Hi there Ladies.
I'm sorry to gate crash but I'm new to this site and utterly hopeless and wanted to ask Miss Redknob a question.
I read in an old thread from quite some time ago that you were trying to conceive using cassava. I was just wondering if you have any tips on using it, was the supplement you were using reputable? And is there any where at all that a reputable product is sold in Aus? I wanted to start ASAP but best I can figure is that if I get it from the US it'll take 20 days or so. We're taking a break from ttc atm for 3m while I'm on my health kick and dealing with this missed mc, so I wanted to maximise the time as much as I could before we get to the goal line as I've heard for max benefit you need 5m. I've asked 2 local naturopaths and no one stocks it, 1 hadn't even heard of it but deals specifically with fertility! Do any other Aussie ladies have experience with the supplement form and sourcing it? Actually anyone?
Fingers and toes crossed so tightly for you Mommatoboys