Melbram - Am so sorry to hear you've had to have the transfer delayed. This is soooo frustrating & hopefully the time will pass quick. Because I've been considered at risk of OHSS previously I spoke to a Dr from Las Vegas at the fertility show in November and they always freeze embies where there is a risk & consider it a better chance once all the drugs are out of the system and the body has recovered from EC. I also saw some statistics where FET where getting a better sucess rate only by a few percent though. Its still so gutting
Pinkie - hope your not going too crazy waiting. Maybe a good boxset to watch? My AF came before test day both times before too, it was weird never getting to test day. Lots of luck
Ducktales - that test stick is looking good. Fingers crossed.
2have4 - Hope your ok.
MummyW - How infuriating about your Bro, this just seems typical. If she's on the pill and they are on again off again, maybe she's a bit slack in taking it and your Bro is the innocent party here. I've heard so many stories like this.
It may be 'silly' to think only one of you could be pregnant at once but that's the kind of thought I'd have too, its not a silly though to me, but there's no substance in that. Hope you can concentrate on enjoying your pregnancy and not worrying about them, they may be able to fall easily but it doesn't sound like they have a stable relationship. It's a shame.
How are you feeling now?
Afm: not much to report, good weekend, had a few drinkies Saturday night but that's it now till after treatment (hope that was ok, but I've had 3/4 bottle of wine since Christmas anyway).
I'm on the fertility vits too, 1000mcg vit C and omega fish oils (also don't like fish!). Last night on twitter Emma Cannon was talking about getting protien during IVF from non meat sources e.g. avacado, quinoa, brown rice, peanut butter, oats, peas (also in powder form), whey protein powder & chlorella. I'm going to look into the protein powder (isolate), as its really hard to eat enough. She also said about warming foods and eating every 3 hours.
Other than that all ok though the emotional side of things has definately got me this time as emotional, moody & grumpy. Though still recovering from Sats lack of sleep xx