Hello all
Wow, its been busy on here since I last looked! Sorry for being MIA but things have been a bit hectic, plus last night I conked out on the sofa and after being dragged to bed by DP had the best nights sleep in months!
Welcome Lauistiredttc - I really hope you get a natural BFP but its good that you have your plan in place just in case
Yearning - I might have missed it but when are you starting your IVF? Wishing you loads of luck
Ducktales - have you recovered from your mammoth shift at work? Hope they give you some time to recover. How are you feeling?
2have4kids - wishing you loads of luck with your appointment tomorrow, hope you have got your list of questions ready! Keeping everything crossed you get a way forward
Mummy - how are you feeling? Hope all is well with those raspberries!
Melbram - glad you have got your appointment through and that you are feeling better. Hoping that May flies by for you
Bundles - def chase up, probably with the clinic. I had the same problem to start and managed to send the clinic my copy of the letter to get things started. I hope you get moving soon
AFM - wanted to say a hoooooge thanks for all the lovely comments

Its still sinking in. Scan is booked for 10th May, cant wait!