waiting for ivf and struggling!

Ducktales - Poor you! It might have been the food but affected you more because your preggers & sensitve at the moment. We have the same sickness system, its a pain. Keep your feet up & try and rest as much as poss today, hope you're all better tomorrow.

Bundles - Well done on the 14 eggs & 10 fert. Gutted for you that they had to freeze them but I've spoken to a few people that have had OHSS and it was awful.FET has slightly higher than fresh sucess rates at some clinics or the same others, I think FET could be very good as your body will have recovered from the trauma of EC. Any idea how long you'll have to wait?

Pinkie - Not long to the wedding! How exciting. Its a pain DF has to go away for so long, I'd be so bored but its lovely he's doing it for your futures. So sorry to hear about your Grandad too.

Mummy - Hope you can catch up with your sleep, can't be long until you start maternity leave? I really suffer when I don't sleep well and being pg with twins must make that twice as worse!

2Have4 - Glad you've had a good holiday and are busy doing lots of lovely things. Well done on the weight loss. Sounds like you're getting your head in a good place on the donor eggs if needed, I think its very sensible but hopefully won't come to that. Both clinics sound good options, a gaurantee is excellent & the other one cheaper, depending which is most important to you I think both sound really good. It can be hard to get donor eggs in the UK a lot of people go to Europe.

AFM: We'll get the outcome of the blood tests 11 September, DH had to give 4 vials of blood, when they took the blood they said his arm had run out of blood, it was hot and he'd not eaten for over 5 hours and fainted! Bless. I wasn't there to witness this.
We've also got an appointment with an Andrologist, the clinic tried to dissuade us but we got to speak to the Andrologist who said yes it would be a good idea.
2Have4 - I agree, they should have done these tests earlier, I've always felt a bit messed around. I've been talking to a clinic online and they think before we do donor sperm I ought to have a test to make sure my genetics are ok. I think this is very sensible. The NHS is excellent because we got 3 free cycles but the Dr we saw has little experience in complex cases or odd cases and our results are definately odd. But there seems to be No thirst for knowledge to investigate cases and look at new treatments by the people we have seen. It often feels like we're the Drs!
See what the tests say...
2have4kids - Well done with your weight loss! Thats great!
Pinkie - 5 weeks?? Wow not long left at all- Eeekkkk exciting momments
Ducktales - Awwwww that sounds horrible.. I hope your recover super soon. I agree sometimes sitting at home all day can get very boring. My DH has started work today so Im home byThe increased Gonal F is going fine thanks. My weights gone up little (1.5 kg) so Im doing exercise and eating good.

Bundles - I didnt know I could eat or drink for egg quality!!!!! Yikeesss Please tell me what I could have? What do you eat? I just thought I should eat healthy. So Im having vegetables, fish, beans, sometimes curry, brown bread, I dont have much carbs. Is this alright?
I have read about all sorts of things for egg quality but I think your diet sounds fine. My mum read pomegranate juice is good for fertility so I'm on a glass a day. I've also read mint tea and pineapples are good too. I think a general healthy diet is the main thing but these extras cant hurt :thumbup:
Thanks so much for the reply. I have on the net for the past hour just searching up what can help follicle growth. Most websites/forums say hot water bottle (So I ran downstairs to get one ready and now Im sitting with a hot water bottle on my tummy - hehe) and milk (Which just finished this morning) and high protein food, so now Im going to have fish for lunch. I also read apparently if you lie on with legs on the wall for 20mins that helps. Im going to try that in the evening.

Hey Ducktales that's sounds awful, your hubby is right the baby is more important.
Yearning yeah my nurse said have milk everyday as a drink and eat lots of protein like eggs and chicken and fish.
Minxy - poor DH !
I am glad you are getting more tests, but it is frustrating when no one seems to deal with individual cases
yearning - I was told eggs - an egg for an egg! Pineapple juice (not concentrated) and brazil nuts (7 a day) help with implantation. High protein and yes keeping your uterus warm but not too hot. Who knows if it works but I did all of those
Bundles - thank you praying I feel better tomorrow
it transpires it was the rice - a lot of people are unwell - very annoying but how do you tell the bride that we all have food poisoning! although I think the catering company should be told....
bundles - Thanks! By the way what stage are you in now of IVF? Whens your egg collection
Docktales - Silly Caters! Thats bad. Yeah I think the catering company should be told so next time this doesn't happen. Iv been to a wedding once were one of the food smelt off! Everyone on the table smelt that particular food and all said, that it is off so the caters were told. They need to make sure the food is not cooked too early and kept well.

Just a quick question - When you ladies had Gonal F/Cetrotide did you feel bloated? I feel so bloated and so fat. Like in the morning today I felt hungry but at the same time bloaty tummy so I want to eat but at the same time I dont want to eat. I dont know if that makes sense. Did this happen to any of you?

Take care! xx
Aww Ducktales, that would be a bit upsetting for the bride but you are right, the catering company should probably be told :wacko: Hope you soon feel better.

Minxy, I feel sorry for your DH but I really hope these tests give you some answers to help you move forward x

Yearning - on Gonal F I felt bloated around my ovaries, although this happened on both types of stimms. My ovaries felt huge and very uncomfortable and clothes felt tight. Over the course of 2 IVFs I gained about a stone and I've struggled to get it off. I'm not sure that my appetite changed much but my energy levels did so I struggled to cook proper meals and with DF working so hard we ended up eating more convenience food (ready meals etc).

I did gentle exercise, walking dogs etc but not for as long or as fast as I normally do. I don't know that exercise is detrimental, more that I didn't feel up to it. I also found that if I did too much, headaches would set in that I couldn't get rid of by any other way than sleeping.

The most important thing is to go easy on yourself and avoid stress/over-doing things. The process is tough enough without added hassle xx
YH - yes gonal F made me very bloated, I put on 4lbs in my cycle but whilst on the gonal f was about 10lb heavier
I just drank loads of water which seems to flush it out
Pinkie and Ducktales - Thank you soooo much for the tips! I need to drink more water, I dont drink much. I just had mu lunch. I had fish and vegetables hehe

I hope I can lose this weight after, I struggled at the beginning of my treatment with weight. My BMI was 32 and the doctor said I cant even be seen in the fertility clinic until I get to BMI 30. I had about 5 weeks and I did it! :) My BMI was like 29. something. Its so hard to lose weight but the only thing that seems to help for me is low carb. Anyways thanks again.

By the way, my bloaty feeling is in my tummy, its not a nice feeling. I dont feel any bloatyness (Dont think thats even a word) near my ovary area. Just my stomach and my body just feels fat.

But yes your right, I shouldnt stress and just take it easy, its all for a good cause, A baby! :)

Ohhh this is my 200th post. Some ladies have soo mnay posts over thousands! wow thats cool xx
I have an appointment on fri to see how long I have to wait for egg transfer I had my egg collection last week.
I felt bloated towards the end I was limping I felt so full:haha:
I was really worried about my weight also as when I went to the clinic my bmi was 29 and I put on some weight despite exercise daily and eating well. I think it's just all the meds but the clinic only weighed me at the beginning and nothing after that but all clinics may be different
bundles - Thats same with me, the clinic weight me only in the beginning but they did it twice because first time was too high then after I lost it they weighed again. Now its no more weight checking! Thank god! because I have put some on.

I didnt know it takes that long! I thought after egg collection you wait 3/4 days then embryo transfer. Best of Luck! Im praying we both see BMP! :)
Yeah it usually is 3-4 days till egg transfer but as my estradiol levels where so high the dr cancelled the fresh cycle
Hi ladies, Mummy, I hope you're OK, are you still having insomnia? It's going to get harder and harder with such a bump but hopefully the nights arent too hot and your renos are getting done.
I haven't seem Melbram on here forever, I really hope the FET has worked out and she's just getting a baby room ready or something like that.

I just got a call from the constable who's handling our case with that whacky crazy stalker x-renter of ours. They're going to plea bargain her with a peace bond and criminal conviction. I don't think she'll take it, she's after an criminal free background. At this point i still think we'll have to go to court in Sept but it was worth a try. I like our crown prosecutors, I think they're looking out for us and trying to go the path of least resistance. They don't know I'm going through IVF but if she were to accept this, it'd sure be a load off of everyone's shoulders!

I hope you're all OK, especially duck, mummy and our IVF'ers. Back to work for me!
Hi everyone.
Well I have finally caught up on everyone.
I'm actually sat here writing it all down so I know what's happened with everyone.

PINKIE- I'm so so sorry to hear about your grandad. It would have been lovely if he could have made it a bit longer to make it to your wedding.
I wouldn't be able to do a reading but so glad your brother did the reading for you.
sorry hubby has gone away to work but like he says, it's for extra baby money and it will be worth it. You'll be so glad to see him hen he gets home and the wedding will be just around the corner. Where are you getting married? Hotel? Church?

YEARNING- glad this cycle is going well for you. It's always good when someone's 1st cycle goes well. Don't worry about your diet it sounds very healthy anyway. I just ate loads more milk and eggs and chicken, then just tried to keep up on my fruit and veg. We don't actually know if what we hear Is true, but if it makes us feel better its worth doing?
When's egg collection?

BUNDLES- 14 eggs is great and so glad 10 fertilised.
Sorry you had a risk of OHSS. I very nearly had mine canceled but luckily didn't. That's why I had to change my last injection and was put on progesterone injections until 12 weeks.
Hopefully you find out some good news on Friday and you don't have to wait too long until you can have your FET.
How you feeling now? Bloating gone down?

2HAVE4KIDS- it must be hard looking into donor eggs now. How do you feel about it? It's so much money and a hard decision to decide between the 2 clinics. The extra money for 1 but your gsunteed another go if it doesn't work, but with such high results with the other 1 it could be worth doing that 1.
How's the weight loss going now?
How much have you lost since surgery?
The court case is very close now. I hope the woman goes for what she's told but you can only wait and see really.

DUCKTALES- sounds as tho your baby is as stubborn as 1 of mine.
Do you want to find out the sex? Were you tempted?
Sorry you were so unwell after that wedding. What a shame. I'd be embarrassed to tell a Bride I was so unwell. Did you actually have poisoning?
Did you speak to anyone else to see if they were sick?
I wouldn't worry about work either. You really have to put your baby 1st. Even if you were taken in for a telling off, you can just say I'm pregnant, it's not like you choose to be sick.
Anymore thoughts on moving?

MINXY- glad your still doing your own research as it seems people you talk to/see just don't know anything about your case. Hopefully the more you find out the better it will make your next cycle.
It must be hard for any partner to know they need a donor sperm or eggs but if it gives you the result at the end it will be so worth it.

MELBRAM- how are you doing? Did you have your FET?
Update us when you can.

And for me. It's been a busy few weeks.
Had a lot on with doing the house up, having SILs wedding, which went very well and was lovely.
I have been getting 3-4 hours sleep a night and I'm struggling. Very emotional all the time and just generally can't function properly at work on that amount. I'm so exhausted but when I get into bed I don't sleep.
My legs and feet are so swollen and then I can't seem to settle them.
A day before the wedding I started to get this pain behind 1 eye. The further the days have gone on the harder it is to cope with. Had it for 8 days now and they don't know what it is. I was taken into hospital yesterday morning as my blood pressure had gone up a lot. It was 143/99 and I nearly had to stay in overnight unless it started to come down.
Luckily it did and I was allowed out around 4ish.
Both babies are doing great tho.
I had my 3rd rescan on the 4d scan last night (was also glad I was allowed out of hospital to attend) the scan went well apart from only being able to see 1 baby.
They are 2lbs 3 and 2lbs 2. Both had a major growth spurt as their legs are a lot longer than they were before.

I'm off work now until Monday to rest, meant to be working the weekend. I will then do Monday- Thursday and then I'm finished. It has come at the right time if my blood pressure is starting to go up and up now.
Need to rest.
Our house is getting there but still loads to do before babies arrive.
Ill upload a few pictures to show you the starting of the nursery and 4d scan x

All the same baby. Not sure if I think it like like a girl or boy? Can't wait to find out. 11weeks max to go!
Turquoise ceiling and silver/grey at the bottom and started to paint the clouds on to separate the 2 colours.
We have got near enough everything now for the babies. It's just bringing it all together.
Cots get delivered in 2 weeks! Scary.
Need to go but carpet for the nursery 1st x

This is 1 of my twinkies and my niece Eliza at the bottom. Can you see how a like they look in this picture. I saw her instantly x

At the wedding last week.
People still say I'm small but they are both folded up a lot. Constantly have legs up to the face x

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