Hi, oh Faerie it makes me mad hearing about pregnant people drinking and smoking. It's one thing harming yourself - but what choice does the baby have? A friend of my smoked on both her pregnancies. She kept telling me "oh I feel so bad, if something goes wrong I wont forgive myself" I was just thinking well you obviously don't feel that bad if you're still smoking. Both her girls were fine enough but they are prone to chest infections, coughing etc.
My cat came back by the way - thank God! I had my official scan today. I wasn't too impressed with the dr - he had me in and out before the door barely closed. I'm a slim girl and at first I declined the offer of the diabetes test. Then he made a comment that my ds being born 8lbs 2 at 37 weeks was quite large. Then he scanned me (image quality terrible) and said oh head measures 15 weeks (I'm 14+1). He said that's no problem they're often out a few days. Then he checked again and said no it looks more like 14+3 ( which based on my 26 day cycle I think I really am). Then he said well maybe you should do the gb test as your baby is measuring so big. I was like em not really. Anyway he has me paranoid now and am going for it, even though after gaining 5 lbs my bmi is still only 19.4. Well I guess I shouldn't complain, baby looks normal and that will do for now.
Abster, I think sex is kinda essential for making babies, but maybe you can throw a party down there and see if the swimmers might just show up on their own accord

Faerie, since joining babyandbump I've seen plenty of women getting BFPs from just doing it once a twice in the month, I guess you can only be sure you're out if the number is zero.
I have my hen party this weekend,and my wedding the next, but I have visitors coming from Austria, Germany, Sweden and even California, so I'm nervous with all this Icelandic ash that they may have problems. It's looking hopeful now though.
Ok, I've written yet another essay. Just thought I'd check in anway. Can't wait for testing time to come around for everyone - there's bound to be more BFP's due soon