waiting for ivf and struggling!

Hope you all had a great Easter. Cant believe I actually didnt eat any chocolate!

What has everyone got planned this week with appointments etc?

How are you feeling mummywannabe? roll on scan day to put your mind at rest a little

There is constantly a hurdle with IVF - are the follies growing, how many eggs, how many have fertilised, will they survive, will the embie stick and then will it stay stuck for 9 months! not to mention the journey getting to the point of IVF. Im sure none of us will really rest until we have our babies in our arms x
Nope I no for sure I won't fully be relaxed until baby/babies are here.
I want to start getting excited but I can't yet.
I want the scan date to be here now so I know but now I'm back at work my days are going soooo slowly!! It's horrible.
9 days until the scan tho. I'm 5+3 today.
I'm feeling very sick now, tho its not nice to feel sick at the time, its nice to feel something that are the effects that's happening in there.
I know something is working in there.
I didn't sleep well at all last night as was feeling bad all night and felt terrible this morning but hey ho, I've got to get on with it.

Haven't been on much really as nothing much is going on at the mo and don't want to moan about feeling sick all the time.
But I am thinking about all you ladies all the time.

How is everyone?

I didn't do much this weekend. Oh painted the flat saturday as new tenants are moving in on the 6th and went to mother in laws for dinner yesterday but came home early x
Hi, I had my day 12 scan today and not great news
Back on Wednesday for another scan

Scan results are that there are still 3 follicles on the right but now 9 on the left (there was 4). Only 2 (1 right and 1 left) are the correct size for egg collection at the moment however they are very doubtful they will be able to access the left ovary as it is so high up, so they have to base it on me having 3 at this
Have mother and sister in law coming for dinner so just cooking a slow roast shoulder of lamb, take my mind off it all
Ducktales, grow follies, grow. I REALLY hope it works out for you, just 1 good one. Keep the mantra...just 1!!
Melbram, where are you at then? Still stimming? What are they looking like?
Pinkie, how are your injections going?
Mummy, even though ms isn't nice I'm glad to hear you're having it. It's a confirmation that everything's a go and congrats on the new renter.
Bundles, Minxy & Yearning, how did your Easter go? Any progress with IVF, appointments?

AFM, the OH got back from UAE on Sunday sick as a dog. I'm not too pleased about that. Why can't men take supplements and try to take care of themselves? He's always having a beer here and a beer there and usually winds up sick after that. Why bother taking folic acid if you're general care for yourself is so poor anyway. No wonder why we don't have kids already.

Anyway, I was up 3 times last night because he has the runs (sorry TMI) and refused to eat dinner at dinner time so then he got hungry during the night and after hearing crinkling and crunching for 10 min, you think it'll go away and when it doesn't I ask what's going on to find out he's having his midnight snack in bed...OMG, I just want to send him on a plane back to Abu Dhabi. The man has a phd. and is so very clever in many ways but completely lacking manners and good sense about so many other things in life. Sorry for the rant.

Tonight mom's cooking the turkey dinner for us (bless her heart!) I wouldn't be surprised if OH bails. Melbram, I didn't have chocolate either this Easter, it feels weird! Did have some excellent decaf Starbucks coffee, made up for any chocy lacking in my life.
Mummy: rubbish to feel so yuk but good at the same time because something is growing inside :happydance:

Ducktales: sorry to see not a great improvement never heard of them not being able to access an ovary! have they upped your meds? fx lil follies catch up for next scan - mummy is proof from her last round that you only need 1 x

2have4kids: Im finding this a lot lately that men just never listen to us women even though we are always right. They think they know best - they are like teenagers at times - hope you have a better night tonight.

afm: day 3 of stimms today - all going ok although hate having to drink so much water that's all im doing all day. OH is monitoring me too and says I need to drink more than the 3 litres this time :dohh: Back on Thursday for first stimms scan
MummyW - What does 5+3 days mean? I've seen it written before & always wondered what it means. Totally agree, I'll never relax until my baby(ies), are in my arms & probably won't then either!! But in a good way.

Ducktales - It must be be frustrating to hear they can't get to one side and they're not growing as quickly as hoped, but it can be done be one. Think quality :hugs:

2have4kids - Men are complete prats sometimes. When I try and get DH to try a new idea I have to be very careful hows its presented, if he thinks I'm trying to tell him what to do, that's it no budging. They're should be more women working in the United Nations.

Melbram - glad its going ok. Wow that's alot of water. I thought I drank alot last time but maybe I should up it for next. Is it for egg quality + avoiding OHSS?

Are you ladies avoiding chocolate for weight purposes or fertility? Chocolate is my number one weakness so wondering if its needs a break...

AFM: Got a stinking cold and trying not to do a lot, will probably take tomorrow off work sick. It's so annoying. Nothing happening this week on TTC, waiting for AF 10/4 to start contraceptive pills. Need to work on my healthy eating (I'm not bad but...).
Also, joined anonymously Twitter and following lots of ladies doing IVF and health / fertility groups. Finding it interesting on the bite sized health snippets & 'enjoy' hearing everyone else's stories. I've got good friends but unless you're going through this, no one can fully appreciate it all.
Hi everyone

mummy - sorry about the MS but I'm sure its a good sign. How weird that we cant wait to experience it!

Ducktales - I'm sorry that things aren't going as you'd hoped but like everyone else says, its quality that counts. Are you still on the same dose?

2have4kids - sorry to hear your DH is in a state! Men are generally rubbish at being poorly in my experience. I usually find several packets of dry crackers solves problems like that :haha:

Melbram - how are you feeling on the stims? Are the jabs going well? I'm not drinking that much water, wondering if I should now.

Minxy - I'm afraid I haven't avoided chocolate at all this weekend. It is Easter after all :blush: DP bought me a huge egg so that's this evenings challenge!

AFM - We've had a busy day with lots of friends round for a clay pigeon shoot and food and cake so a bit tired now. In for a scan in the morning. I've felt my ovaries swelling so fingers crossed.
It means I'm 5 weeks and 3 days. They write it as 5+3, 5+4, 5+5, 5+6, 6 weeks.

Ducktales so sorry they are not growing as planned. I know how hard it is to hear you don't have many but try and relax as much as you can and just go with it.
It can still be good news for you and they should be able to get to your other ovary. They must be able to get it some how. You might be down there a bit longer but you won't know about it.
As I've said before I only got 2 eggs my 1st round and its heart breaking but if they are the few that grew biggest 1st it generally means they are more dominant and will do better.
Hope they've upped your meds to see if you can get the others up to size.

Melbram. Yours shouldnt be long being on day 3 of stims. Mine took 12 days so hopefully you'll be roughly the same and it flys by.
It's hard to drink that amount of water on these freezing cold days.
I'm not drinking as much as I should because its hard to go to the toilet so much at work but the last few days I've been noticing my wee is a bit yellow and its not normally like that. I know if your hydrated your wee is meant to be very light but thought I've had enough for it to not be that colour. If you know what I mean.

2have4kids- men can be complete arse holes some times. They just don't think at all. They don't realise how hard it is to do this. I know they deal with it different ways.

Minxy sorry you got a stinking cold. It makes you feel depressed doesn't it.
I'm the same. I have friends that want to hear what I'm going through/ been through but you have to explain it in so much detail that it sometimes brought back to much memories. Stupid I know. You'll be starting soon x

Pinkie glad your doing well. The swelling is a good sign.
When so you estimate collection?
We had a small egg last week and got some celebrations from mother in law as no where had any eggs left in the supermarkets ha I won't really eat those anyway.
I can't stop eating biscuits and crisps. They are making me feel a bit normal x
Thanks mummy. Hoping to have a better idea after tomorrows scan. I hope end of this week/beginning of next. I'm on day 5 of stims now, its flying by.

I heard ginger helps with MS. My friend had ginger bicces which helped a lot xx
Your getting on too.
It took my 12 days but a lot if people take 10-15 days. It dies fly by once your at that stage I think.
I brought ginger biscuits and salt and vinegar and caramel snack a jacks. I found it so hard to get out of bed this morning. Forced myself to get some cereal and got back into bed for half hour and didnt give myself a lot of time for much make up to cover the dark eyes ha I'm putting them decide my bed so I can have a few before I get up as that's what I'm struggling with.
I'm a but miserable at work but they'll have to lump it ha
Mummy, your dates almost put you at having a Christmas baby doesn't it? With the ms I got myself some candied ginger & ginger tea in Oct. The worst was when we were packing for Turkey and I forgot to eat breakfast. Got too hungry all of a sudden and as I was stuffing toast down my gullet my stomach started squeezing it out and I hurled violently. I was laughing hysterically next to the toilet in happiness. That was the only time I messed up totally deserving a ms hurl. My GP did prescribe ms pills because sometimes it can get really bad and you have to prevent before you get it or you can't hold the pills down (and generally wind up in the ER with dehydration-according to my gp anyway). But generally it only happened when I was irresponsible and my blood sugar dip too low-hopefully you won't get it too bad that you can't control it either.

Ducktales, lamb? Mmmmm, my fav how was it?
Melbram, how come so much water? Does this prevent HOSS? Glad you're feeling well and thanks for letting me know about the water.
Minxy, that sounds great about Twitter, do you just punch in a keyword to search the topic? I hope you're feeling better soon!
Pinkie - clay pigeon shooting is a blast (sorry for the silly pun lol). We did that on the day of our wedding along with an archery setup. Did archery for my wedding shower with the girls (so we looked like we half knew what we were doing at the wedding lol).

About the Easter lack of chocy, I actually had mine last week. Bought myself a dark red hot pepper Lindt and ate it slowly every evening while I was spring cleaning-was really craving it. I've let up on the diet for a week/two here. I'm about 1/2 way there and was feeling too tired and worn out -getting a sore neck and not losing no matter what I did. I'm holding steady despite eating lots and not doing much exercise. This weekend I'll get back into the workouts for the next 30ish lbs. It'll be more difficult with stims coming and resting after ET though so I'm not going to put undo pressure on myself, even just 10 more for now would make me a really happy camper.

Thanks for all the kind words for my situation with the grumpy, sick OH. Today he's proposed today to move my computer out of the office into the dining room so that he can get his own bed in his own room. Ha, over my dead body. But he is coming to mom's for dinner, I guess skipping dinner and being hungry had it's benefits :D
I'm due 28th November so not quite Christmas.
If its twins than Ill be more than likely a few weeks early.
If I get too hungry or too full up I feel worse so trying to eat little and often and I'm going to stop at work and eat if I need too in between my breaks.

You've done so well with the diet. I'm sure you need a little break every now and then x
Hey Gals

Our scan was this morning. Good number of follies, largest range from 0.7 - 1.1cm. Staying on the same dose and back for a scan on Friday.

How's everyone else, any updates? xx
Pinkie that's super exciting, I'm glad everything's going well from you. Can you tell me then, was this your first scan and what day is it since you've been on the simms? I'm going for baseline stuff tomorrow and hope to get my meds then. Can't wait to start stimming, I can see the skin on my face perculating a bunch of spots, I'm ready to ditch the bcp already! Last pill is Friday. Hoping my AF comes soon.

OH was still being an Arse hole with a capital A. I sorted him this morning, told him what I expect of him, who knew that laying down expectations can get a girl the right response. He was sort of apologetic before he left, I was pleased. Mom made us turkey dinner yesterday, it was delicious, my wee kittens enjoyed the heart & liver that was cooked for them. I'm making infographics at work these past few weeks, they're fun and much more creative than my usual work.

Let us know how you're all doing. It's spring skiing season here, can't wait to eat lunch outside with live music, helps forget about the waiting for IVF.
2have4kids - yes, this is our first scan on stims. I started on Thursday so today was day 6. They have told me to expect ER sometime next week (quite vague at the mo). They did consider upping the dose but have decided against it. I'm glad there are a good number but I'm still nervous. Last time we had 27 follies and only 12 of those were suitable, of which only 1 made it to a grade B blast. Defo quality over quantity IMO.

Glad you have sorted your OH! Its so important that you have the support through this. I'd be a mess if my DP wasn't so fab.

We are supposed to be in spring here but we drove through a blizzard at 5.45am this morning on the way to scan. Enjoy your skiing! xx
Hi all

Pinkie: great news about scan :thumbup:

Yes drinking lots of water to try an combat OHSS - I drank about 2-2.5 litres last cycle but been told to drink at least 3 litres.

sorry for lack of personals in a rush on the mob x
Hi everyone
Scan day tomorrow, will be day 14 of stims for me
Praying all is well I agree quality over quantity and if they can get to my left then who knows
Lamb was lovely, cooked in herbs for 5 hours lovely
Pinkie- glad the scan went well
2have4 glad you sorted him out, men are such beasts at times

Mummywannabe, hope the sickness subsides soon or not as it is all good the sicker you feel!!!
Minxy how are you?
Hope I didn't miss anyone
We have to leave the house at 6.15 to get to my 7.30am scan, please let it be trigger time and EC on Friday, something tells me not yet although both ovaries are now cramping a lot
Tmi but I am having a lot of discharge- think it is the gonal f
Lots of luck tomorrow Ducktales - grow follies grow xx

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