2have4kids - good luck on aspirating. It's one thing after another for us ladies. Nothing is straightforward. Somewhere in Europe doesn't give pain relief for collection either. Any idea when you'll start stimming?
Melbram - I can't believe your clinic has stopped doing imsi, ridiculous. thank goodness they're still doing it for you. It's stress you just don't need at a time like this. Glad to hear your e2 is ok. Good luck
Pinkie - good luck
Duck tales - great news they are going for a 5 day. I wouldn't worry about the weight, I put on 4lbs on my 1st ivf but it just dropped off during the summer.
( Sadly put on 8lb since Christmas (we weigh the same now), I need to cut down a bit but I've done no cardio for a year so not bad, not weighed this much in over 10 years.). I think it feels like more due to all the bloating, I felt huge the first time but not so much the second. After spending most of my life counting calories I've stopped this last year & trying to concentrate on nutrition.
MummyW - good luck for tomorrow, I'm excited to hear all about the scan.
Afm: first time ever AF arrived super early today, making my last cycle 25 days. Start the pill tomorrow. Going into clinic a week Friday to pick up drug schedule. Am excited to get started & just want to get on but part of me wants to run and hide cos it's serious now. By mid June my dreams will either be on their way to coming true or y'know the sad bit of starting again.
Sorry fir grammar/missing words typing on my iphone