waiting for ivf and struggling!

Hi everyone

Hope you are all ok, fingers crossed for your stimming Minxy x

I'm not doing so well. On Friday the MC unit thought the MC would happen quite quickly after stopping progesterone. I suppose it depends on your definition of quick :wacko: I've been an emotional wreck for a few days, maybe also because my hormones are all over the place :shrug: and there's been no sign of anything happening. I'm sick of my body still thinking I'm pregnant.

So, I buckled today and am booked in for bloods and paperwork on Friday followed by D&C Monday if nothing happens in-between. DP is away on a course today and I haven't been able to talk to him about it. Went up to MiL and had a good cry although I don't feel much better. I'm hoping this time next week I'll be able to start to move on. So tired of this crap and frightened about the D&C.

Sorry for the moan :cry: xx
You moan away! Your allowed!
I would have thought something would happen before next week.
I would prefer it to happen naturally to be honest.
I don't know what is involved with the d&c.
Don't even know what it stands for, just know what it is.

I was an emotionally wreck for weeks and then you feel like you've cried too much and I eventually woke 1 day was not as upset but still didnt want to talk much and felt like I saw pregnant ladies and babies everywhere.
I think that's natural tho as other women have said it too.

Its horrible it happening but to be waiting for it is horrible.
Hope hubby gives you lots of hugs tonight x
Awww Pinkie, you can moan as much as you like.

It must be just awful having this going on like this. I've been following a lady on twitter who was in the same situation but I don't think she had pg symptoms. I'm not sure what she did in the end - that's quite a pointless story for me to tell. The D&C will probably be more heartbreaking than anything. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this.

I've been researching sucess rates and it seems there's a higher chance of IVF working when you've had miscarriages as opposed to Only having negative ivf cycles. A cold comfort I know xx
Pinkie can they not give you some oral progesterone to help your body move forward? I'm sorry it's taking so long. I forced my AF after the failed iVf using the oral progesterone and when I took it to get my AF after my m/c in Nov it came right away too. they made me take a hpt first to ensure somehow i still wasn't preggers because if you are the oral prog will cause m/c. Either way, I hope it happens without too much pain and hopefully you can move on emotionally from this mess. I'm sorry you're going through this. :hug:
Pinkie, I am sorry that things haven't happened naturally.
When I had my MC and my body didn't realise I opted for a D & C or ERPC as they called it.
I went into hospital, filled in the consent forms and was in for about 5 hours in total.
I didn't find it painful, although the day was mentally awful, it really helped me move on and draw a line.
I am glad that I had one and would make the choice again.
Get them to sign you off and take some time to grieve and cry
big hugs and we are always here for you
I truly do understand how you feel but it will be your time soon and you will have your rainbow baby even though I bet it doesn't feel like it.
I also really think I should have had some counselling to help me cope at the time - consider that, it may be helpful to you and help you moving forward
lots of love
Thank you all for your kind words and support :hugs: Although there was mention of medication to sort things out, I was told that the op would be a quicker process. I've found it hard to be such an emotional wreck (as this isn't my normal style!). I'm sure I'll be better after Monday and will be able to move forward. You all know how it feels, really bloody unfair! Logged onto FB today to see a scan pic of twins from a friend who already has three. I am happy for her but very envious. Bloomin Facebook :growlmad:

Banking on third time lucky xxx
Oh darling, its not fair but as I keep saying, the more you wait, the more you'll appreciate your baby.
Can they not get you in any quicker? X
I think as they need to do bloods and paperwork, it was the best that could be done. Its ok with me, I feel a little bit better today which I think is because I've taken control.

Thank you ladies xxx
Pinkie - Sweetheart... so sorry to hear of your pain and trouble, sometimes it feels better to just let it out, Im glad your feeling better now. I pray God blesses you with a child very soon and everytime you see your childs face you forget all the pain you went through! Stay strong and keep telling your mind that your turn is coming! x (I know easy said then done)

How are the rest of u lovely ladies?? Iv been busy with work, the year is coming to an end so there is so much school work to do, its crazy! Iv had my tuesday appointment finaaally and they are gonna start me on IVF now, yay I have to start my periods and then call them thereafter I have to take the pills for 28 days etc. Im sure u all know the process. xx
Pinkie suppose Monday isn't far away. Is hubby going to go with you?

Yearning hope your well. You'll be starting so soon from the sounds of it.

I've totally wasted my day off.
Slept for 11 hours last night woke up at 9.30.
Watched tv until 1 and then slept until 3.30!!!
I'm tired all the time.

I think my body is used to not having the progesterone injections and tablets now and some of the symptoms have dramatically slowed down.
I have lots of energy in the mornings now but still sicky after work and don't fancy dinners.
I'm not eating that well. I just can't.
Just over 13 weeks now and not put on any weight yet.

Any plans this weekend ladies?

We just just went to the supermarket and got some babies clothes on sale. All colourful stuff suitable for either sex x
Mummy - that is a productive day! It's good to get some sleep if your body needs it, don't feel guilty.
I remember someone else saying they didn't put any weight on initially due to morning sickness.

Afm: had my first scan yesterday. Looks like there's 13 follicles so far. Everything is normal. Bit concerned they are only doing a blood test yesterday & Wednesday and not Monday. As previously my E2 went very high and my gonal F dropped to 112.5. But apparently they tell most from the scan. I'm not happy about no blood test Monday. I will be pushing for another test but their lab is closed cos its bank holiday. Hmmm if I over stim & my treatment is cancelled ill be making a fuss. I know I need to trust them but I know what happened before & they don't see concerned. Maybe the Buserlin will make a difference as I didn't take that before.

Trying to gave a restful weekend going to see hangover 3 this afternoon with the girls, and dinner at the in laws Sunday. I've just had a hole knocked between our kitchen & dining room so will be chilling & cleaning! I've got a few jobs to get done before treatment.
Melbram - I know your giving the forum a break but if your about would love to hear your thoughts on the above & OHSS

Yh - glad to hear your about to start treatment

Hope everyone has a good bank holiday.
13 that's good!
You really have just got to trust that they know what they are doing and they can see everything from the scan or if they grow to quickly inbetwen visits.
This is going to be a good cycle for you so relax and go with it.
Your nearly there!!!

We bought a few baby bits yesterday, there so cute.
Just looking at clothes makes me feel Happy,
It always did when I was trying to conceive x

We just got to sort our loft out this weekend.
All the Christmas stuff is still in the little room because we had the whole electrics done and had to pull up flood boards, so know we have had the bathroom done upstairs we need to start putting all the crap back up there and get clear x
Hey Ladies how are you all?

Minxy: 13 follies that's great. I cant remember what stimms/amps you are taking and whether this is your first or second cycle sorry. On my first cycle I didnt have any bloods done. On the second round because I had mild OHSS on the first round following ET they took my bloods at my first stimms scan only. They didnt even take my bloods when I presented myself with OHSS. To be honest I dont think there is a great deal the clinic can do about OHSS unless of course you are on a high dose then they can reduce it. Coasting I think can sometimes just stop the eggs from growing which is useless. I was on the minimal dose and no doubt because of my age and weight etc will get OHSS everytime unless they put me on a completely different protocol/meds. Everything should be ok for you - I had 40 follies in total and hence ended up with moderate ohss. GL with your scan tomorrow

Mummy: great pics of the twinnies x

YH: great news you will be starting soon

Pinkie: thinking of you x

HI Ducktales, Bugs, 2have4kids - sorry if I have forgot anyone x

afm: not a great deal going on - have been taking a break from thinking about TTC and enjoying a few glasses of vino on the weekends. Waiting for AF number 2 to arrive - follow up on the 11th June so will find out what will be happening. Not sure whether I can start on 3rd AF or not. Will keep you all posted x
Minxy forgot to say make sure you drink 2-3 litres of water a day x
Hey melbram
Great to hear from you. Glad your enjoying the drinking whilst you can.
It will soon be your appt and hopefully you can get getting straight away x
Hi everyone
Hope you are ok
Pinkie, are you still going in tomorrow? I hope you are ok
Love to everyone
I am suffering with terrible nausea and retching
Going back to bed
Had a scan today, all good, picture on my avatar
Lovely scan picture!!!

I've been worrying myself because I don't feel pregnant anymore but I think all the progesterone injections have left my body now and that makes you feel more symptoms.
Thank god for the Doppler!

I'm doing good apart from still not eating much and feel very sick after work so can't eat dinner.
Not sure whether to email my midwife or just see how it is in a few weeks x
I think not feeling pregnant any more is totally normal after 12 weeks
My friend had severe ms and nausea until 22 weeks and her midwife wasn't concerned, she even took her off prenatals as they made her worse
She was told that it was more important what you had eaten before falling pregnant and that there were plenty of nutrients in your body whether you eat or not as long as you are managing something
I do worry because there's 2 and needing extra nutrients but I just can't eat much.
I'm pretty much surviving on cereal bars, bread, diarylea triangles and cereal for dinner as can't do milk in the mornings.
I've read that you need so much protein a day to help the placentas and babies grow.
I would have put a bet before I got pregnant that even if I had morning sickness I'd be the 1 to want to eat straight after.
I can't stomach any veg at all still but can fruit, its hard when you know that what's best for babies and you just can't eat x
I do worry because there's 2 and needing extra nutrients but I just can't eat much.
I'm pretty much surviving on cereal bars, bread, diarylea triangles and cereal for dinner as can't do milk in the mornings.
I've read that you need so much protein a day to help the placentas and babies grow.
I would have put a bet before I got pregnant that even if I had morning sickness I'd be the 1 to want to eat straight after.
I can't stomach any veg at all still but can fruit, its hard when you know that what's best for babies and you just can't eat x

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