I'm annoyed about the waiting mainly due to my self imposed deadlines, but the 3 weeks is my choice, got to be worth it for a clinic practically on my doorstep.
Interesting bit...as it was a new Dr he went through everything again, was very thorough no rush. I brought with us the original sperm analysis our GP did in March 2010 when they said everything was ok but we didn't ask for a print out until recently and we couldn't understand it.
The first analysis was feb 2010 13.8 million per ml with 2% rapid motility. As it was low she asked for another test. The following month in March 2010 the result was 26 million per ml with 25% rapid. Which is why she didn't refer us and why our treatment initially focused on my cycles initially. At last I can bury that baggage I've been carrying around & have my faith back in my GP again.
But in Oct 2011 the count was 7m, motility 10%
March 2012 - 2.8m, motility 1%
Sept 2012 - to bad to note
Jan 2013 - 1.7m, motility 21%
As to why its progressively decreasing the Dr has no idea (I'll be hitting google soon), normally it would be due to illness or operation in that area but he's had neither. Counts fluctuate but this is just down
The Dr recommends freezing a sample so we have a back up on the day & if the sample to freeze is awful we need to consider a donor back up. This sounds sensible, need to discuss today with DH.
Next cycle will be 'the pill' for 21 days, then beuserlin, then gonal F. A change to my previous protocall in the hope for better eggs too (but can't tell if they were good or bad).
Egg reserve looks good (phew).
An interesting point on the 'how many they'll put back topic' & 'day 3 or 5', his view is put back 2 blasts (yes please!), apparently the embryologist decides this based on a logarithm based on things like the last cycles. Will be asking for 2, but he also said after the 1st treatment they'll do two. Interesting on how different people say a different thing. He also said the embryologist would pick which day to transfer but recommend a day 5. I'm happy with that, if we don't get blasts it won't because we had a 5 day transfer its because the sperm wasn't great & maybe the eggs.
Another reason to stay with this clinic.
Feel so drained after all that today, work was a struggle with my mind elsewhere.
Mummy - If I did your job I'd definitely want the whole 2 weeks off. I'm going for 2 days for ec, then the week after et. Worst thing about my job is there can be plenty of time for my mind to wander & just stew on things. Best thing I can get privacy to sort out appointments etc & from last year we get 6 days fertility leave a year.
Being half term is a good thing as the woman I sit next to will be off & she's like the gloomiest person ever, I'm surprised she makes it to work with so much to whinge about & sometimes makes snide comments. Last week she said International Womens Day is for people like me, so they have something to celebrate. I soon told her that wasn't the point & if things were different it wouldn't have upset me, but I really struggle on Mothering Sunday. She's also realised I seem to be taking a lot of holiday (the additional fertility leave). I said I carried a lot over from last year!
Well done on the dinners. I can't wait to show off a big bump either, I love to wear nice clothes so I'll have to really restrain myself, and now with places like new look & DP doing maternity wear there's so much choice on the high street.
Looking forward to hearing how everyone else's treatment is going. Sharing my thoughts & worries on here has really helped me