Pinkie - Congrats!!!! That sounds so romantic.. So much excitement, baby and marriage! Wishing you the best! x
Minxy - Awwww try not to think about you, like the others have said, you focus on yourself, your important right now. I know it sucks hearing more pregnncy news but just try to block it off. A lady I know was LTTTC and finally became pregnant after 10 years!!! it was so much excitment, I was so happy for her as I know the feeling of TTC, sadly she lost the baby within days (She has health issues) but anyways try to stay strong! xx
mummy.wannabe - It must be ever so nice to have a friend with you who is also pregnant. I wish when Im pregnant I have someone else pregnant same time as me to
Ducktales - Good to hear that all went well! xx Thats great!
2have4kids - Yeah the weather has been great, its been sunny here too. I love the sunny days!
No updates for me, Im just waiting around for the 21st for my appointment with the nurse to start the IVF which I cant wait, Im just counting the days! x