Waiting till the new year - TTC January 2014!

I think my hormones are dropping off - have felt pretty normal today ... a little worried that it's a bit early. But I'll probably feel rank again tomorrow.

Hehe yes, figured I may as well tell some people. My brother, sister and dad all use Facebook, but I deleted my 'personal' profile bearing my real name about three years ago. This one I use now is just for a select group - I can see my family any time I like, lol. Also, my mad ex can't find me under a pseudonym (I hope).

I've got lots of girls' names I like but not so many boys' names. Plus I keep going off names I previously found charming ... it's really annoying.
Hi all,

I've been offline for a bit as well. I worked quite a bit the past few days and am quite tired. I saw my MD last week; she was lovely and ran a labs and did a bedside ultrasound. I am not pregnant. Just a fluke cycle. I ended up getting my AF yesterday; 15 days late. Pretty brutal. So, I'm going to start temping so I know what's going on.
Also, my husband and I are putting off TTC until March now for a few reasons. We're playing on going to Hawaii on March break and after this month, I just don't want to think about ttc for a while. It really screwed with my head.
Anyways, best of luck to you ladies and I will be checking in periodically to see how everyone is doing! :hugs:
Hi ladies is it ok to join you in your last leg of WTT?

We lost our baby at the weekend and know we would like to try again sometime in the new year, when we feel ready. Feels strange to be here again.

Hope everyone is getting along okay?

Ah Kate, how crappy. Glad you finally got AF though. Hopefully everything will go back to normal now. It's beastly when your cycles go out of whack. Stupid bodies. :(

Hi sailorsgirl and welcome. Sorry to hear about your loss. It's a horrible horrible thing to have to go through, but one which a few of us here have experienced so you can talk about it any time you need to. We'll all be here to listen. x
Kate - Glad AF arrived for you finally! Temping is a great idea as it will tell you exactly when you O which will in turn let you know when to expect AF. A holiday sounds wonderful...I am jealous! We've got nearly 8 inches of snow on the ground here so a nice hot, sunny place would be welcomed :) I know when I was TTC last time around it nearly drove me nuts! I hope that you can keep calm when you do officially start to try...and I hope it happens quickly.

Sailor - You are more than welcome to join us! Sorry about your loss, very sad. Looks like you have 2 little ones right now? How old are they? I have 3...we will be trying for our 4th and final!

Meep - How are you feeling today? Has the morning sickness returned?

Bailey - How are you doing?

AFM - I'm doing okay. CD68 :( Blah! We put our tree up last night :) Plan to decorate it tonight when the kids are home from school. Also, Ive been busy with thank you cards. I am a slacker! Our wedding anniversary is on the 29th and I am just getting to the thank you cards now. Better late than never though, right?! As for TTC, DH and I haven't really talked much about it lately. We have not been careful at all and I think that is pretty much going to be our only method with this one. I have it set in my mind that if it happens, it happens. I'm thinking we will pretty much be in the not trying, not preventing mode. Also, I'm thinking if nothing happens by the time our youngest hits 2 1/2 then maybe 3 kids is what we were meant to have. I guess time will tell :) All of the above can change at any point though! lol
Hello ladies I haven't read all the pages as there is just so many lol. we are waiting until the new year to starts trying again just recently I was pregnant in Sept of this year and before I had found out I went for my normal PAP smear anyyyyway it came back bad they did a biopsy turns out I have cancer in my cervix, and they need to do a LLETZ procedure so I had 2 options 1. keep the baby and not do anything about the cancer till after by then it could of spread and be a lot worse or 2. Terminate and get the surgery done so I had to choose option 2 was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and now I cant stop thinking about the baby, so ill be getting surgery early new year now ( surgeons are already starting to go on xmas holidays) and once ive got the all clear (being positive) we will be trying, we also cosleep with our 19month old son and we are going to use this time in between to start transitioning him into his own bed. I cant wait :) hope to make some online friends to share the journey with :)
Hi, thanks for the welcome. I have a 2 year old girl and a 1 year old boy. This will be our third and final :)

I am still waiting for hormones to drop at the moment. The hospital called yesterday telling me my levels werent halving like they should in a normal miscarriage. Really hoping not to have a d&c as we want to TTC as soon as possible :(

Wow so sorry that you had to make such a difficult decision D1kt8r. How are you getting on waiting for your surgery? Hope you dont have too long wait. Xxx
Im hoping that it will be early january. Wasnt very nice. I hope u fpnt have to have a dnc and get ur number 3 soon :)
Yeah it's still there, but not nearly as bad as it was, think I hit my peak and am now on the mend. Hopefully. Who am I kidding, I'm shitting myself that something is wrong. Doctor was pathetic, crap and unhelpful when I went today.

Hope you are all ok.
AF is here and it's finally my last cycle before TTC. :D

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