Here's Eric's antics for those who asked and anyone else interested
not sure all will be in this order I just did a numbered list to make sure I had enough ideas
1. Arrive on balloon with swing attached (helium balloon and swing props)
2. Bowling (prop)
3. Looking after baby elf (prop)
4. Elf post box for Xmas lists (make kids toy letter box into elf post box)
5. Xmas jumper day (prop)
6. Fake snow (shop bought, thinking i'll have him making a snow angel)
7. Wrap door in paper like a present
8. Top of tree
9. Sledge down banister (prop)
10. Cheerio donuts (maybe sharing them with other toys)
11. Grow sugar into candy canes
12. Taking chocolate from calendars
13. Toilet paper the tree
14. Reading Xmas books
15. Playing a board game
16. Stickers all over himself
17. Making Elf sandwiches with sprinkles
18. Skittles experiment
19. Elf footprints (I have a stencil, probably do this one on the last day)
20. North pole breakfast
21. Date with barbie (watching drive in movie in barbie car)
22. Block fort
23. Elf photo over one of ours (Elf holding vtech camera)
24. Xmas Light bulb (Elf on light, I got this bulb from b&m which projects Xmas images)