2have4kids - We had sun & now we have lots of rain here! Damn the british weather.
I've been on 0.5 Buserlin, going to 0.2 while I'm on Gonal F. Will be taking 150 of Gonal F, I've always had to drop my dose due to high responding but because of the down regging I shouldn't have to this time. Hopefully I'll make lots of eggs again but really its quality I need, no problem making them but getting those embies past day 3....! Reading other stories its amazing how much variation there is in people's stumbling blocks, responses etc. No wonder IVF doesn't feel too scientific sometimes to me.
When will you be able to start again? Hope its soon.
Afm: Am out of the work trip, I'd forgotten my boss was in last week & he sorted it with the guy organising the trip by saying I couldn't travel for personal relasons & he was aware why but couldn't say why. I feel better for telling the other guy still as we get on well and he's a good person, so its good he knows why and won't tell anyone else.
Also work is looking up, though we will be very busy on this new project I'll be working with some different people for the next few weeks who are a bit more of a laugh, so that will be a breath of fresh air and hopefully stop the annoying woman I sit next to riling me up so easily and maybe soften her up a bit. Working in the same team for many years can get stale (ttc has totally put my career on hold).
Hope everyone else is ok Melbram, Ducktales, MummyW, YH and Pinkie (this must be such an rubbish week, hoping for a positive outcome)