Hi Ladies
2have4kids - so glad it went well this time, are you now in the 2ww then? Good luck!
mummy.wannabe - sorry you had a rubbish day. I thought the worse thing about the meds would be the injections but its actually the headaches. Hope you are feeling better today.
bundles - 6th March isnt long, less than a week! Hope you can get things moving sooner.
Melbram - hope you are feeling better. Think I'll reaserch pregnitude too. I am currently on Pregnacare Conception and DP is on Wellman Conception. Hoping they are helping us along!
AFM, yesterday I met my cousins brand new baby girl. It was fine, she of course is gorgeous. Was coping really well until her boyfriend told me about some friends of theirs who had IVF 3 times, all of which failed it broke their relationship, they split up, several years later they got back together and fell pregnant naturally. I'm not sure in what way he thought this could be of any possible comfort?!! I know people dont know what to say sometimes, but really it is better to just say nothing whatsobloody ever!
Also we have had a rush on with our work and DP might have to work away during some of the IVF (but obviously not the crucial bits!). I really have to master being able to do my own injections
Anyways, not long until our appointment to sign consents etc on Monday and just under 2 weeks until we start jabbing.
Hope everyone has a fab Thursday x