Hi Ladies
Blimey, sounds like a lot has been going on! Glad everyone is ok.
2have4kids - congrats on the weight loss, thats fab news! Really hope it helps you get your BFP. I love the feeling of finding clothes in the wardrobe you havent been able to fit into and putting them on!
bundlesofjoy - good luck with the SA. I think its easy to underestimate how hard (excuse the pun) that process must be for the chaps. I'm not sure I could do it!
mummy.wannabe - sounds like the progesterone cream might help with your situation. Its amazing the amount of things we have to try and find out about ourselves.
Hope everyone else is ok.
AFM - I'm annoyed with myself! According to the online ovulation calander (I dont monitor O), this week is fertile times with yesterday being the most fertile. I went to work with DP and the lads yesterday and put in a full days graft outdoors and then we went to the pub for tea and a couple of glasses of wine. When we got back I was all up for BDing but fairly soon after revving things up I fell asleep! Poor DP was fine about it but I feel awful.
To cap it all off, I texted him at work this morning to say sorry, with a load of mushy stuff and apologising for being a nightmare etc etc and I got a text back from his mother saying he had left his phone at their house this morning... I am MORTIFIED that she may have read the text, or all of his texts (his phone is like a conversation rather than individual texts) and now will be thinking all sorts
HARUMPH. Now I have to clean the house.