I'm up late, it's 1:50am!! We didn't go skiing, had a small tiff in the car, he didn't bring my pants and mitts and he was in charge of that stuff. It's not like he didn't remember, he said oh they are sitting on the floor under the ski bag (that he'd dumped to pack for the cabin last weekend). So in repacking it he took my goggles, helmet and all of his stuff and left my pants and mitts right next to it on the floor. On our way home i asked if we could just have a ski bag and I could give him another duffel for the cabin and he said I should just pack my own ski bag?? For 2 years now we have a routine, I make breaky, he showers and gets the skis/bag into car, we eat, I get dressed and we go. I just don't get why he was so arrogant about it and went with knowing my pants were left behind. I always ask him if he's got all my stuff too, can't be too careful, I just trusted this time everything was the same, we got gas and then 5 minutes out I asked him and he said no. Then no apology, then I should just get my own bag. I fed the cats, made our lunches, I can't ask him to put the ski bag + skis in? I asked him what are we going to do when we have kids? I have to care for them too and pack all of their things and mine while he puts his skis in? So ridiculous. He has issues.
I don't think I'm preggers, my boobs aren't sore and that's usually the strongest sign. I'll test again tomorrow, will know for sure then it's cdc29 of 32/33.