waiting for ivf and struggling!

I have group co ordination apointment on feb 14th too.

I just hope that I don't start my period early like I did this month because otherwise ill miss feb and have to wait until march.
If it comes when it's meant to, I'll start my injections a week after the apointment.
So fingers crossed it stays the same x
I'm doing short protocol so not sure about the long protocol, I start CD2 x
I have group co ordination apointment on feb 14th too.

I just hope that I don't start my period early like I did this month because otherwise ill miss feb and have to wait until march.
If it comes when it's meant to, I'll start my injections a week after the apointment.
So fingers crossed it stays the same x
I'm doing short protocol so not sure about the long protocol, I start CD2 x

How weird - what time is yours? Mine is at 9.10 xxx
Mine is at 9! Ha yes very weird. We go in for a 3 hour group chat with other couples too x
I don't need to do it as I already know it all but they are insisting I have too x

How is everyone?

We didnt have to have any kind of group session before our IVF. Is it helpful? What is the aim of it? I think I might have found it helpful to talk with other couples going through it. When we were going in for the scans, everyone sat in the waiting room in silence which was odd considering we were all there for the same reasons.

We have shared our issues with most of our close friends and since doing so have found that DP's closest two friends are both also having problems conceiving with their partners. I dont think the chaps would have told each other anything at all if we hadnt broken the silence first. Infertility seems to be one of those things thats rarely discussed.

We are back to the clininc tomorrow afternoon for our consultation to find out what happened and what happens next. Really hoping we get some good news.

xx :flower:
Yeah everyone sits in silence when we go into for scans but suppose you don't want to pry into what others are doing if you don't know them.
I just smile at people as you just know what were there for.
Never see anyone our age on there.

I didn't get a group session the 1st time and u should have.
A nurse talks to you all about how to inject etc and when to ring, who would have helped me because I could have started a month earlier but got totally confused about being able to start at the weekend and then phone them to say I started at the weekend.
My period fell on jubilee weekend so they were shut the Friday mon and tues and I came on on the Friday and didn't know I could start.

Hope tomorrow goes ok, let us know x
Then with the chat they take you off couple by couple to discuss individual protocols x

Appointment went well today. They are also concerned as to why I had so many follies but only 10 eggs were suitable so are changing my meds for next time so I'll be on Menopur instead of Gonal F.

Obviously they dont know why it didnt work last time. We are looking at a total cost of £5k - £5.5k for the next round. I'm to ring CD1 of next cycle to start on CD21 which is mid-March. I'm really chuffed. 6 weeks is a good amount of time to get on top of things and prepare diet wise etc :happydance:

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:
Pinkie, mummy, ducktales and welcome snsnsn, best of luck with the timing and protocals making those eggies big & bright. I really think it's time to see success on this board!!
Melbram , how you doing over there? Still got lots on the go?
Bundlesofjoy, how's the diet coming? I think you said you were trying to lose as well?

I'm hated my cycle last month, O'd a few days before af, on cd19 right now waiting to see if it's going to be another wammie month. I thought it would be good to try a few months naturally before IVF in april/May but now it doesn't seem like that's going to happen. I've had lots of chaste berry - it made me O on cd 16 instead of 18 (my usual) in sept and that's when I got my bfp. But that doesn't seem to be working. So to pass the time I'm just doing lots of exercise, getting taxes filed away, booking a few mini-holidays and the oh just got us tickets to Muse on Feb 5th. Now I'm excited to just get on with the year, it's refreshing not having everything revolve around ttc for me these last few months. But I am really excited and terrified (that it might not work) for ivf and to be joining you ladies in a few months.
Yes there should be some success! I feel happy for people who have had a tough time, not that I don't for people who don't but I'm happier for those who have struggled.

I've been having some incredible stomach pains and I'm just hoping I don't start my period earlier before my apointment on the 14th feb! Because ill have to wait until end of march and then that will be 7 months wait but just got to wait and see.

Welcome snsnsn what's your story. Im at hammersmith too.

How's everyone doing?
I get lost with who's started and who's not. Hard to keep track ha
Well my story is, I'm 39. DH is 42 we've been TTC for 3yrs, not major trying just wld be nice if it happens but over the last year & a bit 'actively' trying. I live in Hertfordshire and have a puppy called cookie who keeps me sane in these 2ww's..

I took 8xgonal f shots, 1x antag shot then went for EC.

My Egg Collection was last thursday (1 week today) and they put back 2 A embryos. 1x7 cell & 1x8 cell, 3 days later on sunday, both with assisted hatching. Have been on AB's and progesterone supps since & here I am..

I have been working from home this week, bed rest on the Sunday but up and about with cookie on the Monday, then rested again most of tues, wed and today Thursday. (DH was off tues, wed & today so took the puppy)

I am having sharp pains only at night when I turn over (have had these before) and period like cramps, sore boobs but all symptoms of AF & also difficult to say if preg symptom or AF due to progesterone supp..
Wow, I didn't think they'd thow back more than 2 over there in the UK. You'd do exactly what I would, we're def going to do 3-4 eggs since I seem to have so many bad ones.

I hope those are implantation pains either way snsnsn. Best of luck!
I was told we were only allowed 1 back on our 1st round but as we only had 2 eggs they let me have both back.
They were both very good and had mine back on day 5.
With round 2 I think your automatically allowed to have 2 eggs put back.
Where about in herts are you

I had very bloated tum, and sorry..,,, lots of wind which I don't normally get.
Boobs were tender and I won't often get that even on my period.
But you don't want to keep grabbing at symptoms and the progesterone makes you have the symptoms too.
Best of luck. Not long until you can test.
Don't test early too if you can help it.
I tested 2 days before I was told and it was still negative x
I got 2 coz of my ages
I live in stanstead Abbotts, (near Ware) in Herts

Today is day 10 after ET I can test a week from today
Have no symptoms other than AF pain/cramping and boob soreness
As you say, both symptoms of progesterone .. Or AF actually coming..

How do people cope after BFN after an IVF cycle!, our last hope for our own, natural children.. :(
snsnsn think positively. Eat healthy, exercise, fill this week up with things that make you happy. Take a walk with your partner and smell the flowers. Don't let it cross your mind about what if. Drink lots of water, laugh, love and smile!
Your not out snsnsn
Your not meant to actually get symptoms, they say people just think they have.
I didn't feel much different and I got to 7 weeks.

It was very hard to deal with an mc but you just have to deal with it, and with the support of your partner you can get through anything x
Hi all sorry I have been away for a while was really busy before my appointment then had some bad news at the appointment last Thursday so been feeling quite down.
I was really nervous about the appointment last week due to the amount of weight I needed to lose, so I attend the clinic and was weighed by the nurse and bmi was 29 which was brilliant:happydance::happydance: I was so happy thinking this is it. I then go am called into see the registrar who it seemed had not read my notes before he entered and asked stupid questions. He then goes on to say he will not be referring me for ivf as all of the test that I had done previously now where out of date and needed to be repeated, so I will have to come back in 10 weeks time with all of the repeated test and he will then refer me. At this point I shocked myself and my husband by having a go at the dr as firstly this was never mentioned before that they was a timelimit on the test and secondly the manner in which I was told was very insensitive. I was really close to tears it was so disappointing. He then mentioned that it would take another 12 weeks from when he refers me in 10 weeks to get a referral number to hammersmith:wacko: at this point I am quoting the east north herts trust website and say I don't understand why you are giving me different information to what your trust states. He leaves the room for about 15mins I can only guess to talk to an actual dr. Who knows what they are doing and states that yes it will not be that long and that I will be given a choice of 5 ivf clinics not just hammersmith. So dh will now have to go to Cambridge to give another sample which he is to happy about as it over an hour away so he will have to produce the sample there, which for the previous samples as it was in hitchin we were able to do it at home and just take the sample in. I have to go for bloods and ultrasound again. I will be doing bloods today as it day 2 of my cycle but have to wait to see when the ultrasound will be booked for, called today try and speed the process up but no luck:nope:
Sorry for the rambling on :blush:

2have4kids - I am so happy your surgery went well and that you are losing weight well done! How much do you have to lose now until you can start treatment?

Mummy wannabe 14th feb is to far now:thumbup:
Hi Bundles, I'm so happy that wanker spoke to someone knowledgeable and got you referred for IVF. I could have done the IVF in Jan, they called and I delayed. My bf is a nurse and she said if you don't loose a little weight you may not respond well to the IVF drugs. I'll be paying $8000 out of pocket and I just can't affort not to give it my best shot. So that's what set me off in this direction to lose weight.

I also don't want to be preggers and be BMI 29/30 already so I just made the decision to do something about it. How many times have I cried to my OH because I don't feel good/sexy anymore? Life is too short for me to feel this way (feeling fat). The surgery was very easy, I was on IV for a day & then off to a good start with losing 7 lbs in the first 2 weeks. Week 3 I had a bit of a stall but I got a gym membership and then started dropping lbs again.

So we've told them we'll do IVF in May, they'll have me on the pill in April (long protocol). I've put a call into the clinic because I thought I'd have a few months to try before IVF. Right now I'm on CD27 and my cbefm is telling me that I'm only half way to O. Last month O was CD23 and AF was CD25 - there's no way I can get preggers like that! So now I've now got luteal phase problems. I don't know how to get back on track. They said losing weight would get the adrenal glands kicking out LOTS of hormones and kick my natural fertility into high gear but so far I'm still waiting. Just waiting to hear what the clinic suggests today-to make it more difficult, I forgot my cell phone in my workout bag :wacko:. More than frustrated right now than ever. Pleased at how easy it's been to drop the lbs but come on! Lets ovulate already!

So are you needing to do another HSG then again? That would piss me off, I hated that test! I don't mind bloods, that's easy but not that invasive test.
Oh bundles that must have been hard to hear. That's so rubbish.
My hubby had to go to hitchin too so why cambs this time?
Its hard to have to wait even longer when you have already Waited so long.,when we were told 6 months wait I was gutted but you have no choice, you just have to prepare yourself and try keep busy for the time to fly.

My best friend text me yesterday so say she's pregnant and it's the 1st month trying, she was very tactful about the way the text went but I still cried and cried.
She got married in June and told me they would be trying in jan so I was expecting it, but thought maybe she wouldn't fall the 1st month. I am happy for her but its still hard when were coming up to 3 years trying.
Hopefully my body will play ball and my period will stay away until just after 14th when I get my injections and we always said we would love to do baby stuff together, have our time off together etc and fingers crossed we get our wish x

Congrats on the weight loss 2have4kids. Sounds like your doing well x
2have4kids - yes that is a lot of money you want to be in the best shape health wise for when it happens.
Weight wise it is exactly what I thought I have friends who have 1- 2 kids who are slimmer than me and i dont want to be super overweight if the time omes i have taken up swimming again which is helping and really enjoying it
I have heard drinking a glass of grapefruit helps with ovulation.
He did not mention an hsg thankfully this could be due to the previous two failed ones. I have a tilted uterus and after numerous attempts at poking around could not get the dye into it:nope:
I have to have an ultrasound which I know will turn not an internal one due to the tilted uterus now that is also not fun.

Mummy.wanabe I questioned him also he states that the trust have decided to have all samples done in one collective place:shrug: however this is not mentioned on there website and I really don't know if he knows what he is talking about. I was going to give the hitchin place a call and inquire as it really does not makes sense

I know how you feel - I was told on fri my sister in law is pregnant with her second and I don't want to sound cruel or like a bitch but it was really hard for me to feel happy for her. All I could think about was here is another person getting pregnant around me while I am not. I am obviously happy for her as it is what she wants but it very bittersweet. It will be 3 years ttc in march for us and in that time my friends and family have had over 20 babies.

Fingers crossed af stays away and you get to do all those things togethet:dust:
That's what my friend said in her text that it was bitter sweet, I don't want her to not enjoy it because of me, so in a few days I will text her and say sorry I think and see how she is.

This not being able to have a baby mallarc is so cruel sometimes. A lot of my fiends have all had babies but I suppose it comes to that age when people start thinking about marriage and babies x

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