Carly, frazer pooed and was sick after 3 feeds on tues, I was scared for the midwife weighing him on wed but he was fine.
Lucy is probably just taking too much and bringing back up what she doesn't need. All babies lose weight to start with.
You're doing a great job.
Love the new name beckii, how are you doing?
Pink, Like bb said, it varies. Frazer can be on for 10 mins or an hour. He always just takes one side though, I just change sides for his next feed even if its 10 mins later as long as he is on for a good while otherwise I use the same side to make sure he's getting all that he needs. You must be tired if you are feeding a lot then snuggling him in. It'll get easier. You're doing great.
I text Amy earlier. She has a problem with her kidney so they were going to try and drain it to see if that got rid of the infection. Fingers crossed it does so she can get home to Madeleine and Archie xx