Sorry I haven't posted for so long girls, i've been reading and keeping up with you all though!
Claire, I hope things get moving for you soon! sounds like it wont be long now!
Loobs i'm so sorry about your dad

Will be praying for you and your family
Jane, omg a show?! thats exciting! i'm sure all will be okay, though, some people can walk around for weeks dilated a couple of cm without labour starting
Hayley, how are you doing? cant believe your in 2nd tri already!
As for me... well, i'm pretty stressed out at the moment. my midwife is driving me nuts. My fundal measurements have been a little off once or twice and they are just panicking over nothing. 4 weeks ago they thought the baby was too small, now they are saying it's too flippin' big!! My midwife is really into natural birth and homebirth and yet she is being so negative all the time, getting me to come in to be measured pretty much every week even though she has said herself that there's no cause for concern and its really chipping away at my confidence.
She said today that apparently, "we have to treat this like a first labour because it's clearly a bigger baby than your first". i mean, WTF does that even mean?? for one, EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT. EVERY PREGNANCY IS DIFFERENT. and, guess what, EVERY BIRTH IS DIFFERENT. also, what the hell makes a first time mum any less capable of giving birth than a second or third time mum?
her subtle comments and attitude towards my birth are full of unfounded negativity and it's really bothering me now. I have decided to decline all further fundal measurements because i just do not need this stress. Fundal measurements are notoriously innacurate at this stage of pregnancy, and she said herself that the reason why i've 'jumped ahead' on the chart is because baby has moved up a bit out of my pelvis, as is common with second babies.
Sorry for the rant girls, i'm just fed up with this negativity. Just a few weeks ago I was psyched for my birth, and now i am actually anxious about it which SUCKS. I'm having a completely natural homebirth with no drugs whatsoever, and the only way i am going to get through it and ENJOY it is if i feel confident - and if my caregivers dont trust my body to give birth then it's going to be hard for me to do the same. Ugh.
I'm just not going to call them until i hit transition. then they can show up to be there to watch me catch the baby, stitch me up if needs be, and then they can go home. Suits me fine! i wouldnt have minded them being there for more of the labour but I am losing confidence that they will be as hands-off as i want and need them to be.