waiting for ivf and struggling!

And 2have4 so glad she plead guilty! Hope that made you feel a lot better about the situation.

Ducktales have you decided about the new job? You defo taking it?

I have a twin class about birth- bringing up 2 to breast feeding so looking forward to that.
Mummy class sounds fun, hope it goes well, it will be nice to meet other twin mums to be
glad you are out of hospital
YH - sounds like you have a plan of action and things to focus on which helps get over the terrible disappointment
Minxy - what mummy said, it will work for you, and you definitely need to be as positive as possible (which I know if much easier said than done)
2have4 - thank you, yes it looks like for now my sinusitis is gone, but it always sort of lingers in the background, waiting for me to get a cold or a nose irritation and flare up again!
Also good news about the tenant.

In terms of me taking the job I have been offered, I have said I want it, however, I have to wait for the guy to confirm if he can wait until May/ June for me. He won't know for sure until Dec or Jan, but either way I have a job to go back to so its all ok

Hi to everyone else

The class went well. Learnt a lot and saw where I'd be going, had to get up half way through as was sick and haven't been able to keep anything down since then.
Feeling so rough. Babies are kicking my stomach and my bladder and got so much acid.
Just going to slob on sofa all day and hope it passes soon x
I'm sorry you are sick, it's been quite a week
Glad what you went to was helpful though
Orange rennies are my favourite and I think they taste like refreshers!
Hope resting has helped you feel a bit better
Sickness finally stopped last night and got some rest.
Took a sickness tablet straight away this morning so hopefully I won't be sick today x
Feeling a tad better now.
Haven't been sick today.
Had hospital to check BP.
Then got up see the diabetes midwife tomorrow
Then back Thursday for next BP check!
Feel like I'm never home!

Hows everyone else? X
Lol lots of check ups
I have my gestational diabetes test tomorrow
Not looking forward to functioning without breakfast....and being starving until midday
Hi everyone, mummy i hope youfeel better soon slthough i can only imagine this last tri is where it gets the toughest for you. Take it easy & stay ontop of those nausia pills! Ducktales that's great news about your job and best of luck with your test. How do you avoid nausia if you can't eat? I thought as long as you're keeping your blood sugar up this staves off the heaves?

How's everyone else? I'm on my third day of stims, just waiting patiently till Thursday. They saw follies in there on the initisl u/s although she didn't count them. I'm just not to expectant, a little numb. Concentrating on having fun right now and getting a few chores done on the side. Take care everyone!
Sickness is still here!
Met my diabetic midwife today
I have to check my blood sugar levels 4 times a day!
Could really do without this.
Not being able to eat certain foods!

Really hope you don't get it duck tales.

This is by far the hardest part of my pregnancy so far.
The past 4 weeks have been horrible.
7 more weeks to go and I can't wait, I've honestly had enough.
Cooking 2 babies is so hard on your body x
2have4kids that's great that they saw some follicles will they tell you the count on thurs?

MummyW so sorry you are still feeling crappy. 4 times a day is a lot! why are you ot allowed certain foods?is it te sugar content? you have double the symptoms a single pregnancy would have it will be hard on your body. 7 weeks to go and you will have your babies in your arms.
Oooh 2have4- that's great they saw follicles. Got fingers crossed tightly for you this time.

They say with the hormones of 2 babies my digestive system will be going very slow and can't break down the sugars.
Not allowed any sugar, fruit juices, white bread, certain cereals, etc etc so basically anything nice. It's going to be hard going! X
Mummy when i first started this diet I thought getting rid of bread, rice & carby/sugary treats would be hard too. You'll feel WAY more energized and have much less bloating on a diet without these things. I hope it helps you feel better anyway (and isn't too hard on the head). Head hunger / cravings are the worst! Pizza was the hardest for me to give up, I think it'll always be on my favourites list!
2have4kids - Thats fantastic!:thumbup: Wishing you all the best. Oh I noticed that with me too. When I eat bread/rice I tend to feel much more energy and crave less. x
mummy - Sorry to hear your health is not well. Hope you get better soon, All will be worth it.x

How is everyone else doing? Hope you guys are well. xx
mummy - Just out of interest, how many embryos were transferred in your IVF with twins? For my 1st round of IVF, I was allowed only 1 embryo transfer but I found out today that for the 2nd round I can have 2 embryo transfers.
Bundles, how are you holding up? if they don't count onThursday I'm not leaving the office. They'll have to rethink that one lol
I've been feeling twinges today but nothing different than last time. Just making sure to get in lots of protein, water and manage my stress (I did a girls night out at a hockey game tonight-fun fun!)
YH- I was only meant to be allowed to have 1 egg on my 1st cycle but as I only had 2 eggs and they weren't great, I was allowed to have them both put back. I miscarried 4 days before my scan so not sure if that was 1 or 2 babies.
My 2nd go I knew I'd be allowed to have 2 eggs put back so was praying I'd get a few more eggs and they'd be better quality. I had 13 eggs and 2 were excellent and the rest not great so that resulted in the twins.
It's not nice to go through your cycle not working or even miscarrying but hubby and I always felt it happened for a reason.
We always said because of the struggle to conceive, how extra special it would be to have 2 in 1 go and there was no way we could afford to pay for another round.
So I feel doing the 2nd round was meant to be. They knew how I reacted and upped my dose right and it went a lot smoother. Now I'm blessed with twins.

2have4- its different when your pregnant. They say with every meal they want you to have starchy food. Potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals etc but whole grain stuff. It's the sweet stuff that ill struggle cutting out. I'm going to try my best and it says if you have a treat �� write in the comments box that that's why your reading is higher so they know.

I've just woke up so I best go check my sugar levels before I eat breakfast x
mummy - Oh right I see. Yeah that is same with me. For the first go I was allowed only 1 embryo transfer but for my second go I can have 2. Hopefully I do have good equilt eggs so I can have 2 embryos put in. Its true, due to all this wait for a baby when it does happen it will be v.special and its a bonus if twins. I really hope I have twins. Iv always wanted twins. So I am looking forward to the next cycle and hopefully the 2 embryo transfer means I will get twins.
Been in hospital all day again!
Having monitoring.
Still being sick and now got a bad cold. They worry about being run down meaning your getting or have pre E.
they did bloods at 11.30 and put them in for urgent results and 5 hours later I was still waiting!
Been so frustrated and upset today. Been on my own today and just couldn't keep it in.
I want these babies to cook for as long as possible but I'm so ready for them to be out. They are causing me a lot of jip x
Mummy, I'm sorry you're feeling crap, I really hope things look up soon for you!!

AFM, I'm done with IVF. They want me to go for another 2 days but nothing grew and there's barely any eggs in there, 3 on the R that were .5, .7 and .7 and 2 tiny ones on the left that were almost unmeasureable. I've emailed the US egg donation corrdinator to as more info about fresh donor cycles and we have an appt with our specialist on Thursday to speak with them about their frozen program. I'm going to ask them what their parameters are for doing a fresh cycle here in Canada. Maybe I can recruit someone on my own hahaha. Wish me luck and if I hit the news please don't be surprised and if I wind up in jail, I'll be expecting some postcards please.

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