Im am after some advice sorry if in the wrong section but at my wits end.Well bascially my daughter is coming up for 7 months old and is still breastfed.I started her on solids on and off since she was 4 and a half months old then started her on b/fast every day for a few weeks like jars and home made fruit puree that was fine.Then incressed it to tea time meal witch was either fruit puree which i made or veggies pureed right down.Then i started to notice a change in her poohs.She was passing the odd big hard stools about 2/3 times a day and this happend for about a week even though she seemed fine although straining to go for a poo.So took her up the doctors and my doctor said he was sure nothing was majorly wrong prehahps her bowls were not mature enough and gave her a gentle laxative which did nothing.So i took a step back and just breastfed her for 8 days to restart her system witch worked fine nice loose poos again.So started her slowly on baby rice and incresed it to 2 time a day morning and before she went to bed and been doing that for a few weeks now and now we are back to square 1 passing the odd big hard stool again.She is getting plenty of water as well as being B/fed.Not sure if this is normal where its her bowls adapting to solids or what just wondering if anyone else has experenced this?Im now thinking i should now go back to just B/feeding again to restart her system again .But i cant keep doing this all the time coz she is getting older.Anyone have any ideas what i could do?