We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

great news clare like i said on the other thread glad macy didnt keep you waiting to long and what a lovely size cant wait to hear more and a little photo xx

lisa so good to hear from you lovely miss you, glad your gp referred you xx

all good my end got a scan on friday to see if the placenta has moved and if it has got about 6 weeks to go. had more of a show yesterday so know my body is getting ready xx
Big Congratulations Claire:yipee::cloud9::hugs: So glad that Lil Macy has made it safely into the world and you are both doing ok:hugs: That was an amazingly quick labor hun:thumbup: Can't wait to see pics and hear about it at a later date...just rest up for now and treasure every second with your new baby girl:hugs:

Jane:hugs: Thanks babe...I should come in here more often...sorry:blush: Glad everything is going ok with you sweets:hugs: Hope everything is ok with your placenta when you go for your scan...and then bring on another :baby: announcement!:winkwink::hugs:
wow, so pleased for you, welcome to the world little macy :happydance:

all is great with me, still getting the sickness on & off but much improved. i'm starting to get a bump which is so nice. we have decided not to find out the sex when i'm 20 weeks so team yellow all the way!

lisa, so nice to hear from you :hugs: we have missed you!

immi, your birth story was fab, it makes me less nervous about it now & the pics are just gorgeous, well done :hugs:

jane, not long now :happydance: i wonder what you have, have you chosen any names yet? we have a few that we like already xxx

laura, hope you are ok lovely :hugs:

laelani, how are things with you? xxxx
Lisa, aww i'm glad you enjoyed it! birth stories are fab, i spent sooo much time reading natural birth stories when ttc and pregnant. and its so nice to hear from you! thats great about the referral, hope you don't have to wait too long for an appointment :hugs:

hayley, aw im so glad it made you feel not quite as nervous! It's all about mind over matter hon, fear is not your friend when it comes to birthing! and yay for team yellow! it's such a wonderful surprise when you give birth and discover what you got :)

and Claire!!! Congrats!! :D Cant wait to hear all about your super-fast labour and see a pic of your little princess! Take it easy won't you, i hope your little family are taking good care of you :hugs:

Jane, good luck at your scan! Whats the issue with your placenta? was it partially covering the cervix at your 20 week scan? Im sure it would have moved by now, most of them do.

cant believe how fast the time is going, my hubby goes back to work in just over a week :( gutted! i'm nervous about how the hell im going to manage on my own with two kids but lots of people do, i'm sure it wont be as bad as i'm imagining it will be. Am loving being a mum of two, its hard though! I cant imagine how i EVER thought having just one baby was hard work, lol!! Although of course it is hard work at the time, because you aren't used to having a baby at all. I miss sleeping in my own bed; i can't take Ciaran upstairs at bedtime because he wakes Jack up and then Jack gets all upset, its a nightmare. So Ciaran and I sleep downstairs until about 5am when hubby takes Ciaran for a while so I can go to bed. Man, i'm really going to miss that when he goes back to work!

We have so much to do next week it's not even funny. Still haven't made an appointment to register Ciaran's birth, i hope they can fit us in next week. I mean, i can go by myself to do it since we're married now but i'd really like hubby to be there, if only to help me wrangle the kids!!

Ciaran is starting to get a bit colicky, bless him :( Its only ever in the evenings, he's really happy and content during the day. Come about 8pm, though, he seems to get these awful pains, the poor thing just screams this high pitched scream and writhes around, its horrible to watch and there's nothing I can do about it :( sometimes feeding him soothes him but a lot of the time he finds it too hard to feed when he's that upset. The midwife suggested i start drinking fennel tea in the evenings as it aids digestion, and the benefits will get to Ciaran through my milk. So, off to the health food shop tomorrow i go.

Hope you girls are all okay. I'm going to head off now as Ciaran is stirring. Want to get him fed and then hopefully he will sleep for a little while.
Just grabbing 2 secs, hope you are all well, here is the link to my birth story,

Just grabbing 2 secs, hope you are all well, here is the link to my birth story,


love the photo and the minnie outfit how cute!!! hows it going?? any advice for me really worried now that i have forgotton how hard it is and with 2 others aswell!!

had my scan yesterday, placenta has moved :happydance::happydance: couldnt see babies face as he/she was head down facing my back. so little one isnt back to back which is great news!! just a waiting game now had more of a show, 3 more weeks and i will be 37weeks and baby can come anytime then just wanna know the sex now :growlmad:

hope everyone else is well xxx
aww wont be long jane :happydance:

i'm over 16 weeks already, it seems to be flying by! i got just over £200 tax rebate so we are putting it towards a pram which is a huge help.

i have the weekend off but it's boring as no one wants to do anything so i'm just catching up with washing & going to do the food shop later, not much fun! steve has a day to himself tomorrow so we are off to chelmsford to get baby some bits, so excited xxxxxx
Hi girls

Jane, cant say I have any tips, I have slipped back into baby mode real easy, the thing I am dreading is when hubby goes back to work next Thursday and I need to do the school run, Macy seems to want feeding between 8 and 8:30am which is sooo annoying so not sure how I am gonna play that one yet lol.

She is feeding really well, only up twice in the night and she feeds quickly too which is fab for me so I can get straight back to sleep. I am getting more sleep now than when I was pregnant, God am I tempting fate, lol??

I am struggling to get out anywhere early, its trying to find that window once she has been fed to get out and go, or like now I am waiting for her to wake up to be fed so I can go to Tesco and my friends. I am not getting dressed until late either but I am sure it will all come in time and I will have some kind of routine going on. On the whole it doesnt seem like 5 minutes since I was doing all of this with my other two.

I cant believe how quick your pregnancies are both going, my sister has announced she is pregnant again, 11 weeks, can believe it, she is so fertile she only missed one pill and bam!!! The other two children she fell first time too. So although this one was unexpected she is pleased, but I think she may struggle as Liam is only 14 months old so she will have her work cut out.

Oh well I am gonna wake my little lady I really need to get out. Take care and catch up soon and I am so pleased both your pregnancies are going well. xxxx
Just noticed Jane you said you had more of a show, thats fab and a sign body is getting ready for the joys of child birth lol! ;-) xxx
aww clare, so glad she is doing well, i hope my liitle one is as good in the night as macy, erm wishful thinking on my part lol.

who's watching xfactor this year? i love matt cardle but i'm not sure about cher lloyd, she just annoys me lol.

hope you all have a fab evening whatever you are doing xxxxxx
Hiya Lovelys:wave:

Claire...So glad that lil Macy is settling into the world nicely and you're getting some sleep:thumbup: She looks absolutely gorgeous in the pics Hun:hugs:

Jane...won't be long now hun....fab news that LO is facing the right way:thumbup: Callum was back to back with me during labour...I don't recommend it:nope::lol::hugs:

Hayley...Hey sweets...my god how fast is your pregnancy going:shock:....You're almost half baked:winkwink::hugs: Hope it's all been going well hun:hugs: Will you be finding out team :blue: or team :pink:???
I'm watching X-Factor.....or more importantly Matt Cardle:winkwink:....He is defo my fave:thumbup: And completely agree hun.....Cher, Katie, Wagner, Storm....they have to go.....:rofl::winkwink:

News from this end....God I so wanna say I've got :bfp:....but that would just be me dreaming:dohh::rofl:
I am however taking soy this month for the first time ever. It's supposed to be natures clomid so I guess wait and see. I started taking it on cd1 thru to cd5 .....just hoping and praying that it works:winkwink: Still waiting to hear from the new gyne....it's been three weeks now hopefully next week I'll be able to get my blood test results back, discuss having a couple of others done:winkwink:....and find out how I can set a rocket free under someone's desk:winkwink::rofl:

Right then Girls hope you're all ok....Big :hugs: and Ooooodles of love:kiss:
fingers crossed for you lisa :hugs: really hope to hear good news soon.

i can't believe i am nearly 17 weeks, it's going scarily fast! but i can feel baby move now & i love it, makes it seem so real :cloud9:

well i'd best get cooking our tea, we are having fajitas when steve gets in from training, i'm starving!!!!

hope you are all well xxxx
Just a quick hello, we have all been very ill, the baby got gastroenteritis, she was very poorly but better now, me and Ella had it over the weekend and hubby has it now, of course he is worse, my son had it last weekend. There is so much going round!!!grrr!!!!

Other than than Macy is settling into a great sleeping pattern, feed about 11pm, 4am and 8:30am ish so nights not too bad.

Glad you are feeling the baby move now Hayley, it really is magical isnt it, it feels so weird not feeling the baby anymore. Boy it is going quick, 17 weeks already!

Anyway hope the rest of you are OK, fingers crossed for you Lisa too. xxx
Just a quick hello, we have all been very ill, the baby got gastroenteritis, she was very poorly but better now, me and Ella had it over the weekend and hubby has it now, of course he is worse, my son had it last weekend. There is so much going round!!!grrr!!!!

Other than than Macy is settling into a great sleeping pattern, feed about 11pm, 4am and 8:30am ish so nights not too bad.

Glad you are feeling the baby move now Hayley, it really is magical isnt it, it feels so weird not feeling the baby anymore. Boy it is going quick, 17 weeks already!

Anyway hope the rest of you are OK, fingers crossed for you Lisa too. xxx

sorry to hear you have all been ill and poor little macy. sounds like you have a great routine already :thumbup:

hayley thats lush news about feeling movement best feeling ever as much as i moan about being uncomfortable going to miss my bump

:hugs: lisa thinking of you always

hope everyone else is well and babies!!

im at the last box :happydance::happydance: getting excited but nervous had midwife yesterday babies head is in the brim thought that was good news what with being baby number 3 as heard they dont always engaged till the last min so at least he/she is heading the right way!! having loads of BH and some are very painful!! just a waiting game now, just wanna know the SEX NOW xx
Hey there Lovelys:hugs::hugs:

Claire...So sorry to hear that you've all been poorly:hugs:....Probably well and truly recovered now thou...I hope!:hugs:
That's great that Lil Macy is in a good sleeping pattern already...the days can contain anything if you've had a good nights sleep:hugs:

Jane...Thank-you sweetie:hugs:
That's fantastic that LO is engaging:thumbup::yipee: I miss read what you typed hun...I thought you said you wanted "SEX NOW"!!...That'll teach me to speed read:haha:
So what are you thinking :pink: or :blue:??? Hope it won't be long before you meet him/her:hugs:

Hayley...How are you doing sweetie? When is the next scan...and are you gonna find out???!!!

Where's everybody else these days....Loobi, Erin, Im-mi...thinking of you guys:hugs::hugs:

Well afm....4dpo:happydance::happydance::lol:
It would appear that the soy worked for me this month...with an earlier ov as well. It always used to be about cd17, this cycle cd13:yipee: Nothing going on in the way of symptoms...except and this is going to sound crazy because I'm sure it is waaay too early...but round ligament pain???!!! It was pretty intense yesterday, first wondered if I was going to release another egg as it's only happening on the right side (after ov pains had been on the left), then worried about my appendix:dohh:...althou no other symptoms of appendicitis...silly fool:rofl: So yeah...still curious as to what the hell it is but trying not to think about it:wacko:
I was looking thru my charts this morning and I have only two others that haven't had a dip in temp between Ov and 4dpo...one september last year and the other Lil Bean's...Keep everything crossed for me girlies...so wanna join the rest of you with having had a :bfp::lol: xxxx
lisa that is fab, 4dpo :happydance: i can't wait to see if it's a :bfp: this cycle! keep us informed please!

glad you are all doing ok despite the nasty bugs etc that are going around.

i'm feeling great at the moment. i wouldn't say full of energy but just loads healthier. our 20 week scan is on the 8th november & we are staying team yellow :happydance: you will all have to wait & see if it's a little prince or princess. can't wait to see it moving around. hopefully we get some good pics this time too.
i have a cute little bump now, not huge but growing nicely. i love it!

well better dash, got chicken roasting in the oven as i worked yesterday so missed out on a nice roast with all the trimmings. can't wait to eat it, it smells fab xxxxxx
Hope you enjoyed the chicken Hayley....:munch:....you can't beat a roast with all the trimmings:winkwink:

Aww hope everything goes well on the 8th hun...and lil one is feeling photogenic:winkwink: As for team :yellow:....we enjoy the guessing!:winkwink::lol: 2nd Tri rocks Hun:thumbup: definately my fave bit of the pregnancy....I'm not really qualified to talk about 3rd Tri:dohh::rofl:

I definately will keep you updated...feeling hopeful at the moment...having a lot of strange cramps going on...but I guess we'll have to wait and see....I'm supposed to be testing on the 5th November....but you girls know me!:winkwink:

Big Hugs and Oooodles of Love:hugs::kiss:
Hey chickadees

Lisa I so have everything crossed for you hun, it sounds promising, and I cant wait to hear your news. xxxxx

Hayley, its great when you start to show and finally look pregnant rather than fat lol! I hate the inbetween stages, and the is she or isnt she glances from people!! lol!!!! You are gonna stay team yellow, I dont know how you girls do it, I just couldnt help myself, I like to be prepared, but then saying that I did start doubting the hospital as to whether they got the sex right and started to panic that the pink pram I bought would have to be returned lol!!!!

Louise, not long now hunnie, ooohhhh, how exciting, another bubba coming, yay!!! I have everything crossed for you that your labour will go as smooth and as painless as possible lol!!!

Well as for me, yes we are recovered thankfully and despite Macy unable to hold down any feeds she has put on a pound, so she is now 8lb 12oz, so she is doing really well. She is tucked up in bed now and I hope she wont wake for a good few hours yet, she was last fed at 6:30 so normally she will wake about 12:30ish for her next night time feed, I will be interested to see what the hour change does this weekend. She is now 4 weeks old, I cant believe it, but then saying that it feels like I have had her forever. I have been busy buying her Xmas pressies this week, all the sales are on, I managed to bag a right bargain, the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo for £67 from Argos, I know she wont be able to go in it in December but by end of Jan/Feb she should be able to and I know she will love it!!!

Anyway girls I am gonna hop it to bed now. Take care and lots of baby dust to you Lisa. xxxxxx
oh lisa how exciting got everything crossed for you lovely what a lovely early christmas present it would be to get a bfp!!

hayley not long till scan if your anything like me i was counting down the days, hours etc lol yeah for team yellow it really is worth it i found out with the other 2 and i must say it does feel extra special not know and exciting that no one else knows!!

clare cant believe macy is 4 weeks already why cant the baby stage go slow like pregnancy does. love the jumperoos never had anything like that when the other 2 with little will def be buying one!!

well it could be anytime now getting really scared!! i have a really bad cold, headache feel like i have th eflu coming really dont wanna go in to labour yet please!! getting loads of braxtons hicks very strong too so hope it wont be too long really wanted little one here so i could get him/her a pumpkin outfit lol will just have to wait till christmas xx

lots of love to you all xx
aww jane, i was saying today that i have to wait til xmas & halloween 2011 before i can dress baby up lol!

hope you liked my bump pic on facebook, excuse the unmatching pj's lol! feeling bigger than i look but i love it. work has been really busy coz of half term so i have booked tomorrow off. very unlike me to take time off but it's not just me i have to think about now. can't wait to put my feet up & chill!

lisa, any news or are you being good & not testing, fingers crossed for you sweety.

clare, macy is gorgeous in her little minnie mouse outfit, i love that picture of her, sooooo cute.

well i'd best make a cuppa as i have my eye on the box of maltesers in the cupboard, mmmmm yummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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