Hi guys, has been quite a busy weekend, me & DH went for lunch & a walk around the city Saturday and Sunday me and the girls had a babyshower for one of our friends from work. Bless her she's really struggling, she's was meant to have her gall bladder out but fell pg accidentally, now the baby is pressing on the gall bladder she is in agony alot of the time. Had a really good time, it was really relaxed and our friend was so chuffed with all the effort we went to, we had an afternoon tea theme. I think it was chilled out cos aside from the Mummy to be the other guests were 2 of us struggling ttc and the other 2 don't want children - not the typical babyshower guests. My pregnant friend doesn't know about either of us TTC, I know she would be really sad if she knew. She was scared to tell her office she was pg cos a man in her team had just had a failed IVF cycle with his wife.
Started stimms Sunday night. Have just realised the down regging has really exhausted me, have been taking it easy but am so tired. It's so hard after a day at work to have enough energy to cook a healthy tea, prep tomorrow's lunch, have a shower and do much else before trying to get to bed for 10pm. Espicially if I'm late home if I have yoga or accupuncture. DH helps out alot but he doesn't get home too early & works long days so don't want to set him to work as soon as he walks in the door. Really trying to do the minimal this week, thank goodness Monday is a bank holiday.
Alot of people are talking about protein - really glad I got my powdered stuff.
Next appointment is Friday to check how the follicles are going & bloods. Got the impression they might not do bloods every appointment - but I will ask them to as I don't want to over stimm & cam close to b4. Might be different as down regging this time.
Hope everyone else is well xx