waiting for ivf and struggling!

mummyw - Glad everything is going well, all sounds very positive. the tests look good. 3 days now to that weekend again! Hope time flies to the 9th.

2have4kids - I'll have to give call the midwife a look, I know alot of people that watch it but was afraid I'd find it a bit upsetting. Downton Abbey is very popular, I've been lent the DVDs I might watch it when I have my week off after transfer. I mainly watch American TV stuff like CSI, Greys, Criminal Minds, True Blood, my latest love is Grimm and started watching Super Natural last night but have 8 series to catch up on. When I'm resting up after ET I'm going to watch happy shows.

Pinkie - hope AF is ok and you get your scan soon.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

ATM: after the finding out DH's count is declining, I put a post on here asking for any ideas on it, got one reply that the testosterone and estrogen might be out. I don't think he was ever tested for either of these things, phoned up the clinic today and am still waiting for a call back on it. I half wished I hadn't mentioned it as don't want to slow down treatment but DH needs to feel he's tried everything before the donor route. Hopefully they'll say it was checked & ok.
Really want the treatment to hurry up now. I'm ready.
Call the midwife is not that upsetting. Only on the odd occasion have I cried. It's just a good drama.
Defo watch happy stuff from transfer!!!
That's a must.

Hi there yearning heart
My scan is to check that the egg/ eggs have implanted in the right place and not too low as there is still a chance of mc if its low. Then you have to rest for a few weeks until the egg has fully implanted deeper.
Also to check if 1 or 2 have taken. Then if they see 2 sacks they get you to come for another scan to confirm a week or 2 after, then they discharge you to your own doctor where you can arrange a midwife appointment x

Minxy chick- its best to explore all the options to use hubby's sperm before getting to the donor stage.
He would feel better and I'm sure it wouldn't take much longer at all x
Let us know what they say x
Minxy, that really sucks about your OH swimmers, nothing like feeling the clock is breathing down your back. I hope you get answers and treatment soon! x

Mummy, I can't wait for the 9th to hear about your two little sticky beans. I can picture them all cozying up warm and safe, grow beans grow! x

Everyone else OK? It seems a little quiet here right now. Pinkie, duck and Melbram, how are things?

I just got my protocol in the mail today. April 3 = baseline u/s. I'm on Suprefact (80IU)8am/8pm and gonal f (450iu) and Luveris (75iu) for 6 days and then it looks like an evaluation. That's alot of injections!! I'm ok with injections but that's an aweful lot!

Did they explain embryo hatching and why/when it might be done? We paid upfront for it but they say it doesn't always need to be done. i'll have to ask more about this :huh:

Excited that things are happening finally.
Sorry have been lurking!
Day 6 of gonal f today- had my blood test yesterday and got a call telling me to inccrease the dose from 150-200 and come in on day 8 for an additional scan
It's such a worrying time, not sleeping well and just working through each day
Love to everyone else
Sorry not to do personals rushing to get to work!
Hi everyone

mummy - not long until April, hope you arent over-doing it at work. At least its so cold the garden centre should be quiet!

2have4kids - great news about the protocol. The number of jabs is a bit overfacing at first but you get used to it. We end up like pincusions by the end!

Minxychick - I'm surprised your DH hasnt had these tests already. DP was tested for hormones fairly early on. Hope it gives you some answers x

bundles - how are you doing? I've been reading that you are all watching the midwife progs etc. I dont watch anything like that as although I'd probably be fine, I dont want to risk snivels!

Ducktales - you are at the exciting bit now... grow follies! Hope you are feeling ok, I found my ovaries felt like footballs towards the end, was def ready for ER! :pop:

Melbram - hope your scan goes well tomorrow x

AFM - its been hectic here. DP is poorly with temp, shakes and shivers and the runs. On Sunday night we had a chimney fire and although we managed to put it out, the fire extinguisher we used was powder so all downstairs was covered in smoke, ash and blue/white powder. So we decamped to Mil's Sunday night and I spent yesterday scrubbing with Mil whilst DP was laid up. All ok now, just tired.

Also, got on the scales for the first time in months... I've gained nearly everything I lost last summer:wacko: So its back on the regime but not as severe. I'm aiming for a pound/week (rather than 3-4 like last time). Really hoping the weather picks up so salad seems more fanciable! I think I've accepted that I can always seem to diet down to about 11.5-12st but I cant maintain it that well. So I think I'll aim for 12.5 - 12st and try and maintain that instead. I suppsose it depends on the outcome of this process!

I'm booked in for down reg scan on Thursday. Really hoping to start stims soon xx
Duck tales its very common not to sleep whilst on the injections.
I've only just started to sleep a bit more through the night and I finished gonal weeks ago.
Tho could be the progesterone now. The pressure on my tum Is making it uncomfortable to sleep on my front and that's how I sleep best.
I have to sleep with a pillow at the side of me.

My test this morning was so dark! I might be getting a tad more excited each morning.just hope it carries on.
Still have lots of pains which is worrying but I keep reading its normal x

Ducktales it can only be a good thing that they recognised you need upping already so that's good.

2have4kids that's a lot of injections her day! Wow did they say why so many things to take?
Pinkie that's horrible hope your o.k.
Defo agree with feeling very bloated and full towards the end but it took a long time for my ovaries to go down after ER. My doctor told me that on your normal cycle your ovaries are the size of walnuts and at the end of the injections they were the size of a grapefruit each. No wonder you feel uncomfortable!!

Hope your partner gets better soon. A lot of stuff going around!

The garden centre maybe quiet but the coffee shop is not ha we keep the business going in the winter. It should be getting Warmer by now , it was last year.

Melbram how you getting on??

Bundles you too? Xx
mummy.wannabe - I hope your scan goes smoothly!!! Let us know how it goes, I might be having IVF soon in like 5 months so its interesting to read stories of others and how things go. Can you post all your steps of the process? Would be nice to read them. I really hope you recieve good news!!! x
Yeah I remember it was nice reading people's stories so you roughly know the process before you start.
I've thought about writing a blog but didnt know if anyone would be interested as it would prob be very long.
I have wrote a diary as such of what happened so I have my own records.
I will sit down and write it soon then.
Il have to go back on paper work to find out how long in between appointments etc x

What's your situation? X
Ductales it seems you're on half the dose of gonal F that I am! What's everyone else's dose?
Wow, so I should really be watching out for hyperstimulation symptoms. I know she feels that I won't respond to the drugs but if I do then I might be in for a rough ride.
mummy.wannabe - Go for it! I would defently read it and Im sure many others would do too, that way people like me can get an idea of how it works because even until I still dont understand it fully of the process. I too have a diary that I write my appointments and experience so one day when I am a mummy I can read it and would be interesting to read what Iv been through to have a baby.

My situation is bit complicated, I have PCOS, one of my tube is not fully open. The GYN found a fibroid but couldnt determine exact location of it so I had to have a surgery to check where it is and if its near the uterus wall then it would be cut. (I was asleep throughout the surgery) - But sadly after the surgery the GYN said that they couldnt check properly because the lining was too thick and therefore I have to repeat the surgery. I had an injection yesterday (Gonapeptyl injection) to make the lining thin so its ready for surgery which is in a months time. After that most likely I will be put to IVF which was said by my GYN.

(Sorry for the long story of my situation)

Let me know what u decide with your blog. I think its a fab idea! x
mummy.wannabe - Go for it! I would defently read it and Im sure many others would do too, that way people like me can get an idea of how it works because even until I still dont understand it fully of the process. I too have a diary that I write my appointments and experience so one day when I am a mummy I can read it and would be interesting to read what Iv been through to have a baby.

My situation is bit complicated, I have PCOS, one of my tube is not fully open. The GYN found a fibroid but couldnt determine exact location of it so I had to have a surgery to check where it is and if its near the uterus wall then it would be cut. (I was asleep throughout the surgery) - But sadly after the surgery the GYN said that they couldnt check properly because the lining was too thick and therefore I have to repeat the surgery. I had an injection yesterday (Gonapeptyl injection) to make the lining thin so its ready for surgery which is in a months time. After that most likely I will be put to IVF which was said by my GYN.

(Sorry for the long story of my situation)

Let me know what u decide with your blog. I think its a fab idea! x

Oh so you've got to have more surgery before you can start.
I might do 1 on Friday when I'm off work xx
Hi everyone, thanks for the advice
Mummy- fab that the test is darker
Melbram- good luck for the scan tomorrow
2 have 4 kids- I have been reading up on gonal f and it seem anything from 150-300 seems normal
Yearning heart- when do you find out if and when you start ivf?
Minxy- so sorry about you oh swimmers, but at least knowledge is power and you can deal with the issues- is your oh ok or is he taking it badly?
Bundles- I can't watch anything to do with midwives or babies, I think it is because I have to try and deal with the fact that we might never have kids- I know that sounds negative but that's how I feel at the moment
Sorry if I have missed anyone

Afm I am feeling ok today, my ovaries are starting to hurt and I am feeling dizzy and very tired as not sleeping
Next scan is on Thursday and also have one on Friday which I may or may not need
That's all normal feeling ducktales. But doesn't make it any easier to deal with all together.
Its nearly over and you'll be having those eggs taken out x
Ductales I hope you feel better, does melatonin ever help you? Let us know how your scan goes Thursday!

So it sounds like my dose is off the chart lol. I've just googled 450mg and reassuringly someone said said they prefer to start high and then down-dose if necessary. Hopefully meaning it'll produce more eggs in the beginning since I'll be a low responder.

I'm SO tired today, I'm demolishing our master bath shower while OH is in Abu Dhabi. Have a whole bunch of contractors coming Wed/Thursday to do electrical & plumbing work. Didn't realise it would be so hard to smash tiles and take down walls-I feel like a crazed woman doing this work. Who needs the gym when you've got leather gloves, goggles and a hammer :haha:
mummywannabe: not long until your scan - great to hear test lines getting darker :happydance:

Ducktales: Feel for you - I was really uncomfortable when I got to the end of stimms last time x Hope your scan Thursday goes well so you can get on with EC x

2have4kids: congrats on getting your protocol through - lots of jabbing ;) when do you get started ?

Minxy: that's rubbish about OH's swimmers hope you get some answers before moving to donor x what's his count like sorry I cannot recall? If he has some sort of count I dont understand why they cant give it a go like they do when they do TESE or whatever it is called when the sperm is surgically removed - surely there isnt a lot in that scenareo but there is still success stories x

yearningheart: welcome to the thread - sorry to hear your having to go through all this surgery. Hope you can move forward soon

Pinky: good luck with scan thursday x

Bundles: Hi - sorry cant remember where you are up to now (i've read a few pages and getting confused) hope you are ok x

afm: base line tomorrow morning hoping to start stimms soon. last time I had baseline AF had been 36 days and stimms were started 2 or 3 days after scan. I was 2 days earlier this time so hoping to start stimms maybe tomorrow or Thursday. Not looking forward to feeling bloated though. I am having awful mood swings at the mo everything is really pissing me off more than usual - keep warning people to stay out of my way lol
mummy.wannabe - Yep I have to have a surgery before the IVF

Ducktales - I have a follow up appointment after like 2 months, so I will find out for sure then. Are going through IVF? Is that why you have scans?

Melbram - Thanks! Its nice to be in a thread full of lovely ladies.. well actually I must say there are some really nice people on this forum.

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