Sorry to hear you cant start as soon as you want - 6 months sounds a lot longer than January - January will soon be here and in the meantime you can have a month or two of just having some fun with your DH before starting to prep your body again x By then your body will be better prepared too
....This WILL be the last Christmas we all spend without a baby - that's what I keep telling myself so we should try and enjoy it
Im totally with you on the whole ppl getting pregnant without a care in the world even more so young naive parents who cant provide a stable home for their child or cant be bothered with it once the novelty has worn off - so unfair how we have to do all this prep and go through all the injections etc when drug addicts abuse their bodies and their fertility in the majority of cases isnt effected
Stay strong and TRY to have a lil fun - it really does help and is very much needed - I dont think I quite reolised until it was over how stressed and consumed by the whole experience I had become x
....This WILL be the last Christmas we all spend without a baby - that's what I keep telling myself so we should try and enjoy it

Im totally with you on the whole ppl getting pregnant without a care in the world even more so young naive parents who cant provide a stable home for their child or cant be bothered with it once the novelty has worn off - so unfair how we have to do all this prep and go through all the injections etc when drug addicts abuse their bodies and their fertility in the majority of cases isnt effected
Stay strong and TRY to have a lil fun - it really does help and is very much needed - I dont think I quite reolised until it was over how stressed and consumed by the whole experience I had become x