We Waited-It-Out Successfully!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2012
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Just wanted to share my story of Waiting It Out. My little guy is a toddler now, but I think the decision/resolution to Wait It Out is usually made when the baby is small, so I decided to post this in Baby Club to encourage mamas who don't feel comfortable with crying-based sleep training.

That said, I don't want this to become a thread about whether sleep-training is bad. I decided that crying-based training, whether CC or CIO was something that I was not comfortable doing for a number of reasons (and honestly, given my son's personality, I don't believe it would have worked), but I also believe it's up to individual parents to decide what's right for their own family.

So, I basically did every bad thing that you're not "meant" to do with babies. I nursed to sleep, every time. I rocked. I held. I co-slept. I stayed in the room till he was asleep, rubbing his back or holding his hand.

And yes, it took a while for him to go to sleep in his own cot, by himself, and stay there all night, and sometimes it was pretty tough. But now, at just over two years old, he goes to bed happily every night, I kiss him goodnight and say "See you in the morning darling", close the door, and he sleeps through till we wake him up (7pm-7am).

There were no tears, all the dire threats people made about him never learning to self-settle and STTN didn't come true, and he moved through every stage to independence by himself, which I'm really happy about.

Here's how it went:

Birth-4 months: not a bad sleeper, needed to be nursed to sleep and often rocked too, woke 1-3 times a night, slept in a hammock
4-10 months: terrible, massive sleep regression, woke up to 8 times a night (usually 3-5 but often more). Gradually stopped needing rocking but still had to be fed to sleep every time. Started co sleeping after initial 3-hour stretch in cot
10-12 months: sleep improved, wakings down to 1-3 again
12 months on: sporadically stopped nursing to sleep -still had "last feed" but would unlatch himself and roll away towards cot, or as language improved, started murmuring "cot"
13 months: massive horrible regression, waking loads again. I tried Jay Gordon's gentle night weaning but he got a cold after two days so I stopped and never retried because the regression finished by itself
14 months: stopped co-sleeping - he would still wake, but could be put back in his cot instead of resisting
From 14 months: started STTN, at first 1-2 times a week, by 18 months, every night
19.5 months: another regression lasting 5 weeks with the arrival of baby sister and two colds
21 months: back to STTN every night. Gradually needed less back-rubbing and hand-holding in cot to fall asleep until by...
24 months: self-settling - can put in cot, say "Night-night" and leave the room, and he will go to sleep right away or after a few minutes of chatting to his soft toys

I know that to mums of babies who are up many times a night (mine often woke 6-8 times a night from 4 months till 10 months), the idea of having to wait two years until your child self-settles and STTN might seem nightmarish. But looking back, it just doesn't feel like that long.

Now that I'm on my second baby, I'm much more relaxed because I know how quickly everything changes, and how soon it will pass in the big scheme of things. I will definitely WIO again, despite having had a "bad" aka probably quite normal sleeper for my first.

Anyone else want to share stories of Waiting It Out?
Thank you for this. :)

We are still waiting it out. On bad nights my guy wakes up anywhere from every 1 hour to every 30 minutes. On the occasional night he will sleep 6 hours before waking every 1-2 hours before getting up for the day. Most nights he will wake every 2 hours or so. He's 18 months.

I'm the middle of July he decided he didn't want to go to sleep. Since then we have had to either walk with him wrapped on or drive to get him to sleep. The past few weeks he's been OK to nurse to sleep for naps rather than walking/driving. I think that's progress! We're still walking/driving for night time sleep.

Your post gives me hope. I can see progress in his sleep. I know it's going to get better. Thank you.
Thank you for this. :)

We are still waiting it out. On bad nights my guy wakes up anywhere from every 1 hour to every 30 minutes. On the occasional night he will sleep 6 hours before waking every 1-2 hours before getting up for the day. Most nights he will wake every 2 hours or so. He's 18 months.

I'm the middle of July he decided he didn't want to go to sleep. Since then we have had to either walk with him wrapped on or drive to get him to sleep. The past few weeks he's been OK to nurse to sleep for naps rather than walking/driving. I think that's progress! We're still walking/driving for night time sleep.

Your post gives me hope. I can see progress in his sleep. I know it's going to get better. Thank you.
You're welcome... And you're right, it WILL get better.

I actually changed the timeline in my post to better reflect the back-and-forth nature of the progression, in response to your post.

Hang in there, mama. :hugs:
Another successful WIO-er! Our daughter is 14 months and she doesn't STTN but she sleeps 7-7 with 1-2 wakings. She coslept from about 6-10 months approximately (she was waking every 30-60 min during that time). She moved to her own crib around 10-11 months.
Great post! :)
Still waiting it out with my 2.5 year old but I know we will get there when she's ready :).
Thank you for this. After an hour of being told by my health visitor that i need to drop the bedtime bottle and leace her in her cot.....do not pick her up and let her self settle. I needed to hear this. I have been wanting to wio sine birth but i get hassle all the time, plus i am exhausted after some 3 hour wake ups. She can and does sttn usually 2-3 times a week but the other nights are usually terrible.
Thank you for this. After an hour of being told by my health visitor that i need to drop the bedtime bottle and leace her in her cot.....do not pick her up and let her self settle. I needed to hear this. I have been wanting to wio sine birth but i get hassle all the time, plus i am exhausted after some 3 hour wake ups. She can and does sttn usually 2-3 times a week but the other nights are usually terrible.

No HV should be "telling" you how to parent (see my thread "The dangers of advice") but giving you options and ideas IF and WHEN you ask for them. I had a HV (new one I'd never seen before) totally back me when I said I was still feeding LO when she woke at night at 20months; admitting she did the same with her third child. As long as I was happy with the arrangement she saw no reason to tell me to do otherwise as there was no HEALTH implication.
We are a wait it out family. DD is having terrible regressions right now. Not once have I felt the need to be hard on my 6 month old or push independence. I had a baby to have a baby, not an adult.

Thank you for your lovely story.
I needed to read this today! We've had a week of half hourly wake ups with DD for no apparent reason and I have been tempted to try to night wean her despite feeling that WIO is the right route (and DD is a fire cracker, she wouldn't tolerate anything else!). We waited it out with DS and it took a long time but he is now a great sleper. He almost always goes to bed without a fuss, we read a story and say godnight and he falls asleep on his own. Sleeps for 12 hours just waking to take himself to the toilet and wakes up refreshed :)
Currently my 8 month old feeds to sleep in my arms, I wait a few minutes then put her in her cot. Some nights she'll stay right through til about 7am, some nights she'll wake once or twice but a quick cuddle gets her straight back to sleep. She hasn't needed a night feed for ages.

I'm gradually trying to reduce how soon I put her down when she's asleep on me, so soon I'll be putting her straight down once she's fed.
My 14month old still wakes, I love the squishy nighttime cuddles. I've never thought the need to sleep train or even be bothered that she wakes up :shrug:

Most people have stopped asking if she sleeps through, as they just get "no" :haha:
Thanks for joining in, everyone, it's great to hear other stories!

There are two things I want to make clearer. First, I didn't have to do anything to get my LO from stage to stage. Each step happened entirely on its own and usually totally out of the blue. One week he was nursing to sleep every night; next week he just started unlatching himself. One week he was waking once or twice, the next he just started sleeping through.

Second, every choice I made was the easiest choice. He always nursed to sleep because that was the quickest and easiest thing to do. Co sleeping was a lot easier than going back and forth all night. Holding his hand was easier than trying to convince him to just fall asleep by patting or just waiting in the room. So although it sometimes took a long time, bedtime was never really a battle. I have friends who didn't want to feed their LO to sleep because they didn't want to form a "bad habit", but they had to deal with bedtime battles for months instead.

Sometimes I would have to rub his back for a really long time till he fell asleep during that stage, and that was probably the most frustrating part. I learned that it was important for me to make sure I ate and went to the toilet right before going to put him to bed so that I wasn't struggling with hunger or the need to pee while helping him go to sleep.
I needed to read this, this morning. Thanks.

18 months old and we had a 2am - 5am rave last night (again) :coffee:
Great to hear other wio success stories too!

I have tried letting my guy lay in bed with me until he goes to sleep, either nursing to sleep or just sleeping when he's ready, but he just doesn't. We waited until 1 am one night and then dh put him in the Boba and rocked him for a little while and then he finally came to bed with me and nursed to sleep. I really don't think my guy will ever just get tired and go to sleep. :wacko::haha::coffee:

We wrap him on and walk with him most nights (unless it's raining) and he is usually out like a light within 10 minutes.
I deff needed to see this. My LO used to sleep so nicely, now he's up constantly. Between being sick and having trouble with my teeth, it's just miserable. But that's just how it is. And it won't be like that for long.
Ha, I've literally just created a post entitled '4 month sleep regression'. It's bloody hard. She was a much better sleeper until recently. Can it really last months? :cry:

I'm like you, I've no problem nursing, rocking, swaying etc to sleep. But nothing much is helping my LO's sleep at the moment. I'm a believer of going at baby's pace, which is why she used to nap on me all the time until relatively recently. She takes the lead. But this sleep regression is hard! Even so, I'd never ever agree with CC or CIO.
I needed to read this, this morning. Thanks.

18 months old and we had a 2am - 5am rave last night (again) :coffee:

Oh man! I bet i will be on tomorrow with the same story. We have had 1 great night and 1 ok night so tonight we are doomed i reckon.

I seemed to be surrounded by people with brilliant sleepers. Its nice to hear i am not completely alone!
I'm going to WIO too. I did read the No-cry sleep solution, mostly because I wanted to help him nap beyond 40 minutes but it didn't help much. After a very unsettled phase between 4-6 months (needing hourly resettles after his night feed until 5ish when he was up for the day), my LO has recently dropped to one night feed around 3/4am and can settle himself afterwards. He then sleeps to around 6am. Although I'm encouraged by the direction things are going for us it's great to hear a positive WIO story from someone with an older (and STTN) LO. Well done you!
Fab thread :)

My eldest didnt STTN til he was 3.2 yrs old so i didnt hold my breathe for his little brother to miraculously be any better, infact hes worse but he will get there, eventually.

A little patience will pay off, its just hard to remember that at 2am when babies refusing to go back to sleep.

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