Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Yep, the 1st EDD was 4/10 or 4/12- couldn't pin O down, but I'm pretty sure it would've been 4/10. That's the date the OB was using. So I'm hoping I can get a sticky pregnancy by then.
Hi ladies. Now that I am nearing 13 weeks I think I am going to move onto the 2nd tri section and slow down by B&B usage.

I cannot thank you all enough for the support you have given me over many months, 2 losses and getting back on the ttc train. You are a wonderful group of women who deserve everything you wish for.

I will still check in here and there to see how everyone progresses and I wish you all the best.

Enjoy your holidays and the upcoming New Year. May you all see BFPs by the start of 2014!
Rachel - ugh, it is so rough getting a BFN when you want it so bad, isn't it? So sorry you cried from it and took is so hard. I know if I get a BFN tomorrow it is going to be a disaster. :( I've allowed myself to get so hopeful despite not having any promising symptoms. I am having the most irritable PMS ever, which never seems to result in a BFP.

GRgirl - sorry you are feeling down as well. I truly hope you have your rainbow BFP before April.

Celine- I am so psyched for your scan tomorrow! :happydance: I have been strong and still not tested! I desperately hope we both have good news tomorrow.

IAW - I hope you enjoy the second tri forum. Congratulations and I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Munchkin- that is despicable that they won't give you an 8 week scan and also it's awful what happened at your private scan last time. If something like that happened again, wouldn't NHS agree to do another scan since it would be a bad sign? We have all public healthcare here so no option to just pay either. It can be frustrating at times. I do hope you are able to get a scan soon.

Jalanis - so sorry you're feeling so down as well. :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well. Testing day is tomorrow! I am SOOOOO eager!
LL- I'm excited for you!!!!! I can't wait to see you get your BFP! I'll have to find a new Grumpy Cat Buddy after tomorrow ;)
IAW im so happy that you are finally in second tri! I am feeling the scare of first tri now,and tomorrow will confirm for me my place in first tri or not.
LL brng on tomorrow! Are u in the uk? What time u testing?
Good luck itsawonder! Can't believe you are nearly 13 weeks. Hopefully I'll join you there in 6 weeks or so, can't wait to see you there. You're our first success story surviving first tri in tact! Xxx

Thanks literati. Really praying my midwife comes good. Although in some ways I don't want the scan, I'd rather stay in blissful ignorance a bit longer!!
Well, looks like I will be checking in tomorrow. LL - good luck on your test and Celine - good luck at your scan tomorrow. Munchkin, and all the other pg ladies, I believe you will all be joining me in 2nd tri before you know it.
Ladies I'm at work tomorrow - so I wish you luck when you test tomorrow

Celine - :happydance: good luck for tomorrow at your scan:hugs:

IAW - congrats on getting to second tri:happydance:


IAW - Well done for making it to second tri! I'm glad you're leaving but I'm not - if you know what I mean! :haha:

LL - Yeah, I was feeling all positive 'this is it! We've done it!' then BAM bfn :cry: Is AF due tomorrow? I did when I was preg last time so who knows :) I'm having cramps so guessing AF is on her way, I keep telling myself it's stretching pains from my uterus expanding but I don't think it is, my CM is picking up but I have no idea what that means? Last time I got my BFP after AF was due and it was still pretty faint so does that mean it'll be the same this time or is it like everything else and completely different each time? Sending you lots of baby dust!

Celine - Didn't realise your scan was tomorrow! Good luck! What time is it? I'm in the UK so not sure how many hours you're ahead/behind me.

Think I've remember everyone!
woo-hoo! Can't wait for testing day. For you ladies that is!

I really think I o'd last night or this morning. In the least my body gave it a really good try even if I didn't actually release an egg. I had a good amount of EWCM this morning and my OPK is much lighter today than it has been for a few days. Very encouraging. I have sperm up in there waiting so I've done all I can do.
Hey ladies,
I really need your alls help, so heres my story as short as I can tell you.
I had my first mc the 7th of june 2013, my period came right on time july 7th, I got my BFP on august 4th, I am highrisk so I had to get a lot of early scans (my oldest ds was born at 27weeks and my youngest ds was 4weeks early but I was on progesterone shots) well my first us was 9weeks her hb everything great again at my 11week then at my 13week 3 days there was no hb, :cry: I started light bleeding about a weeks later, on November 3rd (17weeks) around 12am I passed the baby at home but due to excessive bleeding my dh called ambulance and I was admitted to hospital and had to have an emergency d and c, shortly after maybe 4 days we bded but with condom I think we stopped using them around the 8th or a little after, I started using hcg test just to see if it was neg but they weren't and I started getting bad sick throwing up feeling horrible I called my dr and I went and had a hcg beta test done they said it was neg this was done on the 20th I got the results the 21st I asked what my level was at she said a 3 okay the 19th-21st I got pos test and pos opk test. after I was told it was at 3 :shrug: I just tried to let it go and I tested with a one step hcg test from walmart it was neg finally well I got some more from the dollar tree and tested yesterday and today and im getting faint positives these are 25miu/ml sensitivity but if my levels were at 3 the 20th surely its down to 0 by now but why and how am I getting faint positives still I don't know if they are just extremely sensitive and its picking up leftovers (how I could still have any hcg detectable I have no idea) or if it could possibly be a new pregnancy and im very very early im not confident it is however it would explain a lot I didn't throw up my entire pregnancy so why was I throwing up for 3 days last week ugh im so confused :wacko:... any input would help me greatly.. thank you for any help cause im in :dohh: mode
Hi Tara. I'm sorry to hear about your losses and sorry that you are in limbo right now.

I'm a little confused. So, on the 20th did the doctor say your HCG was 3 and that same day you got a positive HPT. That would be weird. If that happened I would have to say that you were probably looking at an indent or evap line.

I don't think your current tests would pick up on leftovers at this point. If you really are getting positives I would say you may be pregnant again. Do you know if you O'd and BD at the right time to be about 2 weeks along? I'm afraid all you can do at this point is test again in a few days to see if the line gets darker or lighter. I know....the waiting is terrible!
Hi to all

Well, what a day tomorrow is!!

Eliza (think that’s today for you, right?) Good luck with your scan!! Hope you get confirmation that all is healthy and good in there

Celine – Good luck with your scan! Hope you get to see all the best signs

L.L. – Good luck with testing!!! Temps still look up? I really really hope this is your time! That’s the one thing about Ovufriend – I can’t see your cycle from last month to see if your temps are higher. I think they are though – am I right?

GRGirl – good luck with your appointment. I hope you get some helpful news. I think I could be a good contender for Grumpy Cat status, if LL leaves us behind. What’s the application process like?

Jalanis – hope all the BDing went well and that you caught the timing just right! Sorry you’re having a hard time – it can have that tendency to catch you like that, can’t it. We can all relate.

Munchkin – sorry to hear bout your hospital. Mine were the same second time round for me (and that was the EPAU I called) – they just don’t do reassurances unless you’ve had three losses. I know it’s coz they’re so busy, but it’s frustrating. They just deal with numbers and probabilities, not with people. I went privately too, and the equipment in the place I went to was soooooo much better than in the hospital, and the lady gave us much more detailed information on what she thought – would you know anyone who might recommend a better place to you?

Garfie – sorry the pressure’s on like this for you. One thing I’d guess is that talking about stopping trying and actually stopping are two very different things. I’m sure your DH wants a baby with you too, but that this is conflicting with feeling bad to see you upset when it doesn’t work out. I got a bit of a kick from the hamster story too, though I’m sure it wasn’t/isn’t so funny when you’re wrecked tired! Like you say, this could be your month anyway – fingers crossed for ya. And my, but you do have the best seduction techniques!!

Rachel – Sorry about BFN, and that you’re feeling down – and have a broken rib!! Ouch. All is not lost yet – hopefully you get some clearer answers as to where your body’s at soon – the BFP kind of answer, obviously!

IAW – congratulations on the scan! Must have been amazing to see all that. I’m delighted (and slightly jealous) that you’re at the stage of moving on to 2nd tri. You’ll be missed here. Wishing you all the best for the rest of the pregnancy

Slg – hope you caught that timing just right! Sounds like you timed it well.

Jrepp – well, that’s a good outcome from your appointment! It’ll be nice to have a plan going forward.

Tara – sorry you’re in such limbo! Well, I’d imagine the blood test is the most reliable of all those, and a level of 3 is considered negative (anything under 5 is neg. as some women don’t ever get all the way to 0). You could be newly pregnant – it would mean you ovulated pretty much exactly two weeks after m/c, but that is possible. And you can ovulate with low levels of HCG in your system – I know I did. Like SLG says, you probably just have to wait and see if tests darken, or else go get more bloods done to see what your levels are and if they’re increasing. I hope this is a good news story for you.

AFM – still waiting, waiting……had some EWCM yesterday, and slightly cloudy but stretchy CM today. OPKs still negative though – I’m hoping something happens soon!! Would be nice to get to the TWW – feeling a bit in limbo as to what’s going to happen this cycle after everything.

Babies, babies, babies – huh? It’s so much easier to get a pet :0(
Thanks, everyone!!!!!' I am really feeling the love today with all your support. I really hope I have some good news for you all tomorrow!

Celine, I live in Canada so I think we are around 6-8 hours apart but I will be testing around 7 am. Hopefully I will have time to post before I leave for work!

Rachel - AF isn't due til Thursday so I am testing a bit early. I think you still have a chance! But every pregnancy is different so you could get a BFP on a different day.

GRGirl - well don't you take me off your grumpy cat buddy list just yet! If I get a BFN tomorrow I will need double the support. ;) thanks so much for being excited for me. :hugs:

Boodley- my temps generally hover around the same regardless of BFP but my last two temps have been higher than last month so that's a good sign hopefully!

Sorry you are still waiting on ov! Good luck!

Munchkin - I know what you mean. It's nice to live in ignorance for a while. But the reassurance would feel amazing.
Celine- I so hope your scan goes well tomorrow! Tomorrow is such an exciting yet scary day!

Slg - sounds like you did your best! Good luck!

Tara - I agree with everyone else that it could be a new pregnancy. Keep testing to see if it gets darker?

Have a good night, all!
SLG, good work on OV, it sounds like you did more than enough to catch the eggy in the lead up. I hope your TWW flies by.

LL,I have everything crossed for you :hugs: sending bfp vibes your way from down under!

Munchkin, your experience at the private clinic sounds awful. We have such a different system over here, and it varies from clinic to clinic but the lovely doctors receptionist took pity on me having the MC, so she booked me in to see the doctor for my first visit at almost 7 weeks instead of 12 and he scans at each appointment. I hope you get a scan appointment soon. I'm sure your bub is doing great all tucked in there!

Boodley, cm sounds good, I hope you get your nice lines on the opk soon.

Tara, welcome. Sorry its all so confusing at the moment. The other ladies are better with HCG advice than I am but I hope it is good news for you.

Rachel, sorry about the bfn, as you know, you're not out until you are out. All the best for the next few days:flower::flower:

Garfie, good to hear your boy is ok after the tooth worry. I hope you get some nice restful sleep soon.

Celine, cant wait to hear how your scan goes. EEK!

IAW, enjoy second tri, I hope its more relaxing than the first. Only 26 weeks or so to go until take home baby is here! Hope to see you around :winkwink:

AFM, I had my 12 week NT scan this morning at 9.30. I was booked in for the consult with the doctor who does all the numbers and looks at the bloods and scan but I was told yesterday that she wasn't available this morning, so I'm booked in for the consult part at 3pm. Less than 3 hours to go now. The tech said everything looked good but of course I need to wait for the official results to start cheering. I got 39 images of bub on a usb stick- very comprehensive.
I was pretty annoyed yesterday that my appointment was messed up, as it means I had to juggle around work stuff (I ended up working from home today), and DH changed his work shifts around to attend, but it has been kind of nice to know I don't need to rush back to the office.

I'm thinking of taking some time in lieu this afternoon after the scan to go to the shops and buy myself something a bit blingy to wear to my work christmas party.

In other news, we are now packing up our house to move, so everything's in complete disarray. Very excited for this next chapter though :happydance:

sorry to anyone I have missed:hugs:
yes the nurse said it was a 3 which I know is considered negative I was happy thinking I was right at 0 but I may have messed up my post plus im confusing myself as well i got a faint faint positive on a walmart test which i had got for a couple days i was worried maybe they didn't get it all out, well i called my dr it took 2 days to hear back cause they lost my note well the day she called me back i had took one i cant remember if it was dollar tree brand or wal mart i think wal mart though the 88c ones well it was neg (i was all yay) well they wanted me to come get the blood test that next day which would have been the 20th and they told me the 21st it was at 3 so on the 22nd it was at 3 that's when i got the blood work done, i am trying to remember exactly when they were positives it had to be on the 18th and 19th im thinking or 19th and 20th because i finally got negatives on the walmart ones 21st i think ugh so confusing but no its not an indent line i took pictures if want me to post but anyway after i was told that about it being 3 i thought i was good but for some reason i just had to test again so i went to dollar tree bought some and got positives yesterday and today its the first time ive tested since they told me it was 3 on the 22nd and both are positive i even had my friend that's not pregnant test using same brand and hers didn't change however i think its super low hcg that's why im wondering is it just leftovers but i had to very pos opks and 2 hcg pos before the bw now neg opks and faint pos hcgs im soo confused at this point idw to think im pregnant if im not but like i said it would explain a lot and we have bd'd like crazy everyday i had dnc on the 3rd we started unprotected sex maybe the 8th or day or 2 thereafter i thought i was having signs of o'ing because cramping and cm but idk cause this mc has messed me up :shrug:
Hey ladies i did another opk earlier and now both control and test line are same color...and before the test line was way darker than the control line
Jalanis then you have ovulated, like someone else said always use the first positive one, i think u covered ur bases :)
Im in the netherlands so theres an hour diff between me and the uk gals, LL Canada! Im gonna have to wait a few more hours for you to get up...
Slg that sounds promising too! Hopefully a stream of bfps in two weeks xxx
Elizabean yay for your scan!! Got any pics you can post??

Literati so much good luck. Praying for your bfp over here xx

Celine what times your scan? X
It went well for me! Measuring 8+6 today! Heart beating, leg buds forming <3 i was so unsure going in, tbh if this one was a mc i didnt want to move forward with testing i would be over it but this has made me so happy today :)

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