2have4kids - I'm so sorry to hear your cycle has been cancelled, this is a massive blow, so disappointing

This sucks.
I'm sure your OH just doesn't know how to deal with this but it is really off that he choice to go out rather than showing some solidarity. Men are so complex keeping all their feelings bottled up (see my own below). Urghh!
From your post I had to google BCP as I didn't know what the acronym meant, one of the forum hits I got was about poor responders saying that BCP can make their response bad. this maybe something to look into further? It seems they use BCPs to get our cycles at the right times for their schedules. Annoying.
From talking to my acupuncturist and chinese doctor it seems alot of the people they help are poor responders. Neither of these things are cheap but I'd recommend looking into them.
This is such a long & heartbreaking journey but their are success stories out there

AFM: I had my appointment at my new clinic to sort out my drug schedule, all sorted basically BCPs for sometime, start Buserelin 4/5, then Gonal F and Fx EC 31st May.
But the noteworthy part of my visit was I got to have a good long chat with the embryologist, who is very open to having discussions with me on the embies progress when the time comes. He's going to look into our records on the last 2 attempts to really assess whether we should go for a day 3 or 5 transfer. He also seemed to think that we were being guided down the donor route a bit early. He also said we could have been unlucky or it could be the eggs. I think this time will be the test as we are literally doing everything & can't afford to keep it up past this cycle. I left feeling more confident in everything. Also been taking to a lot of women on twitter whose men have rubbish sperm & were offered donors but still got BFPs! One naturally, she sent me a pic of her husbands sperm details. But its hard to compare as counts only tell half the story.
In other news...had a really long heart to heart with DH yesterday, he's been a bit quiet & down for a while now, and i had previously questioned him but got the stock ' everything is fine'. Anyway, he's struggling with the donor idea, (I think this one will come & go). And generally feeling shit about it all, he said he really struggles with seeing families, everyone he works with has young children, he regrets not agreeing to have children sooner when I first asked and thinks this is some sick turn of fate/irony. Sometimes you'd think he wasn't bothered but its all bottled up inside. Was alot better after our long chat, we both needed it. Plus his work is a bit rubbish at the moment too.
Can massively sympathise with everyone's struggles.