Mummy those photos are great! Can't believe the detail. Sorry to hear you've had issues with blood pressure. Can you put your feet up the wall, does this help? Drink loads of water and enjoy your time at home. Glad you're off soon!
I've lost 55 since surgery. The cardinal rule for losing weight (from what I get from the people having success around me) is 2 parents for every child (2 proteins for every carb) and carbs should be in the form of veg not bread, pasta, rice or the such. Proteins heal your body and repair muscle tear from workouts, bread carbs turn to sugar and fat and cause a massive release of insulin making you hungrier in an hour or two. I don't crave bread very often now but I still have pizza now and then. It's nice to be gluten free, I feel much better.
My cycles have changed too, I'm down to 27 days rather than 33 and sorry for TMI but bleeding for 7-8 days rather than just 3. I hope this impacts my IVF in Sept in a positive way but either way, we have the alternate path to success mapped out too. It will be a good year, I'm certain of it! I've heard that upping protein and lowering carbs is good for egg health, it's now or never!
Do you ladies have a long weekend Aug 30-Sept 2? We're off to do some hiking in Jasper National Park that weekend, it's my birthday too. Looking forward to it much! Everyone is saying autumn is in the air here, it's really chilly at night. I'm looking forward to the colours but not the cold!