waiting for ivf and struggling!

I know fingers crossed we get some more positives. af was suppose to be due today but no show when you were on buserelin did it affect your next AF?
I didn't have to do it like you did.
I waited until I started my AF and then started my meds straight away. But think I have heard it can do x
Bundles I hope your AF comes soon!! There's nothing like waiting to get going on IVF stims.
Mummy, I really hope they aren't kicking your stomach, my mom said I had my foot caught in her rib and it was the most painful thing ever. Ah the things moms go through!!

Mummy, it's a bit of a long story but we had a tenant who said she'd need us to get another tenant to replace her as she lost her job and couldn't pay rent 4 months into a 12 month lease (she also got dumped on the 1st month by her boyfriend who did the lease with her). We totally kicked into gear and found someone for her right away and then she refused to move out but also stated that she couldn't pay next months rent!

She called all of the authorities to try to get our executive rental deemed 'uninhabitable'. The authorities didn't deem the place uninhabitable but she didn't know this (FOIP laws prevented them from speaking to her about it) and she moved out right away on her own thinking we'd need to pay her rent somewhere else citing that the house was uninhabitable. We let her move out and kept quiet, changed the locks and then issued a statement of deposit of what she owed us. She was furious when she found out she was wrong, she'd closed her tenancy but legally her lease that she had to pay on stayed open until we got a new renter. We found another renter after 30 days (we'd lost the one we found 3 weeks prior) and went to Landlord/Tenant court with her to get what she owed us. It was adjudicated in our favour for ~$1000 (and they always say the courts favour the tenants here-not that evil lady!).
Then for the next year she stalked us leaving duct taped threats on my DH's car and nasty messages in our mailbox. We got restraining orders which she breached and then the police charged her with stalking and harassment when she was found texting our new tenants. Since she was charged and despite a criminal court bond order (a bond order means she stays away from us and anyone we know or she goes straight to jail) she's posted things online about me and solicited in online classifieds to speak to our x-tenants. Most of our x-tenants are really great people, one is a crown prosecutor, a friend of the lady who's defending us, and the guy who rented after her was a sheriff. The current person is an architect who works with me at the City. Most of our prior tenants are on our facebooks-there's no way they'd speak to her! But just the fact that she's trying to engage our friends/x-tenants, speaks volumes (goes against her bond order) and will be taken into account with the judge's sentencing.

I would love to have a private testimonial/cross-and that's a lovely idea Mummy. I'll ask the Crown about it but I have a sneaking suspicion she'll want me to just get up there and testify and put this to rest. I'm sure my heart will be thumping and palms sweating just rehashing that nightmarish year but I'll meditate, book a massage and go to lunch afterwards to restore my sanity.
Hi mummy, bundlesofjoy, minxy, 2have4kids, Pinkie, Ducktales and everyones else if Iv missed u out!

How are you alll???? Can you ladies give me an update of how things are going with you? Sorry I feel so behind and Iv missed out too much to go back and read. I look forward to reading them! :)

*BundlesOfJoy what stage are you in now??

Its been long and Iv missed coming on here! Iv been super busy, Im on holiday now so thats great. I have finally started mt 28 days Pill called Mycrogyno tablets. I started last week. Anyways I have an appointment for a scan on the 7th August (I cant wait) and on that apponitment they will teach and explain about the injections/how to take them etc.

- I recieved my 2 boxes of injection/medicines. Hubby stayed up from 8am for the delievery guy, I woke up at 10ish and had a heart attack when I saw the medicine! There is soo much.. I was expecting a small box with some medication..but there were 2 large boxes. There is soo many injections (Few types).. The first thing I did was check out the length and thickness of the injection and they dont look as scary as I thought. Anyways so thats my update.


My IVF journey begins...
Omg 2have4 kids! That all sounds horrible. What a cow! Some people are so bloody weird.
Hopefully it will go in your favour again, which I can't imagine it not, and it wouldn't take long in court and it will all be over.
Maybe once it's all over, you might feel so realived and you'll feel better. Will take awhile to get over it.

Hey yearning its been awhile.
So glad your finely on your way to starting.
Keep positive now.
Yes there is always a lot meds and once you start taking them, you'll soon see you quickly get through that stage and its gone.
I felt it took so long to start again and then once you get started and look back, it went by in a flash and your at the crucial stage.

What's the scan for?

We had a 4d scan and didn't go as I thought. We got to see them a lot in 2d as normal but as soon as he switched to 4d the babies were just too close to get good pictures.
We saw 1 babies face perfectly and then after a few seconds into it, the 2nd babies bum and spine would creep into the picture covering the other babies face.
They have separate sacks but they are still so close together. You'd think whilst they have space in there, they would use it but no ha bless them, they want to be together.
We may never get good pictures from now on but we get to see them lots. It's not the end of the world I just would have loved to get good 4d of their faces and compare when they are born.
We get to go back for a free re scan in 2 weeks.
They have also moved from my left side and are both head down and have each set of feet in each side of my ribs.
15 max more weeks to go and it's getting scary how quickly it's going x
My week off Is nearly over and back to work on Saturday but only for 3 days as I will not be working 6 days in a row anymore. I can't do it x
Hi yearningheart welcome back:hugs:
Yah you are finally on your journey:happydance:

Mummy ah that's a shame you could not get any clear pics but just seeing our babies on the screen would have been lovely and fingers crossed when you go back u will get some clear pics. In a way its better as you get to see them twice

AF started today finally, called the clinic and I will start gonal f shots on thurs. but someone from the clinic will call on Monday with the dosage.
Yea ill get to see the babies lots from now.

Yay glad it started and you can finally start taking gonal soon! X
mummy - I hope it does fast, I am looking forward to it but at the same time im soo nervous to take the injections (My husband is going to do, No way can I!!)

I have to take the mycrogynon tablets and then on the 7th is the scan which the nurse will check the inside and then they will tell me when I should stop taking the mycrogynon tablets and when I should start the injections.

It must so exciting for you, 2 babies in one go.. whoo hooo Twins are soo cute, do you know the gender? Not long left for you.. times flies by the time you know it the babies will be at home. So exciting. xx

BundlesOfJoy - Heyyyy how are you?? Your on your last stages of IVF right? Im so excited for you!! Keep us updated and best of Luck! I hope it works for you! xx
Yeah I can't do the injections myself to, dh does them.
Yeah hopefully I am the clinic should call today with what dosage of gonal f I should take.
You will see it will all go so quickly now.xxx
Clinic called I start gonal f on Wednesday 112.5 a day, then go for first scan the following tue.
Yes the injection part is scary but like you said yearning your hubby is doing it so its nerve wracking for him too and the pressure is off you to do it.
We don't know the genders and don't want to know either.

Yay bundles! Good luck. Your at the important bit now so take it easy and rest lots. Also lots of water x
Bundles - Thats great! This is exciting.. Not long left now.

mummy - That is very true because I can see by my husbands face that he is dreading the momment of the injection. I said to myself Im not gonna be a baby and just get on with it.

I was thinking when I get pregnant the first time, I dont think I would want to know the gender so that way its more of a surprise even though curiosity kills!
Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been awol again, not been able to get on the computer & then we had 5 days away last week to Yorkshire for a mini break, we really needed some quality time together after everything we've been through.

2have4 - This stalker thing sounds like it was an absolute nightmare, some people are so strange in the extreme. I'm sure it will feel such a relief to get this court case over with, sounds like a cut & dry case. I think you've got the right idea on how to prep for trying to relax as much as possible. It's sperm donor we would need, so my poor body would have to go through IVF again for a fifth time minimum if it doesn't work :)
IMSI is like a super ICSI, the ICSI scope magnifies sperm x600 hundred but the IMSI scope does it x8000 thousand, that way the best looking sperm can be picked out (they can see defects with the heads), this would help us if the reason its not working is because the sperm have head defects (long shot, they could just be bad sperm tho). Eeva Scope = normally everytime they check progress of embies they take them out of the incubator into the normal atmosphere, with Eeva a camera watches their progress so they never come out of the incubator and if they get multiples going to blast they can pick the ones which have grown at a consistent pace, these have the best chance of sticking.

Bundle - exciting times! Good luck with the gonal etc.
YH - Mummy is right the time will go amazingly quickly now, once you get on the gonal F particularly. I got DH to do my injections too, he was amazing but if he saw I looked in any discomfort it really knocked his confidence. It only ever hurt a couple of times briefly.
Mummy - glad to hear everything is going well, hope its cooling down around your way, after all these rubbish summers its typical that now your preggers we have a good one.

AFM: We've got our follow up Friday morning, be interesting to see what he has to say...well I can't think its much different to what we've already heard.
I've been thinking alot about this donor versus DH sperm thing alot whilst on holiday etc, I would love another chance with DH sperm but at what cost? We're looking at £8k money wise (how many £8k's are we going to gave to spend, that's a whole cycle of chances spent), physically? After 3 cycles its getting tougher physcially - it took longer to bounce back after the last cycle, I've not lost any of the weight (which has only gone on my stomach), every egg collection puts scar tissue on my ovaries (they won't admit that one, but each month ovulation gets more painful), emotionally every cycle wears me down a bit further. 5%? that's nothing, will see how Friday goes and will have another discussion with DH but I'm thinking 3 cycles, 36 fertlised eggs, he's had his shot, its time to cut our losses and move to donor, cos sadly that may take a few cycles, maybe FET too, I'm not sure I want to add another round of IVF on top with a 5% chance... Glad next cycle wouldn't be until November as I feel there's alot to work through to decide what we do, there's no easy decisions here xx
Don't want to sound all doom & gloom as aside from this, I'm happy & life is good. This is just a major black cloud I'm avoiding.
Hey minxy
It sounds like you've been doing some mega thinking.
What you have said makes complete sense. You've done 3 rounds with DH sperm and I think you forget how much it takes out of your body.
Suppose the only thing is to chat with hubby after your appt maybe and to get him to understand the toll it's taking on your body.
I'm sure he would be upset but sometimes you just have to face these things and when your pregnant your hubby won't think that child is any less of his. I think it would soon be forgotten.
Do you want to try and sooner than nov or you not allowed? X

I've got a day off today as I cut my days down so I'm not working 6 days in a row.
Got my housework done early so I can rest most of the day x
hi everyone
Bundles, how exciting, it is all so close
minxy - a trip away together sounds like just what you guys needed, lots of thinking and talking time in a neutral environment
mummy - enjoy your day off even though it is tipping down with rain!
2have4 - hope you are ok
afm, i am off work sick, i have acute sinusitis and am on antibiotics, i can't breathe, my body aches and i feel just terrible, so will take a few days off sick - it is the same whether you have 1 day sick or 1 month sick in my job as it is all about the number of absences so bugger it, i am going to get fully better before i rush back.
Yes you need to look after yourself and your baby. Take all the days off that you need to recover.
I worked out today that I'm only working 18 more days until I leave! I can't wait! Then hopefully have 6-8 weeks at home before the babies arrive x
Bundles, best of luck with the gonal F and growing some beautiful eggies, I'll be on vacation tomorrow but checking in on Tuesday to see how it goes for you!
Minxy, 36 fertilized eggs, um, I think you've given it a fantastic shot. Not fair, fantastic and I totally get your wanting to move forward with donor sperm. I fee much the same about donor eggs. I just want my babies already. I'm glad you're going to do the next bit in November, I'm hoping our timing lines up so we can do this together.
Yearning glad to hear you're doing ok.
Ducktales, I have sinitis too! Haven't been able to breath since Sunday night and SO ANNOYED seeing that vacation starts tomorrow. At least I'm not pregnant and can take some meds to help keep clear at night. I hope it goes away soon.

AFM, finally vacation is almost here. I've been looking forward to this for a long time. The cat sitter is all lined up and I'm just off to the bank after this to get some american dosh. This is the last month we can ttc naturally before IVF next month, the $3200 bag of meds is sitting next to me here waiting to go. Estrodial patches this time and Cetrotide, Gonal F in the fridge. I still don't hold too much hope, I think we'll have to do donor eggs.
I've had these crib sheets on my pinterest page now for 2 years. I'm in love with them and they're on clearance at Target in the states. I've gone ahead and ordered them to be mailed to our resort while we're on vacation. They don't mail to Canada and I'm pretty fixed on these ones. My friend said go and get them or you'll be disappointed but I feel I'm jumping the gun. Mummy, like you, we don't want to find out the sex/sexes and what I've chosen is gender neutral so we can re-use them for future children too. I hope this is a good omen that there will be babies/a baby this year.

My future kid stuff dream pinboard on pinterest:
I always bought baby things. It made me feel happy and that's what got me through.
If you like it then get it.
Hope you have a lovely time away and chill before you start again x
Ducktales - Sorry to hear your unwell, I hope the meds sort it out. Its the same at my place number of absences over time off, its really unfair.
Bundles - good luck
Mummy - 18 days woo-hoo, 15 weeks, time is going quickly! Am so excited for you.
2have4 - enjoy your holiday. Whatever happens you'll know you've tried everything to use your own eggs. I know of 2 people in real life who've used donor eggs and have beautiful babies. It's like baking a cake and needing to borrow an ingredient, still your bun, your oven.

The reason we'd be doing it in November is because; I'd like 3 natural AF's, to allow my body to recover which would take us to 12 Setepember, but then we'd like to have a holiday to America, so its not too hot we'll go last 2 weeks of September, then its October, the donor conception thing in London is 20th October and I don't want to be in 2ww or on Gonal F then, so we'll do IVF when we get back, plus I'm hoping that might really convince DH donor is the way to go. It sounds like a long way away but I think it'll be worth it.
Will update after follow up.

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