have children. I just couldn't have a life without them 1 way or another.

2 have- having a child with disability is hard as I know from my auntie. My nan has had a very hard life with her daughter.
I'm not totally sure what I would have done. We would have been torn x

Duck- I'd be the same. So worried about an op.
Nate has a strawberry on his nose and birth mark on his eye lid. I'm scares about the nose growing but have been told it can be painlessly lasered off which we would choose as children can be cruel at schools but normally they fade by 2 years of age.
Let us know how things go x

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