Thank you so much ladies for your kind words! I feel fine today. I handled the news better than I expected again I think thats because I was expecting a BFN.
mummy - Yeah I hope I dont have to wait for too long but lets see. xx
Melbram - Im not really sure. Yesterday the nurse just gave the news and support and said they will make an appointment to discuss things further. I know what you mean! I feel as though this baby making is taking over my life and years are just passing. Its good your booking a holiday, just yesterday me and DH were discussing to go away for a week or two to fresh the mind and get away from everything and everyone (everyone and literally EVERYONE in my family have babies of all ages). You mentioned tubes. Do you have blocked tube? I have a blocked tube and I want to discuss it with the doctor when I next go in. Anyhow whatever you decided I wish you the best and I hope things work out easy for you. xx
Bundles - (Same as above) - I think they will put me on IVF again, Im entitled to 3 free IVF. 1 gone now. xx
Minxy - Yeah I thought it was implantation because it was brown then little pink however by next day the blood increased and by 3rd day it was a lot and clots. Thats when I thought this is over. DH took me out yesterday so it was nice but the annoying pessary was aching my rectrum
It was seriously killing me! (I think its because I took the pessary through the back for like 3 days, I didnt want to use the front since I was bleeding) So since my backside was hurting a lot like I needed the loo we decided to bring the food home which was nice also.
It is nice when you can spend fun moments with people and then all of disappears when reality kicks in.
Take your time and think it through. I have done only 1 round of IVF and that was straight onto IVF without clomid or other medications. Just this ONE round of IVF - I feel it has drained me physically and mentally and to go through another round is scary to go through the whole long process with billion trips to the clinic. I can not imagine how people who have done so many rounds cope. Its will power, Its a killer Im sure and a strain but keep strong and think of the outcome. Whatever you decide doing I wish you all the best and I hope things go easy for you. xx
2have4kids - I dont think they will do more tests but then again Im not sure. I think they will put me to IVF again. Im in 2 minds if I want to start straight away or wait for a little while. I hated the medication phase so much, sometimes I used to cry - I think it was the fact that I am having to go through this whilst others get BFP so easily. But thats the reality eh!
Good to hear about the stalking lady! Nope Iv not heard of Colin Mochrie. xx
AFM - No updates really. Im going to make a call to the Clinic right now after posting this and see when I can make an appointment. I just check through my draws and I to my shock I realised I have 30 ovulation strips. Im on my periods now so soon as I finish everyday i am going to take an ovulation check to see when I am ovulating and see if I can get a BFP naturally. I really wish wish I can, I dont want to go through IVF, then again I dont think anyone does!
I have PCOS and I bleed like once in a blue moon unless I take BCP then bleeding comes after. So ovulation for me is a big fat confusion and to top it up my right tube is blocked so those little sperms have only one route. Im going to at for at least 2 months or so to see if I can conceive naturally (Would be a miracle because I have been trying nearly 6 years)at the same time I will make my visit to the clinic, its not like the medication would be straight away.